Chapter 3: Discovering a liitle bit of himself.
I've always hated hospitals. The stench of blood, the sounds of dying people, and most of all the peculiar antiseptic smell that hospitals always seem to have.
Ben was in a small ward in the hospital, with two doctors attending to him. He had woken up about an hour ago but the doctors insisted that he needed to rest.
His parents,(Mr and Mrs Faircliff) had arrived at the hospital after I phone called them.
Mrs Faircliff had been worried,She had paced back and forth countless times. She has not always liked me, she always believed that I was spoiling her son.
Mr Faircliff on the other hand seemed unbothered. He was reading a Magazine and, If I hadn't known them or Ben and I were just passing by, I wouldn't believe that his son was currently unconscious.
A doctor suddenly came out of the hospital room. Mr and Mrs Faircliff? "He asked.
"Yes, We are," Mrs Faircliff said, referring to herself and Mr Faircliff.
Your son,"Ben",is alright."The doctor said. He didn't have a stroke or seizure as we first thought. He fainted as a result of shock that affected his brain.
"He's alright really,the doctor continued, I'll just give him a few pills to take and he'll be fine.
I heard all this from the far distance I was from them. It wasn't surprising because I've noticed before that I hear talks and sounds from far distances.
"Can we see him now...doctor? "Mrs Faircliff asked.
Yes you can, "The doctor said and excused himself.
Mrs Faircliff sighed in relief, She glanced at my direction and gave me a look that said, "You're lucky that nothing bad happened to my son".
Ben's father was still reading the magazine. He didn't seem to be aware of his surroundings and I was sure that he hadn't heard what the doctor said.
"Faircliff, she called". The doctor just said we can see our son now, so can you please drop the stuff you're doing for us to go inside together?
Mr Faircliff didn't flinch. "Go on, I'm coming after you,'' He said, without diverting attention from what he was reading.
"Ahh…' Mrs Faircliff said in an irritated tone before she went inside.
I was busy thinking of what happened, the events played back and forth in my mind like I was watching a movie. I had wanted to talk to Ben before his family did so. Just to make sure he doesn't tell them about the werewolf stuff and how he fainted…
Ten minutes later, Mr Faircliff finished reading the magazine. He quietly took off his glasses and put them in a box. Then he slowly opened the hospital room door and got inside.
I followed him at his back cause I wanted to see Ben too. The room was warm, and there were stainless trays scattered at the far corner.
"Ben's bed was close to the window and his mother sat at the edge, patting Ben's head.
Mr Faircliff already took a chair near the hospital bed, he acknowledged my presence by nodding to me, "That's weird, "I thought.
Ben's mother was staring at me with rage. If eyes could kill, I guess I'll be long dead from the shining daggers on her eyes.
"Lucian, Ben said,"Smiling. Who brought me here?
"A cop car,'' I replied…
"How come you fainted from the shock of Rottweilers chasing us? "I asked Ben, 'Silently praying that he should be smart enough to know my trick.
"Geez"..., he replied". The dogs were scary, you know, especially the black one that led the others.
I almost laughed at the way Ben told the lie. The look in his eyes almost convinced his mother that he was lying.
"Hmm...hmm, "Ben said, ``I hate hospitals! Dad, can we please go home now?"
"Of Course," Mr Faircliff said.``Off we go…"
Ben got discharged from the hospital on that night, And we both went to our separate homes.
I couldn't sleep, The events that happened hours ago kept flashing to my mind.
I was at home, lying down on my bed. Anytime I closed my eyes, I saw the glistening blue eyes of the white werewolf.
"Werewolves aren't real,"I said to myself. I think I'm seeing things. Such things as werewolves were only found in movies. I tried to convince myself that what I saw was out of my imagination, but somewhere deep in my heart, I knew it was all real. It had to be real, I wasn't the only one who saw it anyways.
My foster mother was sleeping soundly in her own room. I could hear her soft sleeping breaths. I suddenly thought that I was cursed. "How the hell can I hear the breath of a sleeping person in another room."
Out of nowhere, I immediately got a grip on all the strange things I could do.
"I could hear a person talking very quietly even if the person had no intention of me hearing. I can run very fast, faster than I could two years ago; and I could smell any object and tell the last person that touched it.
"All these are werewolves traits,"I suddenly thought. No, It can't be. I cannot possibly be a werewolf, I mean, If I was…"I'll know right?
"My mind suddenly flashed back to what Zane said. "The white Werewolf wants to fight."
"Wait, Ben hadn't been on the impulse to fight, but I had. Does that mean they were referring to me as a White werewolf?
"Yes, they were.
I was startled, who said that? "I asked, turning the lights on but I didn't see an intruder in my room.
"Where'd that come from? "I thought.
"I'm Luca, "The voice said. I'm your wolf, ready to serve you in all circumstances.
"My mind!, I shouted."The voice is coming from my mind.
I quickly noticed that the voice doesn't answer questions I asked aloud, but it only answers the one's I ask with my mind, (Without talking).
"What do you mean you're my wolf?" I asked quietly.
"You're a White werewolf," Luca said.
"And I'm your wolf, I'm Luca and I'll help you with your werewolf behaviour,strength and character."
I was confused, thousands of questions on my mind but I didn't know which to ask first.
"Don't even think of asking me more questions! "Luca suddenly said.
"How long have you been with me?" I asked Luca.
"Since you turned 18,'' it said.
"What! You were my wolf for a year and half ago and you hadn't even tried to communicate once?"
"Geez...Boy," I needed some time to adjust," Luca said.
"Did you just call me boy?" I asked Luca; rather angrily.
"Yes I did, What are you? Almost 20?"
"You're still a boy and I'll call you a boy as long as I'm your wolf. Now, If you'll excuse me, I need to rest, bye…"
The conversations I had with Luca were suddenly digesting into my brain. "I'm a White Wolf indeed." I said unbelievably. I glanced at my white wolf's bead. So this bead is connected to me being a werewolf?" I asked myself.
That night, I slept with a smile on my face; having discovered a little bit of myself.