The phrase life is not balanced applies to me. My life is a total mess, and all I do is just sit by my computer, typing tons and tons of meaningless words that no one would read except for me because I am good at nothing or at least that was what I have been told and have come to know ever since I was a kid.

My name is Kimberly Nordstorm, friends and family call me Kim. I am not quite tall but has a good height for a woman, and I just turned twenty-three last month, brown hair, hazel eyes and I considered myself beautiful. I am the first child of my parents, although I have a twin sister, Khloe who was five times better than I am, we weren't identical and I think that's why we are so different. Our younger brother, Jimmy is in med school and my parents own a local restaurant in one of the lower-class neighborhoods. Unlike every other person, I am not smart, I don't have a sense of fashion, I am lazy and I always screw things up. When I say I screw things up, I mean not being able to get anything right. Since we were kids, Khloe has always been the star of the family. beautiful, intelligent, smart, sexy, and lucky. It has been like that, she had dated the hottest guys both in high school and in college, she was popular in school and she had graduated both high school and college with the best grades while I just manage to make past a C.

Although I was the older twin, I was always only referred to as 'Khloe's twin' no one really knew my name except for my best friends and neighbors Pat and Iris, and some of Khloe's chic friends. But it doesn't hurt me anymore because I have accepted who I am. I no longer try to prove my worth or my capabilities to anyone anymore, because when I was younger, I had really tried hard to live up to expectations but I couldn't, so I gave up on myself too and just become that girl everyone else says I am.

Khloe had finished college before me. I'm sure you know why by now. and she had gotten a job in a little firm that paid her enough money to help out in the family and help in paying Jimmy's tuition fees. I had only two dreams in my life, to become a writer or to work in McGillivary Empire. The latter was my biggest dream. McGillivary Empire was the biggest company in the State and one of the biggest in the whole country. They had chains of hotels, clubhouses, aviation companies, and oil companies as well. These are the ones I could remember, but I heard they have other successful businesses to their name.

When I graduated from college, I didn't bother applying for a job there because even the star Khloe had not gotten a job there, not that she applied or anything, she said she wanted to gather enough experience to work there. She got me a job as a typist at the company where she worked, but I screwd it up. It was either I woke up late and show up late at work or I was caught sleeping on my desk. They paid me off after a month. Khloe had used her influence to get me another job and I also screwed it up and got fired. Then Khloe had decided she didn't want to work for that smaller company again and she moved to a higher company and got me a job there too.

I managed to work past that month. I worked for two months and I almost burnt down the company. I was fired, but that was not a new thing or something to be sad about, the crux of it was that Khloe got fired too. Yes, she got fired on my account, because she had recommended me and the company had made a huge loss from the disaster I caused.

Those days were my worst days on earth. Khloe would cry every morning and night and it always made me feel guilty each time I see her in that mood, but the worst of it was that I couldn't console her or tell her how sorry I was because she won't believe me. Mum, made life unbearable for me in a motherly way. Yes, in a motherly way, because she still loved me though, but her statements and making me do almost all the chores at home and always telling me to help my sister get a new job and all that, just made exhausted. Those hurt me even more than maltreating me. It was my dad who wasn't that mad at me, he still treated me like a dad.

Khloe stayed unemployed for two months, she searched for work, but couldn't find any, I helped her too and I had to tell Pat and Iris. Iris works at McGillivary as one of their assistants, I asked her to sneak in Khloe's resume. She was skeptical at first but when she saw that I was so serious about it and that it was taking a toll on me, she snuck it in but didn't promise me a positive outcome. That was my dream workplace but I had to give it up for Khloe because I felt I should really make it up to her this time and for once be a big sister. I told my family about what I have done and as usual, they didn't hold out much hope.

"Let's just hope you don't screw it up this time," mum had said.

Luckily, I didn't screw it up. Khloe was called for an interview a week later and she got the job instantly. The McGillivary's heir was coming to run the branch and would need a new assistant. Not the job Khloe would need but the salary was really, really fat and her friend Shierly works there as a secretary. That was how my story began.

Khloe had gone for that interview on a Friday and was asked to start the job on Monday. So for once in two months, I slept peacefully that night and without guilt. Whenever I feel relaxed and happy, I tend to oversleep and that is why I have been fired from a lot of jobs. But on Saturdays, everyone wakes up a little bit later than usual because it was Saturday. This Saturday wasn't an exception for me, but it was for my mom.

I was fast asleep, snoring as usual, while Khloe slept on her bed quietly, we shared the same room, but my mother was thinking of moving pieces of stuff in our storeroom and converting it to Khloe's room. She was also a quiet sleeper and the more organized one. She was just perfect in everything, while I was just too clumsy even when I sleep. Sometimes, I go to sleep lying on the bed, then I wake up on the floor the next morning. This was one of the days I woke up in bed, but I snore most of the time, at least that's what Khloe complains about.

Someone spanked my butt so hard that Saturday morning and I jerked up from bed and saw mum standing there and staring at me. Khloe woke up too and yawned. I fell back in bed grumbling.

"Mum, why are you waking me up so early on a Saturday?"

"You should wake up and be productive. It's Saturday, a resting day for those that are working not for you. You have been resting throughout the week."

"Whatever," I muttered and turned my face to the other side.

She spanked me again and I yelped and sat up. Khloe whined in bed, turned, and covered her head with her pillow.

"Wake up, 'cause I got you a job," mum said.

I jerked up from bed, Khloe too. We stared at mum with dilated eyes.

"A job?!" I asked feeling the joy rising in me.

Mum smiled and nodded before she continued. "We are adding a new service to our restaurant, a service that would put it out there, you know, make people recognize us..."

"Mum, please land your plane," I said my curiosity getting hold of me.

"We are starting up a delivery service. Order and service."

I nodded eagerly, failing to understand where the conversation was heading to. All I was concerned about was hearing the name and order of the job.

"We have talked with some people about the job but they are charging us so much and we remembered that you are not employed..."

It started dawning on me. "Mum, which company am I going to work for? What's the name of this company?"

Mum paused her lips for a while and then she smiled broadly. "My company! Tada!"

A metal gong went off in my head and I blinked severally to be certain I heard what I just heard. I could hear Khloe snickering.

"I don't understand, why would I work for you? As what?"

"I was just talking about a delivery person now," mum answered.

"But mom, that's not a real job."

"Since you can't stay in any real job, we decided to give you this job. You have to bring something to the table too. Now, wake up girls and come down for breakfast," mum said as she started leaving our room but she halted at the door and turned. "Kim, your work starts immediately after breakfast."

I didn't even have the strength in me to argue or protest, the news beat me into helplessness. As mum left the room, Khloe started to giggle. I glared at her. "This is not even funny."

"My bad," she said raising her hands. "But, think about it. It's going to be a great job, even if you mess up this time, you won't get fired."

"I see you have a death wish," I said and got up from bed to pursue Khloe, she jumped down from her bed, yelled, and made for the door.

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