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16 - Speak of the Devil

Henry backed away from Rose slowly. He’d been around female shifters going through heat before. It had never been this overwhelming. Even though she had marked him, it should have helped make a heat better, not worse. There was a moment when Henry really thought he was going to attack her. “I’m really sorry, Rose.”

Even as he turned around to storm after Evelyn, the vision of lifting her into his arms swiping the counter clean of everything else, and having his way with her in the middle of the kitchen was way too tempting. It was almost scary, as he was considering it even now. To drown out the crazy shit going on in his head, he said, “I was trying to wait until after this weekend, but you have a lot of explaining to do.”

Evelyn waved him toward the front porch. He stomped out the door as she closed it behind them. The moment he met fresh air, he felt like a normal human being again.

“What the hell is this shit?” Henry half roared at her. “I asked her to mark me, this is what I got.” He pulled his collar aside and showed the half-a-bite mark she left there. “She’s a shifter. And when I mentioned it, she laughed at me and started talking about fucking werewolves. She was marked, in a highly abusive way years ago, has been ostracized from your entire fucking clan her entire life, and doesn’t even know about us in general. Now, she’s suddenly thrown into the most intense heat I’ve ever witnessed. If I were a weaker man, I wouldn’t have even been able to follow you out here.” Henry barely took a breath as he spewed at Evelyn, and was pissed when he was met with that amused look.

“She doesn’t know anything about shifters or that they’re even real.” She answered nonchalantly.

Henry glared at her, folding his arms over his chest. “Yeah. I got that.” He deadpanned.

“She couldn’t turn. Still can’t. What’s the point of bringing her into a fold where she’ll be hated in and belittled for being unable to conform.”

“You stole her heats from her. Everything that makes her what she is. If I even try to explain, she’ll think I’m completely crazy. I can’t believe you would hurt your daughter like this.” Henry paced back and forth on the porch. “And, what about Kai?”

“What about him?” Evelyn asked, taking a seat on the porch swing.

“What does he know?” Henry snapped. She was being coy on purpose and he didn’t like it.

“Nothing. Literally, the only thing he knows is that his father’s an ass. Most alphas are, but Carlyle’s alpha of the Nightmare Clan in the area. So, tends to be a little more… extra. But all Nightmares are idiots and overly aggressive.”

Henry froze, his hands clenching at his side, “You’re not a nightmare?”


“Do you know what they do? Why they are the way they are?”

“Of course.”

“So, Rose isn’t good enough for you to be honest with her, but she was good enough to be marked and abandoned by your alpha while pregnant with his child?” Henry had never heard of an alpha abandoning their child, or for that kid to grow up knowing nothing about who and what they were. An alpha’s kids were their pride and joy. He was completely confused by why they were doing what they were. None of it made sense, and he pressed his temple, a steady throbbing had started.

“He’s not my alpha.” Evelyn’s smile faded, her blue eyes becoming ice cold. “My alpha is an alpha’s alpha. So, quite a bit stronger than most. I was actually surprised that a regular shifter like you, alpha or not, was able to break the mark left on Rose.”

Henry balked at the statement, frowning. He didn’t like where this was going, or that look in her eye.

“But, you’re not an ordinary alpha, are you, Henry?” His eyes narrowed at her. This wasn’t something she should know. He and his team made it their purpose to keep their identities secret.

Evelyn relaxed back against the swing, looking out over the yard. “You would have been too young to remember, but your parents may have told you about it. I was thirteen when alphas rose up to destroy dominant alphas. It was a war and it tore entire factions and clans apart. This created a lot of terrifying monsters, like the Nightmare faction here. My family was forced into hiding and I was married off to a shifter who couldn’t shift. An abusive alcoholic, because I was safer with him than for the world to know who I am. To me, you’re a dream come true. A young, dominant alpha who can control other alphas. Alphas that love you and would die for you without you having to force them. Oh, I know you keep yourself in the shadows. But not because you’re afraid. Oh, no. You do it because you choose to. You just don’t want your enemy to see you coming before you’re ready. By the time they know you’re there. It’s too late. Am I right?” Evelyn was far too calm for someone who knew who he was. Almost like she was happy he was here. No one in any clan was happy to see him hanging around. Though, he’d never dated their daughter openly.

Henry dropped into a chair, templing his fingers against his mouth as he eyed her. She shouldn’t know all this. And he couldn’t figure out who in the area would have the intel to share, which was even worse. Half his team only knew he was off-grid, those who knew where he was knew he was here of his own accord with his own goals, but didn't know what that was. He came back knowing Rose was a shifter, and hoping to find a way to make her his. Now, Henry was concerned Rose too caught up in this mess and she didn't even realize it. Would he have to take them down to make her his? This had gotten way more convoluted than he’d expected. The throbbing in his temple only got worse.

“Sorry, kiddo. I can’t tell you why I’m doing what I’m doing. My alpha forbids it. But, I can tell you this; I have three things I love. My daughter, my grandson, and this place. I will do anything for them. And there are people all around us trying to hurt the two I care most about. Especially my precious Rose.” An engine roared down the road, “Speak of the devil and he shall appear.” A little blue sports car drifted into the driveway, kicking up a large dust cloud. “In short, Henry, I’m hoping you can read between the lines and might be able to help. Especially with this asshat.” The car squealed to a halt only a few feet from the porch. Definitely halfway in Rose’s garden, which pissed Henry off already.

Henry’s hackles went up. Another alpha in the area while she was in heat didn’t make him happy. He knew he would have to control himself. The car was a tee-top, so not full convertible. Which wasn’t the problem for him, in and of itself, but it was the type of car that looked fancy, with all the bells and whistles, but it would never be able to preform like his chevy. Especially after his own little tweeks that he made on his own. It was really a car that screamed ‘I have money and no idea about cars.’ Henry also had to admit that he already hated everything about the guy.

The guy’s skin was pocelain white, as if he avoided the sun in general. His hair was long, wavy and blonde. His smile wide, with two deep dimples. Stepping out of the car, one foot hit the bottom stair. Flipping his sunglasses onto the top of his head to hold his hair back. Every hair on Henry’s body was standing on end. Yet, Kai standing beside him would leave no question of who his father was. Not to mention this was the guy who had abused and abandoned Rose. There was no denying he was a strong alpha. But Henry was willing to bet he was stronger.

“Someone’s been fucking with my property?” The man’s black eyes landed on Henry as he sneered. Turning to Evelyn, he said, “You’ve been told to stay out of my business.”

Evelyn laughed, too loudly, “Ha! And who says I have to listen to you?”

“Your alpha did. Did you forget, you old hag? With less than a week to go, you’re getting awfully bold. You’re aware that allowing him to remove that mark will only make Rose’s last days that must worse?” With his hand in his pocket he approached the stairs. Henry stood. He’d be damned if this guy thought for a second he’d lay a finger on Rose. “Look at his asshole, thinking he can stand up to me. So, you’re welcome for the sloppy seconds.”

Hauling back, Henry punched Carlyle square in the face. The sound of the guy’s nose breaking was quite satisfying. Since Carlyle was standing on the steps to the porch, the hit was hard enough to make him step back. His foot slipped out from under him and his arms pinwheeled a moment before he fell back, landing with a thud.

From everything I’ve heard, you’re not welcome here and I promise, I’m not like any other alpha you’re met. I will bury you before you touch her again.” Henry announced, glaring down his nose at the jerk.

“Henry!” The door flew open and Rose rushed out, grabbing his arm, “What are you doing?”

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