Faith-Anne & Josh - Chapter 2: A New Start
Loving My Brother's Best Friend
Faith-Anne & Josh - Chapter 2: A New Start
7 years Ago
Faith-Anne had spent the last 6 weeks at cheer camp. She felt like she could rock the world. It felt like a life time since she had been home, and not just 6 weeks. A deep breath pushed through her lungs as she stepped out of big blue in a white and black sports bra and tight bike shorts. Her heart skipped a few beats seeing boys...well men playing football in the front yard. She took a few steps putting her bag down looking for one person. Her and Josh's eyes met and everything seemed to stop. He fell back on his ass taking a football to the stomach. The air around Faith-Anne filled with laughter and small snorts as she shook her head. Now all eyes were on her. Adam smiled, "welcome home little sis" followed by all of his friends except josh expressing how hot she looked and whistling. Josh growled at them with Adam. "No one comes near my sister. She is getting someone better than y'all sorry bunch"
Faith-Anne left her bag behind walking up touching one of the random boys on the chest, gripping on to his shirt. She let her crystal blue eyes met Josh and Adam, "See when I say you don't want me to date one of your friends" Her eyes focused on Josh a smirk pressing on her lips "It. Makes. Me. Want. It. More." She felt confidence rage through her like she could rule the world. Laughter filled her as she watched all of her brothers friends swallow a hard lump down their wind pipe. Josh's voice was low and almost in a dominating growl "So little bear, thinks she's all big and bad now?" Adam snorted at this elbowing her friend. "Sounds like it bro, time to teach her a lesson"
Faith-Anne's eyes eyes went wide as she squealed. She knew what was about to happen to her. Just like that Josh picked her up throwing him over her shoulder. Adam and the boys following a little behind. She heard Josh's voice "You need to stop playing with things you can't handle" her voice was in just as low of a whisper, "who says I can't" It almost came out as a moan. "Fuck, it little bear. You aren't a little girl anymore are you?" A laugh ripped through her wiggling her ass a little bit making him grip on her tightly. "Why don't you find out?" Josh growled trying to keep his voice as a whisper.
"I can smell just how bad you want me to find out" A grin lit up her face as she felt him grip her tighter pulling his hand up against her thigh feeling just right at the shorts. A sweet moan fell from her lips "Damn right Josh, you feel that? I am wet for you." He groaned a little bit taking a deep breath. "We can't do this Little Bear and you know it, I couldn't give you what you deserve. Your brother would kill me and I would lose the only family I have ever had. I am fresh out of the police academy for fucks sake" She grinded her hips a little more, "Who said I want a relationship? Meet me in the barn tonight at midnight and let's talk it out. I think we both have something to offer each other"
Faith-Anne barely got her sentence out when she felt the cold water of the pool cover her body. She grinned up at him watching Josh rip his shirt off, kicking his socks and shoes to the side and jumping in the pool laughing. Something about him always looked flawless. She couldn't stop herself from thinking about slowly sliding her tongue down his torso. The space between them felt to far. A quick look showed her that the boys weren't far away. As she swam up to him grabbing his hands sticking it in her shorts. "Think about it, meet me tonight. Can't promise I won't be wearing panties then Ether" She could fill something hard pressed against her. Damn straight, she wasn't a little girl anymore and she knew he finally wanted her as much as she wanted him. "I think I can do that" Josh slipped a finger in rubbing her clit once... twice... and three little flicks before pulling it away and dunking her under. Josh laughed hard as he put space between them "Think you're still a big and bad now little bear?" A shit eating grin filled his face as he ran those same fingers through his hair.
A small secret for Faith-Anne was that she had always loved this boy. There was never a moment she didn't care about him. She never missed any of his events, or graduations. She was one of the first people to wish him luck and remember his birthday. Out of all her years on Earth, she had never missed a single one of his events. She even planned her camp around his police academy graduation. Everything revolved around Josh and she couldn't stop it.
The rest of the day felt like a bit of a blur for Faith-Anne. She played in the pool goofing off with the boys. Took a nice long hot shower trying to make plans for tonight. She had never been this brave. But, something at camp had just made her say fuck it. She would be happy having this man even if it only meant for a little while. This was what she wanted. Dinner took forever and she had to seem interested in what her parents were saying while giving them a play by play of her summer so far. But, all she could think about was getting into that barn at midnight. It was her once chance to have something with Josh before she let herself move on. She knew he wasn't going to settle down. That had never been on her mind. She just wanted a taste.
Sneaking out of her bedroom was a bit nerve wracking for Faith-Anne. She had never done anything of the sort but, she knew all of the tips and tricks from watching her brother do it a million times over the years. Before, she knew it she was out the door and heading straight for the barn. She crawled up to the loft waiting for him. A few second laters she saw him "Up here" her voice was uneven and nervous as she smiled a little bit. It took Josh no time to make it up the ladder and sit next to her. She could feel his warmth as he sat down next to her.
He coughed a little bit, "So you wanted to talk to me little bear?" The air felt awkward.
She smiled a little bit scooting a little closer, "Fuck me" Faith-Anne was holding on to every bit of confidence she had.
"You don't mean that" His voice was low but she could feel his warmth on her shoulder blade.
"I do mean it, I will be going off to college within the next few months. I wanna enjoy myself"
"I can't give you what you deserve little bear" His voice was soft and kind.
She laughed a little, "You don't get to decide what I need Josh, I get to do that. I am a virgin. Did you know that?"
A deep cough left his lungs as he situated his pants a little bit, "I guessed it, or well I hoped it. Youre to sweet and innocent to fuck some guy"
There it was a opening. A grin pulled wide on her lips, "You are right. You have been my brothers best friend for as long as I can remember. You have always been around and a good guy. You have made me feel nothing but the very best. I don't wanna be one of those girls who gives it to a bad guy. To the wrong guy. I want to give it to someone I can trust. I also don't wanna wait til marriage. I want to spend time fucking in college. I want to enjoy myself. But, I can't just give this to anyone"
Josh's darted his eyes quickly at her as his voice got low and a growl, " What are you saying Faith-Anne?" It sounded like he was holding on to the last bit of himself.
She spoke softly her lips inches from his. "I am saying spent the next few months fucking me. Let me learn from you. Take my virginity. Fuck me Josh. I. want. you."
Their lips molded together as if they had signed a contract. Faith-Anne's heart was racing like there was no tomorrow. A small burning in her sweet clit told her she had made the right choice. This was going to be the best summer of her life.