Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 14

"You can't just do that, Nathan," she was almost shouting. "You made me like a collateral damage, you had me thrice, making me a bed warmer. Now, you gonna put my dad in jail! I won't allow you, I swear!" she was started to despise him. Nathan Wolfe won't changed, it would be hard for him to changed that easy.

"Try me, babe," he was saying it angrily. His neck and face were red, and his fists were clenching so hard.

He started the engine and drove really fast, she was holding tightly on her seat. Good thing she was wearing a seat belt, because if not, she might be thrown out that easily if they meet in an accident.

"Slow down, will you!" She was ordering him, but he ignored her. He even drove faster. They were overtaking the other cars, and fear started to build up in her chest.

"If you want to die, do it alone!" She was shouting, she could not contain her anger anymore. "If you didn't slow down, I swear I'll jump." There was a warning in her voice, her eyes were releasing fire.

This impossible, rude, possessive and bipolar man will cause her a heart attack.

Nathan slowed down, but it's still fast. She just faced the window and closed her eyes. She felt so tired, she is so sure that Nathan won't bow down even if he had a mistake.

He used to live in a life where everybody just followed and nodded in his every orders. That's what money can do, it will make you feel like a god. It will make you feel superior than any other human beings. Being wealthy, makes you feel like you can control everything, even people's emotion.

She was really wondering why God allowed her to be with this man. It's very obvious that she's not the one who can tame the beast inside him. She wanted to cry, but she fought hardly for her tears to fell down. She will never cry again in front of this man.

Deep inside her heart, she was so afraid, she was afraid where her current situation might led her. At this point in time, she could not stop herself for blaming her father.

He should know where his betrayal dragged her. Rhianna fell asleep because of so much stress she had these past few days.

Nathan stopped the car when they reach the hotel. They had a dinner reservation there. He looked at the woman beside him, her eye lashes were wet, it was a sign that she cried.

He took a deep and heavy sigh. He didn't mean to frightened her. He just wanted her to obey his rules. But this woman has the guts to make him pissed, annoyed and amused at the same time. He was so surprised in her reactions earlier, she looked like a fragile kitten, with a sharp claws who was ready to fight those who want to hurt her.

"We're here, babe," he touched her smooth face. She just growl, and remained asleep. She was snoring, he smiled at what she looked like, her kissable lips were slightly parted, and it looks so tempting. She didn't had any idea what she's doing with a man.

He was so tempted to kiss her, he stared at her face for a few a minutes. Again, he could not control himself, and he kissed her lightly on her lips.

He didn't bother to wake her up, instead he carried her from his car to the reception area. Hotel staffs approached her and tried to help him, but he refused. He will not allow any man to touch Rhianna.

They gave him their card key, they are in a VIP suite. He carefully put her on the bed.

She opened her eyes, and saw Nathan was staring at her face, she felt unconscious. She simply wiped the side of her mouth, it's a shame if he saw her drooling.

"Are you okay?" Nathan asked her. She just nodded. "You can take a rest, babe. We will go to the restaurant for dinner. We have reservations there." Nathan was talking to her, his both hands were in his pockets. He came closer and planted a kiss on her lips. "I'll just go outside." Nathan handed her the phone.

She took the phone, and didn't look at him, she didn't get over yet for what happened earlier.

She called her father's number, it rings, and it gave her hope. The phone keeps on ringing. But just like the other day, nobody answered it. She called again the number, it can't be reached. Her father might turned it off.

She was so frustrated, she couldn't believe that her father would actually do it to her. John Sullivan was a very dignified and the most honest person she had ever known. She is so sure that he was hiding something from her, and the most frustrating part is she has no idea what it could be.

When she opened her inbox, she found forty eight messages from Hank. Asking where she was, that he was so worried about her. He even mentioned that he couldn't even see her father for a couple of days. After sending her replies that she was okay, her phone immediately rang. It was Hank, who was calling her.

She hesitates if she will answer it or not. Yana took a deep sigh before she answered it.

"What's up, Hanky," she tried to sound calm and collected. "My god! Sweetheart! I've been trying to reach out on you, but you were out of coverage. Where have you been? Are you home? What is happening?" She laughed because he asked her so many questions as if there's no tomorrow. "Relax, Hanky, I'm always fine. Don't try to visit me at home, because I wasn't there. We are in Miami-"

Before she could think what to say, the word spilled out. Hank became silent for a while. "We? With whom?" His voice was so curious, he even sounded desperate to know where she was right now.

She was so afraid to lie to him, he was her best friend. He knew everything about her, and they promised to each other that they wouldn't keep any secrets. But her promise to him started to get broken, when she met Nathan.

The man's name was like a bell ringing in her head. She remembered how pissed he was, especially when she mentioned Hank. "Just with a friend, I'll be back in a couple of days, Hanky." She was stammering, she didn't want to lie at all. He heard him take a deep sigh. "Can you please turn on your phone? So that I can call you," he was almost pleading. The sound of his voice makes her feel that he missed her terribly.

"Sure, Hanky. I will send you messages too. You are the first one to know when I returned home." She paused for a while, she was waiting for his answer but he remained silent. "Have you seen my dad?" she asked him.

"No, sweetheart. I thought you and your dad were together. The day you didn't come home, was the same day since I last saw him. He looked uneasy, I thought he was sick at that time."

Rhianna took a sigh, "I'm looking for him too, we didn't fight if that's what you think. The truth is, we were happy before I went with a friend."

"Alright, sweetheart, if you need anything, I'm just a call away. You know I always care, I miss you, Yana." His words were like a knife slicing her heart. Her tears fell down, she missed her best friend too.

"I miss you too Hanky-" she told him sincerely.

Then the door opens and Nathan's dagging looks appeared. She slowly put down her phone, and placed it on her lap. She heard Hank's voice as if saying his goodbyes, but she turned off her phone.

"Get ready, babe, I'll wait outside," his voice was lack of emotions. His eyes were unreadable and his face was redder.

She just nodded at him, after throwing a quick glance at the phone on her lap, he closed the door.

She fixed herself, and put some make up, her eyes were red and swelling, and her eyes bugs were showing. She put a concealer, and the make up covers the stress that was written on her face.

She opened the door, she saw Nathan ok n the hallway, while busy talking in his phone. He looked at her, their eyes met, an emotion crossed his eyes for a moment, but it was gone in an instant.

Nathan turned off his phone and stand in front of her. His handsome face made her heart beat faster than usual. He was smiling at her, but it didn't reach his eyes.

He took her hand, and entwined their fingers together. She blushed while looking at him, she saw that his jaw was moving.

They walked silently, until they reached the elevator. The restaurant has different people eating. It is a five star hotel, and she is sure that their service is very good.

The hotel staffs were assisting them, after few minutes of sitting, their food arrives. It seems that Nathan didn't want to keep her waiting for their food.

Just like what he always do, Nathan puts some food on her plate. He has this romantic side, she thought.

"I tried to call John, but he was out of coverage," Nathan told her. But what he said next makes her wanted to fell down from her seats.

"I need to find him, because our wedding will be in two weeks from now."

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