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Chapter 15

"Wedding? Two weeks? I won't marry you!" Yana's voice sounds uncontrollable. She won't marry him, being with him for almost four days makes her feel suffocated, how much more if he will marry her. She is so sure that she is gonna die early, being with Trace for too long was a punishment for her.

"Lower your voice, babe." Nathan told her, his voice was in total control, but she noticed how he clenched his jaw.

"You don't have to worry about the expenses, we will even hire the best wedding coordinator in New York." Nathan told her while continuously eating his food.

She is wondering why this man was so calm and collected. While she was almost dying upon hearing what he said. Even the food on their table has no appeal to her.

How can she eat very well if she almost sold her freedom? She hid her fist under the table. May the Lord grant her more patience.

"I'm not into games, Mr. Wolfe," she told him. She even mentioned his last name that she knew for sure will make him pissed. She's not wrong, because Nathan looked at her eyes. His eyes was burning in anger. But it didn't scare her. This ruthless beast should know that he can't always get what he wants.

"I'm not playing games with you, Rhianna. Because if I do, I won't marry you. Why would I let myself be tied and bound to a plain and simple woman? Besides I can still f*ck you whenever and wherever I want!" His words were like a sharp knife that hurt her heart.

"I already have you, I owned you to be exact. Don't you remember that you are paying your father's debt to me?"

Nathan wiped his mouth with the table napkin, and looked at her, he was giving her a sarcastic smile.

"If you are married to me, you will get all the privileges that my wife should have. You can have mansions, jewelries, businesses, around the world tour, you name it." His eyes were searching her very soul, as if convincing her to marry him.

"So, don't make me feel that I owe you something just to marry me. Because in your current situation, you needed me more than I needed you, so think again."

Nathan moved to the chair next to her, she can feel the heat of her body, because of his nearness. He was now caressing her left arm, his manly scent lingers on her nostrils.

His hands were moving up and down, leaving a burning sensation in her flesh. His mount went to her neck, gently nibbling and biting it. She closed her eyes in the sensation. She could not control her body when it came to him.

"You seemed to enjoy it, babe," Nathan told her while planting small kisses on her neck. His mouth claimed her mouth and kissed her tenderly. His hand was almost burning, it left a hot sensation that she couldn't name.

"I like your smell, babe, it's a mixture of floral and citrus. I won't get tired of smelling you all day." Nathan said in between kisses. "Your lips was the sweetest lips I've ever kissed." Nathan was claiming against her lips.

When she remembered how many lips he kissed, she pushed him away. It was strong enough to move him. He stopped kissing her and fixed his tuxedos that crumpled a little.

"What's with you?" Nathan asked her, he didn't like to interrupt their kisses.

He was frowning, and seemed to have changed his mood.

She didn't answer, she was really annoyed because he was such a womanizer.

They were eating silently, there was Japanese fried rice and beef steak along with crispy wrapped chicken. It's more like an Asian cuisine, and she admits that she ate a lot. Though their restaurant serves special delicacies too. But this restaurant has a different style of cooking. She would like to compliment the chef if possible.

They were eating their desserts, when one of the waiters came to them. He was holding a bouquet of flowers. She frowned when the waiter gave it to her.

"Where did these flowers come from?" She gave him a smile, maybe Nathan gave it to her. She looked at him, and gave him a smile. This man is sweet, really. But she felt a sudden fear, when he didn't smile back, instead he was looking angrily at the flowers. But why would he get mad? Unless the flowers didn't come from him.

Her eyes grew bigger, as she realized that the flowers came from someone else. While looking at those flowers, her smiles vanished instantly.

She looked around and tried to find out who might have given it. But everyone seemed so busy, nobody even paid attention to them. She was looking for the waiter who gave those flowers to her, but she couldn't see him.

Nathan's face was red, and he didn't talk anymore. Is he jealous? she asked herself.

No! This arrogant man never gets jealous. Jealousy is for those people who fell in love. It's just his ego that was being hurt.

She put down the flowers, on the other chair, and ate silently. She is really wondering who will be the one, who gave it. Because she was so curious, she pulled out the card that was included in the bouquet and read it.

Your smile makes my day

You're so lovely I may say

So, please do me a favor…

I want to know more.


Who was that? She really had no idea, she smiled at the thought that she has a secret admirer. Many people say that she is beautiful, her kind of beauty is striking, that makes other people give her a second look.

She was aware of what she looked like, she had many suitors during her college and high school days. But Hank was always cautious about whom she should befriend. Nathan took the card from her, his movement was quick, he read the note and turned it into pieces. He was breathing heavily, while his face became redder.

"If I only knew that a bouquet of flowers will make you smile like insane, I'd rather showered you flowers every day than wet kisses," Nathan commented, his face didn't change the expression. He looks dangerously pissed.

When the waiter came to clean up their table, Nathan took the flowers from the chair, and gave it to the waiter.

"Throw this, garbage," he said unenthusiastically. She didn't comment on what he did, because they might start a fight. She was so tired of their endless arguments. Besides, whatever she might say, Nathan wouldn't listen. She can do nothing to depend on herself.

She took a heavy sigh, while rolling her eyes, this man is really bipolar.

"I'll buy you more flowers, babe. You don't need that one," Nathan told her.

"Seems you have a secret admirer huh?" He said sarcastically, his eyes burning in anger. "You seemed to enjoy the affection he has for you. Before the morning came, I found out who he was."

"Because of what he did, his life would be miserable." Nathan's voice was more dangerous, she never thought that this man would be cruel like this.

"What if the waiter was wrong? What if the flowers belong to somebody else? You might hurt an innocent man." She tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. She breathes calmly when the tension between them subsides.

"Still, I will find out who he was. I'm not fully convinced that the flowers did not belong to you, babe. Now, the end of discussion." Yana chose not to make comments about it. It's just a simple flower for Pete's sake!

"Let's go back to our room, babe and let's take a rest. We will stay one more day here in Miami. We will go swimming tomorrow." Nathan stood up and guided her to stand. But the hotel manager announced that the new band will give their opening number.

The band's name was La Buena. The band started to play their music, and the lead vocalist started to hum, they are pretty girls in their twenties she thinks. They are now singing their version of Through the Years by Kenny Rogers.

Few couples started to go to the dance floor. Nathan held her hand tenderly and guided her to the dancefloor.

The last time they danced went erotically. She blushed upon remembering what had happened. When she felt Nathan's warm hands on her waist, she felt a tingling sensation in her body, especially in the inner part of her thigh.

His smell was so alluring, she rested her head on his chest, she heard his heartbeat, and his lightly breathing.

What if they met in different circumstances?

Not like this, that she needs to pay his father's debt to make her stay by his side. Would she find it romantic? Would she find him attractive in spite of his arrogance and rudeness? She closed her eyes, and searched for herself, then she concluded.

She thinks so, her heart admits, she thinks so.

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