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17 - The Sperm Donor

Carlyle’s mouth dropped open and Henry didn’t miss the way his pants shifted. “There’s no way…” Carlyle wiped his arm across his face, smearing the blood from his broken nose. “Well, I almost regret letting you go. That’s probably the most enticing scent ever.” Henry knew Carlyle was right but hearing him say it made him want to punch him again.

Rose rolled her eyes, “Just leave, Carlyle. No one wants you here. This is a place people come to relax, not to see fights.” Rose started to step away from Henry, but he wrapped his arm around her, pulling her back into him.

“I don’t want you anywhere near him. I’ll make sure he leaves, please, go back inside babe.” His words started as a growl, softening quickly as he realized who he was talking to.

“This is my home. I’m not just going to run off while someone’s making trouble.” Rose lifted her chin proudly looking hurt that he would even suggest otherwise.

Henry frowned but didn’t argue. “Well, what I came for, before getting attacked by your damn ape, is to tell you that I have a surprise for my son. I want to give it to him on his birthday. What time does his party end?”

“It doesn’t. We’re doing a sleepover and you’re not welcome.” All Henry could do was be proud of her. She wasn’t taking any of his crap.

“Oh, babe, we can’t do a sleepover that night. I have pest control coming that day. I already booked us a hotel a few towns over. I completely forgot to tell you.” So, Evelyn wasn’t here to help.

“Mother.” Rose turned, her voice low and hands on her hips, “We’ve been planning this for months. I have 30-something kids coming over and a handful sleeping here. I made sure not to book anyone this weekend. I’ve already paid for the catering and the cake.” Henry couldn’t help but smile as she looked around, “You have to cancel.”

Henry didn’t miss a beat, “I’m not sure if I’m quite up for a sleepover of that size, but you could let everyone come to my house for a party. If we’re honest, as long as it gets cleaned up, I don’t care what you do.”

“YEAH!” Kai screamed, “Can I really have my party at your house? Totes cool with not doing a ONT thing.”

“Kai, I speak 17 different languages, and that made no sense. ONT?” Henry laughed.

“Over Night Thing. Dude, I didn't realize you were so old. And, super cool with the languages thing! We'll have to talk about that more later.” Kai laughed turning the corner. He must have cut through the woods from Henry’s. Still, there was no escaping it. As he walked up on them, he stopped in his tracks. “What do I smell?”

“Do me a favor kiddo, in my glove box, there’s a vial of pills. I need you to take two and keep them on you.”

“Why?” Kai looked up, cocking his head in confusion.

“Just… trust me on this. Your grandma will hopefully be able to explain a bit more later.”

Rose looked up at Henry. “What are the pills for?”

Henry leaned down, whispering, “Have you felt a little off since earlier? Kinda prickly all over and really horny?”

“We’re talking about this now?” Her eyes went wide, looking around at everyone. She was glad Kai wasn’t close enough to hear.

“Yeah, it’s something that could become problematic for Kai, so we’re going to make sure he’s all set before that happens. You shouldn’t get too close for the next bit. It could get really awkward. I hope you trust me.”

Rose smiled, “I do.” Her fingers curled around his. As Kai walked back toward them, he frowned at the little blue car. “Come on kiddo, let’s go have dinner,” Rose said, ignoring Carlyle as he got back up on his feet.

“What the heck is this? I mean, neat little car, but why is it in our garden?” Kai glared at his father. They’d never met before, and Rose wondered if he had guessed who this stanger was. They looked amazing similar. Rose hadn’t seen Carlyle for a long time, so she’d not thought about how much Kai looked like his dad. It was better that way though, those dark curls and the fact she was on the bigger side, Kai was lucky that way.

“I brought it for you. You’ll be sixteen in a few days.” Carlyle smiled, leaning against the hood.

By the glare on Kai’s face, he seemed to have made the connection. “And why on earth would you gift me a car like this for my 16th birthday?”

“Just look at me,” Carlyle laughed, raising his arms, “we’re practically twins. Isn’t it obvious?” Kai stared at him silently. The annoyance on Carlyle’s face became clear quickly. “Dude, I’m your dad. The only thing I ask for in return, it some of your time the night of your 16th birthday.”

“Hmm… I must be confused. I didn’t grow up with a dad. Which means you’re nothing more than a sperm donor. And honestly, I don’t need your pity gift. I’ve gotten this far in life without you. I’m totes cool with not having you in my life from here on out too.” Kai turned, starting up the steps.

Carlyle reached out, grabbing his arm. “I’m offering you a car in exchange for a chance.” The words were sharp, anger pinching his pretty face.

“First of all, you clearly know very little about us. Even if I take that car, mom and I won’t be able to afford the insurance on it. And I sure as shit don’t want to feel like I own you even enough to have to piss on you if you were on fire. I like knowing you're nothing but a sperm donor.” Kai snatched his arm back out of his dad’s hold.

“Henry!” Rose gasped, covering her mouth. She had never heard Kai talk like that before. She looked up at Henry. He was biting his lip and she could feel the chuckles vibrating through his body as he held them in.

“Sorry, mom.” He said softly before turning back to Carlyle. “You never gave me a second thought as I grew up without you. Never once thought of giving me a chance these last 16 years, so I really don’t think I owe you much of anything. Besides, I’ll be having my party at Henry’s, and I’m sure he doesn't want you there any more than I do.” Kai looked up, “Right, Henry?”

Henry sniffled, gaining control of himself before speaking, “Right. I back you on everything you just said, Kai. And as far as the car goes, you and your mom shouldn’t have to worry too much about that for now. We can work out details later, but you know I own three, so your mom can just use my sedan and you can snag her car.”

“Henry, you don’t have to do that.” Rose looked up at him. He really was something else. His offer was a lot, considering they’d just started dating. He really was jumping in head first. She only hoped he meant it all. Even now, she would be devastated if he decided to back out.

He shrugged, enjoying the look Carlyle was giving him. There could have been smoke pouring out of his ears, he was so pissed. “It’s fine with me. I usually use my truck anyway. Why not put what I already have to use? I’d like to see you in a nicer car anyway. Not that there’s anything wrong with yours, but mine will be better in the winter for sure. No more worries about you getting a flat and going off the side of the road.” He winked at her.

“Shouldn’t Kai get the safer car?” Rose asked.

“Um, excuse me?” Carlyle huffed, “Still here. And Kai, you will give me your time Friday night. I’ll be here at 10, and so will you and Rose.” There was no denying the alpha command behind the words. Evelyn looked quite pleased as Kai rolled his eyes dramatically. Any alpha worth his salt should have no issue commanding his underage child. Kai mocking him like this made for a very amusing interaction. This meant one of two things. Kai made a connection with another alpha while Carlyle was MIA, OR Kai was going to overthrow Carlyle as the alpha of their clan.

Henry threw a questioning look over at Evelyn, but she was ignoring him. The absolute excitement on her face told him that it was most likely option number two. “How about you leave us alone? Again, not interested in your pity, your car, or you in general. Like I said, you're nothing but a sperm donor, but I should say thank you for that at least. Besides,” Kai said, stomping up the stairs, “I’m hungry. Ya’ll coming in to eat with me?” He asked, walking past them, going right into the house.

“Why don’t we follow, Henry?” Rose asked, looking up at him.

Henry rubbed her back, “You go, love. I’ll be right behind you as soon as he’s gone.”

Rose nodded, reaching for the door. Carlyle, using his alpha tone, commanded, “Stop right there, Rose, and come here. You don’t belong to him, you belong to me.”

Henry immediately wanted to kill the man for even daring to try, but as Rose gave a loud laugh, he froze, looking down at her. “I’m not sure who you think you are, but I certainly don’t belong to you or Henry. I am my own person.” She stole a nervous peek up at him, but Henry only smiled reassuringly, “You lost any say you had over me the moment you abandoned Kai and me.” She squeezed Henry’s wrist gently, “Don’t take too long making him leave, our food is getting cold.” With that, she disappeared inside.

“Evelyn, please follow them. The suppressants Kai took probably aren’t in full swing yet.” Henry half expected her to refuse his request, simply because she could.

She didn’t though. Standing, she put a hand on his shoulder. “Are they yours already?”

Henry shook his head, “I was wondering if your alpha may have taken control of them.”

Evelyn looked mighty pleased as she shook her head, “Looks like we have a new alpha in our mists. And they don’t even know it. This is going swimmingly. Maybe, just maybe, not telling them or forcing them to believe in a hierarchy from the beginning made that possible. What do you think? Kinda allowed them to blaze their own trail.” Her eyes sparkled with excitement.

Henry cocked a brow at her while Carlyle huffed, listening to their interaction. “Hmm, perhaps. Or Kai was always going to end up being the new alpha.”

Her tinkling laugh mocked him, “I’m amused that you automatically assume it’s Kai.” She pat his shoulder, disappearing quickly into the house. Henry let the comment go for now. Though, it did pike his interest. Could it be Rose? That would be an interesting take.

Henry glared at Carlyle. “So, are we going to do the whole, who’s the better alpha thing, or are you just going to take my advice and leave?”

“Kai can’t be the alpha at 16. That’s unheard of. You did take them from me, didn’t you asshole?” Carlyle spit, looking like he was going to lunge at Henry.

“It’s rare for a new shifter to come out the gates as an alpha, but not unheard of. I know that for a fact.” Henry crossed his arms over his chest, stepping forward, he leaned against the porch railing.

“Yeah? And you’re fine with your girlfriend’s kid being her alpha instead of you?”

“Why not? I don’t have anything to fear from him. And that’s easy enough to fix if she allows me to. Another alpha around doesn’t generally get under my skin. Realistically, it’s just you.” Henry made a face.

Carlyle opened his door, “If it ends up being true, I’ll kill him, you know. I won’t allow any child to take my place as alpha.”

“You’re a fool. Any alpha would be proud that his son is coming out the gates as an alpha.” Henry’s hackles raised.

“Yeah? Not one who’s going to act like a little shit and treat me like nothing but dirt under his shoe. This will all come to a head. Just wait and see.” Carlyle said, getting in his car and slamming the door. As he took off like a bat out of hell, Henry waved at the dust flying but stood there, watching Carlyle until he turned off the property.

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