Read with BonusRead with Bonus

15 - We Need to Talk

Though it was the middle of the afternoon, Rose lay in bed. She and Henry were curled around each other, still naked. Rose’s hand covered the bitemark gently. “I hope it didn’t hurt too bad. I ended up biting you pretty hard. It might even scar.” Rose’s hand covered the bitemark gently.

Henry opened one of his golden eyes lazily, “I hope it does scar.” His large hand covered hers. “I want everyone to know that I’ve been marked by you. As long as you don’t abandon me like the guy who did you wrong. I mean, shit, I would have killed anyone willing to put me through such hell.”

Rose made a face at him, “What are you going on about? Do you mean the scar Carlyle left on me?” She asked, running her hand over her back shoulder. It didn't hurt nearly as much today as it had in the past.

“Of course I am. You know what it means to be marked, don’t you?” Propping himself up on an elbow, smiled, rubbing a thumb over her lower lip.

Rose laughed nervously, “It’s just a strange kink, I don’t know why you’re taking it so seriously.” The mark on her back had been like a curse though. She'd laid awake more than one night wondering why Carlyle had hurt her like that. Not only had it hurt, but it ached every time she had tried to get intimate with someone in the past and once men noticed it, they left. Rose had been scared Henry would do the same.

He was the first one who didn’t seem off-put by it. Even asked her to do the same to him. Henry sat up, suddenly looking concerned. “It’s not a strange kink, Rose. Has anyone talked about this with you? I mean, you at least know we’re different from others?”

“Why? Because you like to bite during sex? I’m so confused, Henry. What on Earth are you talking about?” Rose touched his cheek, letting her hand fall to caress his chest.

Henry blinked down at her. For a moment, he looked like she had two heads. “Huh. Do you know anything about shifters at all?”

Rose giggled, “What? You mean like a werewolf howling at the moon? Henry, are you pulling my leg? What’s up with all these weird questions?” As she laughed at him, he chucked too, wrapping his arms around her waist.

“What is it with women and werewolves?” Henry asked, falling back on the bed. “You can’t tell me that if you could choose to turn into anything, you would want to be a half human-half dog.”

“First of all, I’m not the one who brought it up. You did. Second, I never said I would choose that. I was just confused by what you were saying. But, honestly, it would be kinda sexy to see you with big fluffy black ears and a long fluffy tail.”

Henry pulled her down on top of him, “Oh yeah? You think I’d look sexy as a half dog, do you? Personally, I think you’d be far sexier as a cute little sexy kitten.” He squeezed her ass hard enough that she called out. Pressing his mouth to hers, he muffled the sound. “I think I’m getting excited all over again.”

“Was I not enough for you?” Rose pouted. Rolling over so that he was on top of her, Henry pinned her to the bed, kissing her deeply.

“Oh, you’re more than enough, my love. You’re way too delicious. I can’t take just one bite.”

Wrapping her legs around his waist, he rode her again. His fingers played with her clit and she came almost as soon as he filled her. Lifting her hips, he moved her around little by little, finding the best angle to drive himself into her. By the time he came again, she’d lost track of her own orgasms.

Henry rolled off her again, “God, Henry. You’re a beast.” She ran her hand over his sweat-slicked skin.

This pleased him to no end. “Thank you.” He pulled her back into his embrace. “If you would let me, I'd just keep you here all night and have you for dinner.” He growled, pulling her into him, sweaty chest and all.

Rose laughed, pushing away from him. “There’s no way I can keep up with you.” Getting up, she grabbed a towel to clean herself with. “I went from 0-60 in an hour.” She laughed at her own joke.

Henry pouted though. “0-60 in an hour is considered a bad thing when talking about cars.”

“Oh?” She turned, smiling at him as she tossed the towel his way. “But I’m talking about 0 orgasms my entire life, and probably 60 in the last hour. Honestly, I lost track after 6.”

A slow smile curled on his lips. “Ah. I guess I can be proud of myself then. But, you’ve never had an orgasm?” He asked, stretching on her bed. She almost wanted to pounce on him again. “Not even the self-serve kind?”

Rose shook her head. “No. I guess I never figured it out. I do finally know what I’ve been missing though, thanks to you.” She said, grabbing their clothes from the floor. “Gosh, I’m starving. What time is it?”

“Uh,” Henry rolled over on the bed, reaching for his pants, and grabbed out his cell. “Four-thirty.”

“No way! We've been having sex for three hours?” Her mouth fell open as she stared at him.

“An amazing three hours,” Henry chuckled, “and such a great way to work up an appetite.”

As they made their way downstairs, the other couple staying at the Inn were sitting at the table with Evelyn as they talked over drinks. Evelyn turned, smiling at them, “Well, I didn’t expect to see you for the rest of the night.”

Rose blushed, “We got hungry. Is that okay?” Rose was embarrassed, “Did Jace and Darla come back?”

“Yeah, they’re in their room again though.”

“Ah.” Rose said, opening the fridge. Thankfully, they had put it all away. “Henry, babe, would you grab a plate for me?”

Looking back at him, he was smiling her way, and as their eyes met, she realized how incredibly lucky she was. He pulled out a plate. She carried what she could to the island, and he was behind her as she placed it down. “What else may I do for you?” He asked in a husky voice. His hands were warm as they touhed her waist.

She swallowed hard before placing the meat on the plate with a spatula. “Start the grill and get these on?” Henry nodded, grabbing the plate and heading outside as the pulled the grill cover off and prepped it.

Rose pulled out her phone, texting Kai. She let him know supper was on, that way he could head home in a bit. Prepping the pasta salad, Jace and Darla joined them. Darla started to help with the salad. Chopping up the onions and tomatoes to go in it. Jace headed outside to the grill with Henry. As she watched him out the back door, she started to get antsy. Her skin prickled, yearning to touch him again. She could feel it in her lower belly and between her legs. The urge to run out and drag him back upstairs was almost painful. It was strange. She’d never been highly sexual, but one taste of him was enough to turn her into a deviant.

He was standing at the grill wearing her frilly yellow apron again, just like this morning. He was laughing at something Jace said. Moisture pooled between her legs, just looking at him.

Darla smiled at Rose, “There we go. We’ll let this chill until the boys are done. Everything else seems to be good to go. All that’s left are drinks and chips. Before that though, I see you watching him. How was it earlier? Was he as good as you thought he’d be?” Darla leaned in, putting a beer in front of Rose, propping her chin in her palms waiting for her reply. “I mean, he looks like he’s on cloud 9 right now, and you’re turning a real pretty shade of pink.”

Her toes curled on the linoleum at the thought of earlier. Rose leaned in conspiratorially, “I don’t think anything else can compare. I had no idea sex could be that good. I mean, I’m already wishing we could do it again. Is that weird?” Henry suddenly looked over, wearing a huge smile as he winked at her. It was almost as if he could hear her. But she knew that was impossible.

“Why would that be weird? You’re in that honeymoon phase. I spend my entire day wishing I could crawl onto Jace’s lap.” She laughed, “This weekend with him off has been great. We’ve done it so many times today that I’m even getting a little sore. In a good way, of course. Did you have an orgasm? Sometimes it’s hard with a new partner. It took Jace a few tries to figure me out.”

Rose pulled her curls over her shoulder, twisting it around, “I mean, I did. I lost track of how many times. It was incredible.”

“So, Henry was better than any other lovers, then?”

Rose giggled, “There was only one other, and he wasn’t exactly a nice enough guy to care about me.”

“Well, he sucks then. All the better for Henry though.” Darla raised her beer, taking a sip, “No wonder you want to get him back in the sack! A good lover is the best.” She rounded the island, putting her arm around Rose’s shoulders, “you get it girl!” She raised her beer toward Rose, “Cheers!”

Evelyn rounded the corner, laughing, “Make sure you teach him how you like it, I always say. Men are easy to please. We’re the ones who need that special attention during playtime. So, you make sure you take control in the bedroom and get what you want out of him.”

Darla shrugged, “Sounds to me like Henry’s doing great, so I don’t think you have to worry about that. He’s turned your daughter into a little horn dog, so…”

“All right, that’s enough talk about my love life,” Rose said, pulling a small portable cooler on wheels from the corner and dumping her ice tray in it.

Evelyn laughed, “Oh, honey. Your love life is about to get a thousand times more interesting! Just you wait. Though I am jealous! That boy is smoking hot.”

“Enough, mom.” Rose snapped. She didn’t think Evelyn would ever try anything with Henry, but they didn’t have the best relationship. Her mother had downright ignored her as a child until her father passed away.

Tossing a few sodas and sparkling waters, and what was left of the beer in her portable cooler she looked over at her mom, “Do you want to grab a white wine and bring it out? Also, there should be enough food if our guests want to join us tonight.” She added, over her shoulder as she rolled the cooler onto the back deck.

At first Henry smiled, “Hey, babe.” That smile faded quickly as his pupil dilated and his face went flush. Her mother barked with laughter, talking about how much fun this was.

“Dude, you okay?” Jace asked as Henry turned to look at him.

“Hey, man the grill please.” Henry rushed over pulling Rose’s cooler trolly out of the way and pulled her inside. “Don’t go out there. Evelyn, you and I need to have a talk, right now.” Evelyn simply shrugged, still smiling from ear to ear as she turned toward the living room.

She heard him say, “I was trying to wait until after this weekend, but you have a lot of explaining to do.” Then she heard the front door open and slam closed behind them. Instant disappointment and regret took hold of her and all she wanted was for him to come back for her and to be no where near another woman. Especially Evelyn.

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