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20 - Don't Let them In

Kai braced his feet against the bottom of the door trying to keep it jammed shut. It hurt like hell as the long claws dug into his skin, causing traces of blood to ooze from between its grip. In the distance, a gunshot rang out. It was enough to startle the monster at the door. Kai tried ripping his arm away from the thing. All he managed to do was rip his arm open further. “Let me go! You bastard!” Kai struggled, nearly losing his balance as the thing threw its shoulder against the door.

“Lean back, Kai!” He heard his mom yell. The moment he leaned away from the thing, she drove the fire poker into its arm, yanked it out, and started to beat it, carefully so that she wouldn’t hit Kai. There was a loud crack and howl before it pulled back out from the door. Kai stumbled back, falling on the stairs, which hurt like hell as one smashed against the center of his back. Rose pressed her whole body against the door, clicking the deadbolt just as the thing on the other side recovered and lunged for the door again.

Rose went to the sofa, jumping on it so that she could try to see out into the dark through the large bay window. Jumping down, she ran into the honeymoon suite. Kai realized she was running to make sure their room was locked up too. Chasing after her, he was happy to see her locking it all up without having to fight anything off.

He turned on his heels, going to the windows and checking to make sure they were locked. As she made her way back through the room, she pointed to Kai’s arm, “God, they tore you up. Are you okay?” She was gentle as she grabbed his wrist.

Kai hissed as she looked at the cuts on his forearm. “Don’t mess with it, we need to see if Henry and Jace and that other guy are okay.” He pulled away from her, and both went back to where Darla and their guest were crowded around the back door. “Have the guys come back yet?”

Evelyn looked worried. “I told Henry not to go. What if there’s more of them out there?”

Darla turned back, “What about Jace and Derick? Should he have just left them? You didn’t see it! It was huge! It-it wasn’t normal.”

“I’m going to grab the first aid kit,” Rose said, touching Kai’s shoulder as she passed him going to the main bathroom.

“Tell me more, what happened?” Kai asked, going to the door to try to see out. The backlight made it difficult to see what was going on beyond where the spotlight reached.

Darla swayed dangerously as she looked over as if forgetting that anyone else was in the house. “It… it just came rushing out of the woods. Derick saw it first and stood up yelling at it. I think he thought it was a bear and he’d be able to scare it off. But… it went for Jessie. He got in the way, and when I grabbed her and pulled her toward the house, it tried to get me.” Darla held her arm up, and it was shredded open worse than Kai’s. “We ran, but when we turned back, we could see that thing pulling him into the woods. That’s when Jace followed.” She looked between the two.

“Excuse me,” Kai said, reaching for the door handle. Evelyn jumped up, grabbing his arm.

Shaking her head, she looked absolutely terrified, “No. Not you. Don’t you dare try to follow them. They’ll come back. Or they won’t. But I won’t let you go out there. You have no idea what they’ll do to you.” There were more words behind her threat than the others would know. But if they really were after Kai because his birthday was coming up, he was the last one who should step out of the house. Rose couldn't help but pull at her shirt, ripping a small piece off, all she could focus on was wrapping Darla's arm.

“Kai, Darla, sit. We’re going to bandage you up and wait to see what happens. No one else is going outside. Has anyone called the cops yet?”

“Jace is the cops.” Darla sobbed, letting Rose pull her toward the dining room.

“I know, sweety. But we need backup. Kai, I’m going to clean Darla’s wounds first. Call the authorities. Mom, I want you to get drinks for everyone. Nothing alcoholic. We need our senses about us.” Rose said, clicking open her pathetic first aid kit. Henry’s had everything it needed in it, her’s didn’t. As she was pulling everything out, she suddenly felt overwhelmed. There were more wounds than she knew how to treat.

Kai was calling for help as Jessie turned, tears in her eyes, “There’s something coming out of the woods. It’s headed this way.” Evelyn stood, going to the door to look out.

Henry was walking back to the house, one of the guys looked to be on his back while the other had an arm over his shoulder. Jessie went to open the door, but Evelyn leaned against it, refusing her. “No. We need to know for sure that it’s them. Wait.”

“What if that thing comes back?” She sobbed, pressing her face against the window. “I can see it’s them. We need to help!” She started to try to shove Evelyn out of the way.

Rose walked over to where they were fighting. “Sit, please, Jessie. Evelyn’s right. We need to know.” Leaning into her mom she whispered, low enough that the others wouldn’t be able to hear, “How do we make sure?”

“Henry has a very special ability, he’ll have to prove it’s him before we can let them in. He’ll know the difference between who’s real and who’s a shifter. But without him, we can’t let anyone in.” Both women waited, Rose found it odd that nothing else seemed to be chasing them. Or maybe Henry took care of that already? Whatever it was, something in Rose’s gut told her this was wrong.

“You can’t tell one shifter from another?” Rose asked, genuinely curious. She could smell Henry though. He wasn't far. But he was down wind.

Evelyn shook her head, “I can only tell one of my own clan. Alpha’s are the only ones that can tell a shifter from a human if they’re from another clan. One of the reasons alphas are so important. The only exception to that rule if a female is in heat, or a male is in a rut.”

As they came into the light, she could see that Jace was limping, an arm flung over Henry, who was carrying Derek. “Rose, open the door. They’re still out there. We need to get in immediately. It’s not safe out here.” Henry called out, getting ever closer to the house. It looked just like him. Was there really a way for a shifter to make such a perfect match? She bit her lip, her fingers hovering over the lock.

“Prove you’re who you say you are.” Evelyn yelled.

Henry looked scared, “I can’t put them down and do that. It’s too dangerous. I’ll shift for you as soon as we’re inside and safe.”

Jace’s face looked up at them. He was covered in blood. “What are you even thinking about?” He hollered back, “Just let us in. Can’t you see we need help?”

Evelyn shook her head, slapping Rose’s hand, “Don’t you dare. Shift. Now. You’re not coming into the house otherwise. Henry wouldn’t argue with this request, there’s no way—Ahhh!” Her hands went to her mouth, covering her scream. Everyone else jumped up, crowding around the door. A moment later, they were all screaming as a horror show took place right outside.

The creature had six long spindly legs, its torso more like a spider covered with an exoskeleton, and the head was large enough to look like a bobblehead with huge tusks on either side of the jaw. The body was dark, and Rose had to look hard to try to make out the details. The thing streaked across the backyard, ramming into Henry. He and Jace screamed for help as the thing barreled into them. Even in the dark, they could see limbs flying and the ground was stained a dark color. Rose stood, horrified, but unable to look away. Darla was vomiting on the floor, and Jessie had gone quiet.

“Mom, I think Jessie fainted,” Kai said, from behind. His voice shook. He was the only one not looking out the door and didn’t seem to notice the awful scene taking place just beyond the light-stream.

As the creature started to drag Derek’s body toward the house, Rose felt herself sway. Darkness crept in at the corner of her vision. Henry. Henry was gone? Could he be? Was all of this really happening? “Mom?” Her voice choked as she spoke, her heart hammering in her chest. “Did… did that thing just kill them?”

Evelyn’s visage was pale as she turned to look at Rose. “It wasn’t them. Just keep telling yourself it wasn’t them. I wish you had given him a real mark, or he had given you one. Then we would know for sure.” Her hand shook as she covered her own mouth. The creature’s two front legs shifted into arms as it lifted Derek’s body onto its back. They all backed away from the door as the thing carried him onto the back porch. For as terrifying as it was, she was shocked that these things weren’t already climbing through their windows. The glass paneling on the door suddenly felt too frail and easy to get through. If they were really trying to go after them… that thing could get through, there was no question of that as she watched it click over the patio ever closer to the door.

Rose couldn’t help but back away. The face on the monster was worse than any predator she could ever have imagined in her worst nightmares. Those long spindly legs looked like bone, and its movements were horrifyingly spider-like. The thing laid a broken and unconscious Derek on the ground, raising those terrifying spikey spindle legs up over its head.

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