The Alpha Bully's Obsession all 119 chapters

  1. Vincenzo
  2. Rina
  3. Rina
  4. Rina
  5. Rina
  6. Vincenzo
  7. Rina
  8. Rina
  9. Rina
  10. Rina
  11. Vincenzo
  12. Rina
  13. Rina
  14. Rina
  15. Vincenzo
  16. Rina
  17. Rina
  18. Vincenzo
  19. Vincenzo
  20. Rina
  21. Rina
  22. Vincenzo
  23. Rina
  24. Vincenzo
  25. Vincenzo
  26. Rina
  27. Vincenzo
  28. Vincenzo
  29. Vincenzo
  30. Vincenzo
  31. Rina
  32. Rina
  33. Unknown pov
  34. Vincenzo
  35. Rina
  36. Rina
  37. Vincenzo
  38. Vincenzo and Rina
  39. Rina
  40. Vicenzo
  41. Vincenzo
  42. Vincenzo
  43. Rina
  44. vincenzo
  45. Vincenzo
  46. Rina
  47. Rina
  48. Vincenzo
  49. Vincenzo
  50. Vincenzo
  51. In deep trouble
  52. Happy now?
  53. prove it
  54. ciao sandro
  55. hot mess
  56. how cute
  57. for how long?
  58. come on now
  59. pound of flesh
  60. shush
  61. he left
  62. the very body
  63. ten fold shy
  64. coming
  65. have you even been listening?
  66. stop being silly
  67. fell for you
  68. is that a threat?
  69. damn you padre
  70. it'll be alright
  71. idiota
  72. a cry of shame
  73. eyes on me
  74. an eyesore
  75. heartbroken
  76. grazie vince
  77. you disgust me
  78. Any problem?
  79. A poison
  80. Missing
  81. All is over
  82. Panic
  83. Don't ever do this
  84. I'm sorry
  85. the stupid bastard
  86. bingo
  87. Nightmares
  88. No forever with Rina
  89. messed with my mind
  90. i love you
  91. i kissed him
  92. surprised?
  93. doesn't feel right
  94. no wonder
  95. leave me alone
  96. are you okay?
  97. pregnant
  98. rejection
  99. he will hurt you
  100. can't change the past
  101. just for me
  102. gone mad?
  103. she knows
  104. betrayed
  105. Madre knows
  106. a high
  107. disowned
  108. bleeding heart
  109. twins
  110. promise them
  111. a lead
  112. betrayed
  113. anti-hero
  114. the right thing
  115. leonardo
  116. labour cramps
  117. rescue
  118. please come back
  119. Who are you?