Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 19

Rhianna was tossing and turning endlessly on the bed, she liked to get some sleep, but her mind was still active. She got up from the bed and went to the shower room.

There was a bathtub inside, she made a bubble bath and dipped herself for a moment. She felt so relaxed and pampered, she stayed there for an hour before she returned to the bed and tried to sleep.

But Nathan's voice was ringing in her ear.

"When I get back, I'll tell you who Stacey Langley was." She needed to know the story, everybody deserves a fair hearing after all. She felt pity for Stacey and sympathy for Nathan.

She needs to know why Scott despised him, and she has nothing to do to depend on Nathan, she doesn't know the whole story.

She got up again, and picked up her phone. She called Nathan's number but it was just ringing, he must be very busy because of the days that they were in Miami.

She stared at her phone for a couple of minutes, as if she was searching the answers through the screen. She took a deep sigh and lied down again, she closed her eyes and created happy thoughts. She finally fell asleep after a couple of minutes.

Nathan was massaging his forehead, somebody sabotaged their winery.

Hundreds of people were poisoned because of their newly launched wine. The number was even rising, and it became a threat in their wine and liquor business.

He was sure that it passed a series of test before they introduced it to the market. They even paid a large amount of money for the endorsers.

Its sales reached its highest last month. But its success didn't last longer, news was already spread even in social media and it bothers the investors, they wanted to pull out their shares.

It won't hurt his pocket even if the wine business was closed, he has a lot of sources from his other businesses.

But he wanted to know who was involved in this crime. He gave his best effort for this business, and he doesn't want to give it up.

"Give me all the records of our chemical analyst, I want it ASAP," he ordered his secretary through a phone call. He received a trembling "yes sir" from her.

They knew his temper, especially when it involved his company. He didn't want to be rude and barbaric, he was trying to change his personality, though he admits that it was his best asset when it comes to business.

The business world he runs with calls him shark and wolf because of his tactics, he plays dirty sometimes but he is sure that it's forgivable. He never intended to hurt anybody, he believes in the power of fairness and justice.

He took his phone from his pocket and saw two missed calls from Rhianna. He took a heavy sigh, he wanted to tell her his current situation before he left her. But he has no guts to say it, he didn't want to bother her.

He knew how worried she was about her father, and he didn't want to be an addition to her problems, she had enough of it he thought.

He called her back, but it was just ringing, so he turned it off. She must be sleeping by now.

Moments later, Austin came in with his trusted men. There were four men who invaded his office.

"Nate, I'd like you to meet Markus, Grant and Levi. They were my colleagues back in the military, they were equipped and ready for this kind of operation." Austin was talking seriously, he was different from the Austin who picked them up earlier. He even looked dignified and full of authority while sitting comfortably in front of him. Same as the three men who were silently listening to them.

"I told you to get the records of the personnel who were working inside and know the operations in the winery." He crossed his arm on his chest.

"I believed that maybe one of them was involved," Austin said.

"Are you saying it was an inside job?" His voice was hard, he won't give a benefit of the doubt to his employee if the allegations were true.

"It's just a guess, we were not sure yet, that's why we need a careful investigation." Austin stood up and headed to the coffee maker, he prepared coffee for all. He distributed it one by one to them when it was ready.

"Does Rhianna know about all this?" Austin was asking him, then he sips his coffee. "No, it's better this way, it's better that she knows nothing," he replied.

Austin just nodded, Nathan glad that he didn't comment on anything.

His mind went to Rhianna, what she is doing right now? Is she alright? Does she bother about Stacey? His mind was filled with so many questions, even the possibilities that Rhianna might run away when she found who Stacey was. But even he didn't exactly know what happened almost four years ago.

All he knew was the fact that Scott should not blame him for his sister's death.

He wasn't responsible for it, even if her whole family believes that he was the reason why she chose to end her life.

"We will sort out all the names, we will check their backgrounds, if we find no fault we shall proceed to the plan b." It was Austin again, he was frowning as if he was in deep thought.

Austin's phone rang so he excused, and went to the corner of his office, near the glass window. He was talking seriously, his face went red and his neck's veins appeared.

"Go to hell!" He heard how hard and dangerous his tone was. He turned off his phone and walked towards them.

"We are going now, brute. I'll call you if there's progress. Don't forget to send the files via Email." Austin offered a handshake, and so the three other men.

When they were gone, he looked at his wristwatch, it's almost 5:30 pm. He took his coat and headed to the door. He called her restaurant to deliver food in his pad. She is surely missing the food they are serving.

He called her again but still, there was no answer. He decided to go to the bar just near their office. After parking his car, he stepped inside. Few people were there, he badly needed to take a shot before going home, to calm his senses. It wasn't his first time in that bar, he visited there often years ago.

Nathan was sitting silently at the bar's counter, the bartender was busy mixing cocktails. A group of young ladies entered and they were laughing soundly.

They reminded him of a scenario four years ago when he met Stacey Langley. When the bartender gave him whiskey, the memory from four years flashed back.

Year 2016

After a long day at work Nathan went to the bar, he's going to meet some friends. Being one of the most sought after bachelors in town wasn't easy. Especially that some paparazzis are chasing those bachelors to make some stories.

He was busy typing on his phone, because Atty Dawson texted him and he replied.

A group of sexy chicks entered, they looked like rich kids. In their sixteenth or seventeenth. They were all beautiful, and one of the girls noticed him. She was the most beautiful among her friends. Her straight long brown hair was dancing as she walked to their table.

She was biting her lips as she looked straight at him. He knew her kind, a liberated young lady who loves attention. They are always into fun, an easy-go-lucky kind of girl.

Moments later, the young woman approached him. She deliberately gave him motives, it's obvious in her actions.

"Hello, handsome. Mind if I join you?" She was smiling seductively at him.

"Sure," he said. The woman sat beside him, he saw her cleavage, she was wearing a mini dress with a plunging neckline.

"I'm Stacey, and you are?" The woman asked while extending her hand.

"Nathan," he said simply. He didn't want to stay there any longer. He should think of other ways to avoid her.

Nathan stood up, but her hands stopped him. "I want to know you more, Nathan," Stacey told him.

"I saw your pictures in the business magazines, I've been a fan since then," she said. She was brave enough to tell her feelings boldly.

"When I entered here I saw you, so I got the courage to talk to you." She was still holding his arm.

"I need to go, my business associate can't make it, so there's no reason to stay here." He wanted to dismiss her, she was just a girl in his eyes. She could be his younger sister for Pete's sake!

"Can I see you again?" She batted her eyelashes, to make her look cute but it annoyed him. He just nodded in response.

He walked away when he heard what she said. "I'll be in your office sometimes." But he didn't look back.

After two days, he received a series of calls from the same number. He didn't bother to answer it. He thought it was just a prank caller. That's why he was surprised when she visited her in his office.

"Mr. Wolfe, Miss Langley was looking for you, she said she is your girlfriend. Should I let her in?" His secretary told her over the intercom.

"Send her in, thank you," he said. He was wondering about her sudden visit.

Moments later, the door opened and there she was, standing confidently in her beautiful red dress. She was wearing a bright smile on her face.

"Hi! I told your secretary that I am your girlfriend so that she'll let me in." She was smiling all ears. "I brought lunch for us, I was hungry and I remembered you so I-"

"What is it you want Miss Langley?" He cut her off. "I'm sorry but I'm busy and I don't have time for this nonsense." He didn't mean to be rough, but he didn't want to appear like he was giving her false hope. He knew she liked him, it's obvious! But he needs to tell her the truth.

Her face saddened, and she was almost teary eyed. She was beautiful he admits, he even noticed that she is witty, smart and very confident. Surely many guys are trying to get her attention.

"I know you like me, it's very obvious. But you're not my type. You are very young, I am thirty three and your age seems to be double my age." He stood up and held her shoulders. Stacey was looking down on the floor. She was crying because her shoulders were moving.

"I won't bother you again," she told him.

He was relieved when he heard her words.

"Can I make one request before I left?" She was wiping her tears on her face.

"Anything," he answered.

"Can I kiss you?" Stacey told him, she looked determined to get what she wanted.

He smelled something about the sudden change of her mood, but he agreed.

When Stacey tiptoed to kiss him, she pressed her lips tightly to his. He didn't move and just let her kiss him. But he pushed her away when he heard a clicking sound of a camera. She took a selfie while she was kissing him!

She was now smiling triumphantly, while waving her phone. He was pissed, because she tricked him. It's really true that Stacey Langley gets what she wants.

After a few days, their kissing photos spread in social media, even in women's magazines. He knew that Stacey had planned all these. She even had an interview telling about their whirlwind romance. The press and the people were on her side. Since he strongly denied it.

Then an incident happened and the fingers were pointed at him. Stacey killed herself, and the blame was on him.

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