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21 - Though the Darkness

The thing lunged at the house, directly over the door. It didn’t seem intent on getting into the house. On the contrary, when it came back down, it did so with another monster impaled on one of its arms. It tossed the monster just beyond the patio, then dropped back down so that it was between it and Derek and the house. Rose looked down at the man laying in front of the door. He groaned, as his hand went to his head. He was coming to.

“Henry?” Rose said. This spidery thing with the exoskeleton was far smaller than the rest of the monsters she’d seen, and it went after the one that it pulled off the house with a vengeance. “That’s Henry.” She said, flipping the lock on the door. “He brought us Derek so that we could help.” She said, pulling the door open and wrapping her arms around his chest. Kai was there a second later grabbing his legs. Soon, Evelyn was helping to get him inside.

“Are you sure about this? What if it’s a trap?” Evelyn asked nervously as she locked the door behind them once they got him inside. Rose laid him on the kitchen floor. His leg and arm were bruising and swollen. There were probably broken bones if she had to guess.

“I’m sure that’s Henry. He attacked the other things and brought Derek back. And is now out there fighting another one. I can smell him too.” Rose said, pressing her lips together. “Mom, I don’t know what to do?”

“I called 911.” Kai said, leaning down, “but I think we need to stop the bleeding and come up with some way to explain what’s happening here.”

“Mom, can you go get a clean sheet and scissors? I’ll try to wrap a tourniquet, at the very least on his leg. Do you think it’s safe to call others here?” She looked up into her mother’s face which was twisted in worry.

Shrugging, Evelyn lifted herself up, and turned toward the back of the house where their storage was for the bedding. “All we can do right now is hope for the best. I don’t have a clue how far they’re willing to go. What I do know, is that if they stop the ambulance, Derek may not make it long.”

When Rose looked out the back again, the creature she believed was Henry was back near the door. It looked like he was trying to protect it from the outside. She didn’t understand why he wasn’t coming in. Until another beast, this one with a distinct yellow swatch of hair that ran from the center of its head down its back, came to stand at the crest of the patio, holding Jace there by his throat. The Sheriff had definitely seen better days. His arm looked way redder than it should, and a pool of blood quickly formed under where he was being held.

Rose continued to work on Derek, as Kia wrapped a long piece of bedding around Darla’s arm, working to stop her bleeding. She was starting to look too pale. Her eyes stared blankly outside as Rose worked to stem the bleeding on Derek. He groaned as she pulled the sheet tight around his thigh, then another around his bicep. “Mother, is there anything else I can do?” She looked down at him, worrying that this just wasn’t going to be enough. Rose jumped as a phone blared from somewhere on the table. It wasn’t a normal ring. Instead, it sounded like a fire truck siren, echoing around them.

“It’s Henry’s phone.” Kia lifted it, staring at the red screen. “Mom, what do you think this means?” EMERGENCY blinked in blinding white letters across the front.

“An emergency call? Answer it! Maybe he called someone for help.” Rose jumped to her feet, grabbing the phone as she clicked the screen. “H-hello?”

Silence drawled on the other end for a moment before a male voice said back, “I’m looking for Henry Mason. Is he available?”

“N-no… not at the moment. He’s in trouble.” She looked out the back door, and things looked as tense as ever. Henry was still standing guard between the house, but looked like he was about to engage as the yellow haired monster lifted Jace by the back of the neck, dangling him like a rag doll.

The man on the other end of the phone cleared his throat, “What kind of trouble? And trust me, there’s nothing too strange to tell me. My name is Aiden. I work with Henry at the agency.”

Evelyn gasped, grabbing the phone. “Then you’re one of his alphas?” She half screeched as Darla looked over at her in a daze.

“Who the hell is this?” Aiden said in shock, but Evelyn ignored him.

“We’re in Machaisport Maine. We live next door to Henry’s house here, and we’re surrounded by Nightmares. They’re attacking our Inn and Henry is outside fending off their alpha right now.”

“Prove that what you’re saying is true.” The man’s voice got dangerously low. Rose felt a prickle of fear scurry down her spine. Then, outside Henry suddenly lunged at the monster. Jace’s body tumbled over the ground as he was thrown back. Henry’s spider-like body seemed to crawl over Carlyle as he ripped flesh from the monster. He let out an ear-splitting shriek as the beast snapped one of his long spindly legs.

“Henry.” Rose jumped up, pressing her hands to the cool glass. “Please, please be okay.”

“How am I supposed to prove anything over the phone?” Evelyn asked, exacerbated.

Kai shook his head, grabbing the phone and clicking onto the video through the call. “I’m Kai. Henry’s dating my mom.” Flipping the phone around, he pointed the camara out the back door. “That’s about the best I can do. We assume that thing out there is Henry. He ran out and has been protecting us from those things.” As the video clicked on, a man with mocha skin, and hard chocolate eyes stared back.

"Kid, I need you to shrink the call, find the systems app, and click share locations. Once I get the ping, I’ll have someone on route to assist. Commander is lucky I always follow those gut instincts. What’s the situation? How many are we talking?” The phone shuffled, and was soon put down as Kai watched Aiden checking a bunch of crazy looking monitors on the wall. He couldn’t read what was going on in them, but he could see the flashing colors reflected in those focused brown eyes.

“My dad’s the alpha of them. There were more than just him, but they’re fighting now. There was one at the front door, I think mom broke it’s arm keeping it out of the house. Henry’s taken out a few in the back yard. Right now, he’s the only one I can see.”

Aiden nodded, “Tell me about the alpha. You said he’s your dad? But you’re still trying to help Henry?” Kai could see the doubt there, and rubbed at the back of his neck.

“I don’t know man. I just met the dick face today. I don’t know anything about him, mom?” Kai looked up, and his mom was pressed against the door, her hand hovering over the knob, visibly shaking. “Mom?”

She turned to look at him, but just as she did, Henry barreled through the glass. Rose was taken off her feet as he slammed into her, and landed just next to Derek, the hard spider-like creature rolled over, scrambling to lift itself off her. The yellow hair monster’s bulky frame blocked the smashed door. Henry stood over Rose, no letting her get up from the floor. Kai dove for the fire poker his mom had left resting near one of the chairs. Swinging it back with all his might, he swung it, like a baseball bat at the monster’s face. The beast howled in anger and pain, its claws pawing at its long muzzle. Henry took the opportunity to lunge at it, pushing Carlyle back through the door. Kai put himself between them and his mom, holding the poker. A shot rang out, and Carlyle screamed again, falling to his knees as Henry lifted those long thing legs, slamming the pointy ending through both Carlyle’s shoulders. Jumping over him, Henry pulled the other alpha through the yard, into the dark.

Jace was half crawling toward the house. Kai jumped up, running outside without thinking, wrapping an arm around the sheriff and pulling him up, throwing an arm around his shoulder. “Come on!”

Grunting, Jace held his gun in his hand, looking back over his shoulder. Darla ran to help, grabbing Jace’s other arm. “Where’s Henry?” Jace managed as Darla opened the shattered door. Her feet were bare, and she winced, crying as she stepped on the shattered glass. Rose had just gotten Derek out of the way. He was now in the living room, having made it to the chair. Rose grabbed the poker, pressing everyone into the house. Turning, she watched the darkness. Evelyn went to the kitchen, grabbing a large knife, and took a spot beside Rose.

“If Henry isn’t the one that comes back, we have to do everything we can to protect Kai.” Evelyn said, her eyes trained out the door. Rose listened. She could hear the two of them growling and screaming as they fought, but she couldn’t tell who was who, nor see through the dark of the night.

Rose nodded, not looking at her mother. “Henry’s coming back.” Rose would go out there and drag him back if she had to.

Her heart hammered in her chest, as a shadow moved in the dark. It was limping toward the ring of light in the back yard. At it stepped forward, Rose’s stomach rolled anxiously. It was the monster with yellow hair running down its back. Large wounds could be seen on its sides and there were scratches all over its chest. Cold blue eyes fixed on Rose as it stumbled forward. She didn’t think she would be able to take him down, he was more than twice her size. Even with her mom helping.

“You’re fucking mine now.” Carlyle growled, growing ever closer.

Fear crawled up her spine as she lifted the poker over her shoulder. Breathing hard, she took a step out the shattered door giving herself more space to swing her weapon. A warm hand on her shoulder pulled her back and she heard Jace pull the hammer back. “I don’t think so. Fuck you.”

A shot rang out. His arm fell almost immediately. The monster dove out of the way, rolling over the ground. “This isn’t over.” He growled, before bounding off into the dark again. The shock of the quite that fell around them settled, until the poker fell from Rose’s fingers clanging on the porch. She took a shaky step forward, a sob rising to her lips as tears pooled in her eyes.

“Henry.” She took another few steps forward, until an arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her back.

“No, Rose.” Jace pulled her back through the door. “Henry wouldn’t want you going out there. It’s not safe. We all need to stay here.”

“No.” She tried to push away from him, but her body felt weak, and she couldn’t stop herself from shaking. “I need to find him. What, what if he’s still okay? What if he needs help?”

“Then let me go.” He said, still pushing her toward where the others huddled in the living room.

Darla shook her head. “No. You barely made it back.” Her eyes burned at them, panic blazed through her. “I won’t let you-“ She was half out of her seat when Evelyn called out.

“No one is going outside. Look!” She pointed out the back and Rose ran over, skidding through the glass.

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