Chapter 2

When she woke up, she was a little disoriented but knew that she was in an unfamiliar place.

“Hey, girl, looks like you finally decided to wake up.” A gentle male voice said.

Confusion and panic filled her mind, but they were quickly replaced with a little relief when she realised that she was still in her wolf form and thanked the Moon Goddess that she hadn't shifted back. She wanted to get up but felt pain all over. The scent of the stranger also helped calm her down. Tis hadn’t said anything yet, so she wasn’t sure if this was supposed to be her second chance mate. But she was sure of the feelings she got after catching his scent.

She saw that she had a few bandages on her body and paws. She was also covered with a blanket on a couch. A hand was gently stroking her fur and she liked the mini-explosions that popped up wherever and whenever the hand made contact. She was now definitely sure that this was her mate.

“I didn't think you'd wake up anytime soon, you were hurt pretty badly.” The same gentle voice said.

She looked up to see a honey-blonde male with mesmerizing winter grey eyes that she wouldn’t mind staring at for ages. But she stopped herself and ignored the familiar feelings she felt. She most definitely didn’t want to be played for a fool again, especially since he was human.

“I don't get why anyone would leave such a cute dog to die. And you're rather big for one, aren't you?”

He had mistaken her for a large dog, but it was a little understandable as she was smaller than the average wolf, but she didn’t like that he called her a dog. She scooted away from him, and he understood her actions.

“It's okay, I won't hurt you.” He held his hand out.

She hesitantly lay her head on it, mostly because she couldn’t resist those mini-explosions, and he continued petting her.

“See? That's a good dog.”

She growled at him, and he was confused at why she did. He thought that it was the petting, so he stopped. He then looked at the time and saw that it was late.

“Well, I'm heading to bed; I have school tomorrow. Do you want to sleep on my bed? You probably didn’t understand what I just so I’ll leave you to choose where you want to sleep.”

After he left, she made herself more comfortable on the couch. She tried to fall asleep but couldn’t and there wasn’t much she could do in her form to pass the time. That was what she had thought until she spotted the TV remote on the coffee table. She got off and tried to turn it using her snout. After many failed attempts, she finally got it right.

“Why is the TV on?” He asked, clearly having been woken up.

He tried to reach for the remote to turn it off, but she covered it with her paws. He then realised that she was the one who had turned it on and got the message that she wanted it to stay that way.

“Will you at least let me turn it down?”

She responded by removing her paws. After turning it down, he went back to bed while she went back to the couch.

The next day, he was surprised to see that all her wounds were healed but didn’t think much of it. He went to school while she stayed at home. He, of course, left her enough food and water to last until he came back. It went on like that for a few days. Sometimes he took her out for a walk, and he'd get into trouble because she didn't have a leash. But he knew that she wouldn’t like it because he once tried to put one on her and she resisted by shredding it into pieces.

One night, he was in his room when she came in. He didn’t expect her to hoist herself up onto his bed and lie next to him, but he showered her with loads of head pats. She couldn't deny that she liked it when he patted her head. Soon enough, she fell asleep and so did he.

The next morning, he got ready for school. He went out of his room to take a shower and left Twilight to continue sleeping. When he came back, he was still in a towel but got the biggest surprise of his life. When he entered his room, he didn't see the large dog he was expecting to see, in its place was a young girl. Yep, Twilight had shifted back to her human form in her sleep. That wouldn't be a problem if not for the fact that she was completely naked and she wasn't exactly covered up.

He didn’t pay much attention to that little detail and took a closer look at her. Her hair colour was the first thing that caught his attention and it puzzled him a bit. The peaceful look on her sleeping face made her look as innocent as a small child. He couldn't help blushing at how cute it made her look.

After what seemed like forever, Twilight slowly opened her eyes.

Her eyes met familiar grey ones. Before she could react, he pinned her down. Using both hands to pin hers on either side of her head.

“Who are you and how did you get in here?” He asked.

“Well, I'm the so-called large dog you found and the person who's going to kick your ass if you don't get off.” She said while something kept poking her, a shade of pink made its way to her ears. At that moment, she was glad that she was the only one with a heightened sense of smell.

“Now, if you don't want to lose your balls, would you grant me the pleasure of getting your perverted self off me? I'm naked, you're half-naked and I'm pretty sure your dick is poking my thigh.”

“Oh right, sorry.” He let go of her and she sat up to stretch her arms. “Aren't you going to grab a blanket or something?”

She shrugged and sat on the edge of the bed, one leg over the other with her arms crossed facing him.

“There's no point if you already saw everything. It's not like covering up will erase your memory. And the fact that you already knew that I’m female means that you already saw my non-human pussy which is why I wanna rip your balls off.”

He left the room before things got ugly, and to finish getting ready for school, then came back a few minutes later. At least she covered herself with a blanket now.

“Hey, so there's breakfast in the kitchen if you want some, and here, you can wear this in the meantime.”

He tossed one of his shirts and a pair of shorts to her.

“We'll sort this whole mess out when I get back, ok?”


After he left, she put the shirt and shorts on. The shirt was big on her, it reached just below her knees while the shorts reached mid-calf. She tightened its drawstrings so that it wouldn’t fall.

She then decided to walk around the apartment to stretch her legs. She found the kitchen and sat down at the table to eat breakfast. When she finished, she cleaned up. She decided to kill time by watching TV and taking naps in between. She saw the time and figured that he'd be home soon, so she decided to cook dinner.

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