Chapter 1

The sky was particularly grey this morning in our small town, if it hadn't been for the generator my dad bought, I might have gotten ready in the dark. Constant electricity isn't something you'd find in Redlake.

I picked up from phone from where it was charging and stared into it, still a bit drowsy and in need of some more sleep. My fingers lazily combed my blonde locks of hair back, as I scrolled through the messages that flooded my phone.

All from my friends at school, who were all too excited for the final year of high school. A small smile played on my lips, as I stuffed my phone into my pink bag, thinking of what color of earrings would match my dress.

"Peyton! Ace is here!" My younger sister called out from the living room, making sure to be as loud as possible, hoping to attract my parent's attention.

I groaned, more upset than I was excited about having my boyfriend drive me to school in his red pickup truck. Sparing no time, I picked up a hairbrush and swiftly did some slight touch-ups to my hair, before packing it into a high ponytail.

As the older sister, I was tempted to holler an insult back at her for making a fuss but held back because it would be unladylike and weird out my boyfriend.

"This is good, I look good," I told myself, staring at my reflection, with a satisfied grin. My school wasn't old-fashioned and keen on wearing uniforms. Though, it was compulsory to carry the school's sweater with you every day.

My grey sweater complimented my dark blue mini skirt that barely touched my knees. I took a small twirl, admiring my fancy new ankle-length boots, that mama just bought me for Christmas.

"Are you ever gonna get out of that toilet?! You shouldn't have had that much dessert!" My younger sister went on to say, worsening the situation.

Given these circumstances, I took my bag and ran downstairs, determined not to allow my sister to ruin the mental image of me in Ace's mind.

On my way down the stairs, my nose recognized the scent of my favorite milkshake from my favorite spot in the town. At the foot of the stairs, there stood my boyfriend, holding a pink milkshake in his right hand, a warm smile drawn across his face.

"You look stunning." He told me, handing the beverage over, landing a firm peck on my lip afterward. I grinned into it, returning his kind gesture by ruffling his hair a bit.

"You don't look so bad yourself, and thanks for this," I said, raising the drink to my lips, and bringing the straw to my tongue.

"You two kissed! I'm gonna tell Mom!" The brat announced, running away from us towards my parent's room, wearing her skirt inside out.

"Sophia!" I called after her, mentally through with that little brat always telling on me. Though she was four years younger, she still acted like a spoilt kid with no regard for other's private life.

"Let's get out of here before my parents show up and give us both a lecture," I whispered to him, pulling him by the arm through the front door, avoiding my strict parents like it was nobody's business.

Ace was more than up for it, though he tried to hide it, anyone with eyes could see how much he didn't like my parents, my father in particular. He even wanted us to hide our relationship till high school was over.

He pulled open the door for me just like he usually does, then ran to his side of the car, eager to drive away. Being with Ace was thrilling, be it sneaking out late to attend a party or having him over any weekend I'm home alone. Whatever it is, I was more than grateful to have him in my perfect little life.

Redlake Academy was the largest school in the town, its founder was one of the descendants of Sir Redlake himself and thus named the school after his forefather.

Making this the most populated school in the town as well, almost everyone and anyone went to Redlake Academy during middle School all through high school.

Ace was pulled over by his designated spot at the parking lot, given to him specifically for being the best football player in the school, and the highest scorer of the season.

"I've got to get to practice, but I'll see you during lunch if you're up for it." He told me, leaning in to give me a proper kiss. I flashed a toothy grin at him, pulling my skirt a bit higher to showcase my creamy thighs.

His large hands roamed about my skin, feeling each inch for himself, making me feel good in all sorts of places. I parted my lips to say something, but he beat me to it and brought his lips to my ears.

"We could skip lunch and spend it in the locker room." He offered, presenting a tempting offer to me, one I would without a doubt not be refused. My lips leaned in to plant my lips on his but stopped midway.

Someone in a grey hoodie walked past us, keeping his head to the ground as he moved silently like a shadow.

"We'll see," I said, pulling apart from him, trying to play hard to get, something that he seemed to enjoy. "Later." I let myself out of the car and strutted into school, feeling on top of my game this morning.

Just the thought of seeing him during lunchtime made my insides tie a nervous knot.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket to reply to all the messages that flooded my phone. From one person, in particular, the girl who ran towards me at that exact moment, waving a piece of paper.

Olivia Brooks.

"Pey!" She cried out, wrapping her hands around my neck, giving me a grand gesture, as though we were just seeing each other for the first time after a long while.

"Olive people are staring." I frankly told her, letting her know that we weren't the only ones in the hallway.

"There's a huge problem and you're just the person I was looking to see!" She said into my ears, still holding unto me tightly. I instinctively rolled my eyes at her, all too familiar with often olive had the tendency to make a mountain out of a molehill.

"What's the problem now?" I asked in a disinterested tone, breaking apart from the hug. We had homeroom first, and I didn't want to be the last one to arrive.

"The student council just got a notice from the school, that they might cancel the spring dance this year!" Olive exclaimed, flashing the paper in her hand to my face.

I took it from her and skimmed the contents, making sure she understood exactly what the notice said. Olive sometimes made huge mistakes when she was flustered over something.

"It says here, that they don't have sufficient funds for it, and we might only have a graduation ceremony," I concluded, furrowing my brows at the word, insufficient.

This school was crappy to a fault, but they weren't broke, the management was just tight with expenses. Things got so bad once, that we had to come to school with night lights because our school failed to renew the electricity bill for that year.

"It's our final year! I was going to get asked out by three of my crushes! This was supposed to be my fairytale dance Pey!" Olive insisted, stating something rather true.

We arrived at class before the teacher and took seats at the back, wanting no attention this school year. Last year, I and Olive were preyed on by the teachers all because we sat front row.

"I'm the student council president, but right now am flat on ideas." She ran her fingers through her chestnut-colored hair, thinking of a strategy.

The spring dance was the biggest party in our town, it was even bigger than the prom! I had always attended with my friends or the son of one of my mom's friends.

But now, the most popular and sweetest guy at school was my boyfriend, which meant that for once in my life, I would attend wearing a sexy dress, and actually put on makeup to make myself stand out.

"No, it can't be canceled." I unconsciously blurted out, "you're right about that. We just need to gather money, a fundraiser perhaps?" Olive chipped into the conversation, bringing a good suggestion.

"It could work, but this is the spring dance we're talking about, I don't think holding a fundraiser is going to work this time. I think we should make a petition if we can gather all the signatures of everyone in our year. That should be strong enough to oppose the strict management." I told her, pulling out a book and pen.

"I'll even help out." I offered, ready to lend my all if it meant that I would be able to have a noteworthy high school experience.

"That could work, but if we need everyone's signatures, there is one problem with that." She told me, looking worried all of a sudden.

"What problem?" I asked, scribbling into my notebook, ruling the outline for the petition.

"Whose going to get his signature?" Olive asked, using her deep brown eyes to gesture at someone who sat behind us, close to the wall.

I followed her gaze, till it led me to the same person from earlier, who had on a grey hoodie. From the corners of his hood, I could see his pale features peeking out of his dull clothing.

"Carlisle Stool huh?. That's really going to be an issue." I admitted, realizing how problematic it would be if he were to get in the way of our plans.

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