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Chapter 21

"Careful, sweetheart." A familiar and soothing voice of her best friend. Hank was still holding her waist, he was intently looking at her eyes. She saw gladness and sadness at the same time.

"Take off your hands, young man before I could break your pretty neck!" It was just a whisper coming from Nathan, but it sounds like thunder in her ear.

Nathan was just standing near their car, his eyebrows were in one line and his jaw was moving. She even saw that his face was so red, it only means that he did not like what he saw. Hank still for a while, but released her afterwards.

"I was calling you, sweetheart, but your phone was always out of reach. Where have you been these past weeks?" Hank was asking him, his voice was full of concern. She even noticed that Hank was somewhat bothered. She wasn't sure, but he seemed distant. Maybe Hank was avoiding Nathan's anger. But she knew her best friend, he wasn't afraid of anyone.

Before she could answer, Nathan was standing beside, he snaked his arm around her waist territorially. As if telling the man in front of him that he owned her.

"She's off limits, young man, you can't just come near her anytime and anywhere you like," Nathan told Hank boldly.

"You don't own her Mr.Wolfe. You can't prevent me from coming near her. We were best friends even before you came into the scene." Hank was fighting Nathan's dagging look. "I will stay away from Rhianna if she told me so."

"No, you stay away from her because I told you so. And do it as soon as possible."

Nathan's arms holding became tighter. She almost can't breathe, as if her bones would be crushed. "Let me go, Nathan, I'm hurting." But Nathan was still holding her, as if he was afraid that she would run away from him any moment.

"Please, babe," her voice was lower asking for his understanding. Then Nathan lossen his arm but didn't release her.

"Can you explain, sweetheart, what is happening right now? Were you forced to be with him? You can tell me, I will help you." Hank was really determined to find answers. "You were gone for almost ten days and you were with him. Plus the fact that you didn't even know him before. But he is calling you babe? As if he bought your soul-," Hank stopped for a while, as if weighing what was the possible reason why she was with Nathan Wolfe.

"You're right, I bought her, and she is mine. I don't want to explain in detail, but what you see is what you get, so back off." Nathan lifted his chin and kissed her passionately in front of her best friend. Well in fact Nathan's words were like a knife, creating a deep wound in her heart. For him, she was just like one of his possessions. She was just a thing that he bought from the store, and she hates herself for expecting another reason why he likes to be with her.

"I also don't want to give you the details of what we did for the last ten days, because you surely won't like it. Look at her, do you think she is the same Rhianna ten days ago?" Nathan was deliberately planting a seed of insecurities in Hank's mind.

"I told you to stay away from him. Did he harass you?" Hank was asking her while his eyes were full of pain. She remembered his warning, but she wasn't ready to tell him the reason why she was with Nathan. If he only knew that she was sold to debt. But she didn't want to ruin Hank's admiration for her father.

"Enough for questions, young man. We are late for our appointments." Nathan took her hands and started to walk towards the boutique. "By the way, expect to hear the news about our upcoming wedding." Nathan tapped Hank's shoulder and they left him, she saw how Hank followed them with his eyes.

She felt pity for her friend, she didn't want to end her friendship with Hank. He has been her knight in shining armor since they were kids. She didn't remember that Hank made her cry, he was one of the most dependable men she knew. He was always willing to give way for her, she was like a spoiled girlfriend. But now, she turned her back to him because of her fear that Nathan might do something to him. That's why she decided to talk to him every chance she could get.

She will definitely do anything she could do to talk to him and explain everything, she hopes that he will understand her.

Hank was watching the two entering the boutique. Rhianna didn't know that he hired a private investigator to find her whereabouts. He found out that she was in Miami, and she knew that she was with Nathan Wolfe, the ruthless and bad ass business man he knew. But he was wondering why she was with him. The investigator said that there was no kidnapping, they were even seen in a party before Rhianna left. He reviewed the CCTV and found out that Nathan went there, one day before she left for Miami.

He hurriedly came to the boutique because somebody informed him that Nathan Wolfe had a meeting with them together with his current girlfriend that happened to be Rhianna. So he waited for hours, because he might have missed them.

He saw when Nathan's car arrived, and he lost his guts to approach Rhianna, so he bumped into her. He noticed the surprised in her eyes and the fear and uneasiness at the same time.

He knew her very well, her eyes couldn't lie to him, there was something bothering her, and she was hiding something from him.

He was even curious where John Sullivan could possibly go. He was missing the same day as Rhianna's.

He took one more look at the store and rode in his car, he will dig more deeper to find out what was happening. Something was really wrong, he could feel it. And he will do anything in his power to save Rhianna from that ruthless and heartless guy.

"I will show you some samples of our new designs." It was the boutique's owner and designer Regina Montez. A Latina woman who made a name in the world of fashion.

She was stunningly beautiful, she looked like a supermodel, she could even pass as Victoria's Secret ambassador.

All samples were beautiful, but she chose a simple yet elegant looking gown. It's an off shoulder gown with a bareback design. Its details were also good, tiny Swarovski stones that highlighted its look.

No wonder why many women love her designs, it was exquisite and rare. After spending a few hours getting her size, they discussed some matters like Nathan's investment in La Montez. She was going to open an apparel store and Nathan will be one of the investors. She was looking at the two talking, and she felt a sudden insecurity. The two looked good together, they looked like god and goddess coming from Mt. Olympus. When Nathan's gaze darted at her, she rolled her eyes and it made him frown. It was late for her to realize what she just did.

After a few more minutes they left. Nathan told him that they are going to eat. She didn't respond, she didn't know what was happening to her.

Nathan's phone rang, he was so serious at first but managed to smile before he turned off the phone. They went to the restaurant, but instead of dining in, Nathan asked for a take out. He ordered a lot to her surprise, he must be very hungry.

"We are going to my house, it's about an hour, babe." Nathan told her, his eyes were dancing with joy.

"I guess we will spend a night there." He faced her, he took her hand and kissed its back. "I need to change my clothes," she replied. "No problem babe, I will take care of everything." He pulled her closer and kissed her quickly on the lips.

"Eyes on the road, Nathan Wolfe." Nathan laughed for what she said. Her bad mood vanished in an instant, she became bipolar as time went by, and she smiled at the thought.

The mansion was big, she had no chance of appreciating it before Nathan brought her there. It was surrounded with big trees and bermuda grass was trimmed meticulously. She believes he paid a lot of money for its landscape.

Nathan opened the car door and guided her. He took her hand, and they were walking hand in hand while walking inside.

"I have a visitor here, babe." She looked up to him, but before she could answer they heard a sound of shoes, as if running towards the direction.

"Daddy!" A blonde little girl was running and stops in the front door. Nathan released her hand and came immediately towards the little girl. He carried her and kissed her hair. "You've grown fast little princess." Nathan was smiling all ears. She felt numb, as if her surroundings were spinning. Was he married? Or has Nathan had a child?

Then, another voice talking coming from her back.

"It was so nice to see you again, we missed you Woody."

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