Chapter 3: Probably Just Another Notch on His Bedpost
Gripping the business card, I walked out of the patient room, hopefully for the last time for a while. I waved to the nurses behind the desk with tears in my eyes. Over the last four years of coming here so often, sometimes living here for months at a time, I had gotten to know them all. And now, I had come out the other side stronger than I ever was before.
After stepping into the elevator, the doors closed, and I looked down at Dr. Pierce’s card and turned it over. His cell number was written in his messy scrawl on the other side with a small note. “Call Me.”
A smile spread across my face as I tucked the card into my purse. I headed out when the elevator opened on the first floor. No way was I going to call him. I was sure I would be just another notch on his bedpost... if I let it.
But then again, maybe I had him all wrong.
When I first saw him in the elevator dressed in jeans and an untucked button-down shirt, as sexy as sin, I thought he was much younger than he probably was. Then when he walked into my room with Rachel, and I discovered that he was not only a doctor but one of the best oncologists in the hospital, I nearly fell over.
But if that were the case, why hadn’t I seen him in the hospital before? Maybe our paths just hadn’t crossed. It was a big hospital, after all.
But I pushed the thought aside as I headed down the hallway headed toward the huge sliding glass doors They opened, and I stepped outside and I breathed in the fresh afternoon spring air, finally free.
But the first thing I wanted to do was to pay Ari and Mom back for everything they’d done for me over the past four years and more. If it hadn’t been for the sacrifices they’d made for me, I wouldn’t be here today. And it wasn’t speculation. It was a fact.
Because of Grayson’s and the King’s pull, I received the best medical care money could buy, both in the United States before I was brought here and then after I came to Estrea. Because of that, I survived... and I owed it all to Ari. Otherwise, I would have died, just another poor girl without insurance—another statistic.
But I quickly pushed the thought aside as I headed toward the limousine waiting for me at the end of the walkway. Today was a day to celebrate, not a day to think of what could have been. I was alive and had been spared for a reason, and I intended to make my life count for something, although I had no idea for what just yet.
Gerard held the door open and smiled when he saw me approach. “So, what did the doctor say?”
Over the years, he had become a friend as well as a bodyguard. Since I was sick most of the time, I didn’t get out much and didn’t have the opportunity to make many friends. So, I made friends where I could. But hopefully, that was going to change.
“I just received a clean bill of health! I’m free!” I gave him a huge hug, and he swung me around and then set me back down.
“That’s fantastic news, miss! I’m so happy for you!” He took my hand and helped me into the car.
“How many times have I asked you to call me Henley?” I smiled, happy to start my life.
He leaned in the door and returned the smile. “Okay, Henley.” He closed the door and headed around to the front.
But when he slid into the passenger seat beside Samuel, he frowned, giving Gerard a disapproving look.
Samuel smiled when his eyes met mine in the rearview mirror. “Congratulations, Miss Henley.” Then he frowned at Gerard once again before sliding the car into gear.
“Thanks, Samuel. I’m so excited I feel like doing something to celebrate!” I turned my attention out the window, watching the scenery pass as we headed back to the castle.
“Like what?” Gerard asked.
I shrugged. My head snapped up just in time to see Samuel shoot him a warning look. I had no idea what that was all about, but I pushed it from my mind as I turned my attention back out the window. The staff was always more relaxed with me, probably since I always spoke to them like equals, which we were. I never believed that anyone was any better than anyone else.
“I’m not sure just yet, but I’ll think of something.”
“Well, make sure not to overdo it.” Samuel shot me a warning glance when my eyes met his. “You just received a clean bill of health, but make sure you don’t wear yourself out.”
This time, Gerard shot him a disapproving look. “Well, if you decide to get out for a bit, let me know, and I’ll go with you... er... for protection.”
Samuel rolled his eyes.
“Thanks.” I chuckled, taking in their exchange. “But if I get past Mom and Ari, it’ll be a miracle.”
Gerard shrugged. “Just leave that to me.”
Samuel smacked his chest quicker than I would have thought possible.
“Hey! What was that for?” Gerard scoffed.
“Know your place, man, or you’re going to get hurt.” Samuel turned his attention back to the road, bringing all talking to a stop.
Yes, it was time I started getting out and making some friends. Then I thought of the business card Dr. Pierce gave me and took it out of my purse. Declan. I looked down at it and smiled. Dr. Declan Pierce. Why would a good-looking, sexy young doctor want to go out with me? I had no idea, but it was fun to dream.
Would it be too forward for me to call him and meet him for drinks tonight? I had no intention of calling him, but would a text hurt? After all, he had insisted several times that he’d like to meet me tonight. But then again, tonight was too soon. My family would want to celebrate. And I didn’t want to appear overeager to see him, either. The last thing I wanted to do was to throw myself at him like all the other women he probably knew.
While I was debating, time passed quickly and we arrived back at the palace. Before I knew it, we were driving past the cherry trees and the blossoms were floating through the air. We stopped at the gate, and Tim, the guard, looked in the window and smiled. “Welcome back, Miss Henley.”
“Thanks.” I returned his smile, and then he waved us in and the gate closed behind us. I smiled down at the card, and then the car came to a stop. But Gerard had my door open before I could reach for the handle and offered me his hand. “Thanks, Gerard.”
“No problem.” A smile spread across his lips and then faded when he saw the card in my hand. “What’s that?”
“Oh, my doctor gave it to me. Thanks, Gerard!” I tucked it into my purse and headed into the palace. I didn’t want to tell anyone about the good-looking doctor and what it could mean. But then again, I’d probably never see him again anyway, so it was probably a moot point. Also, I liked the idea of him being my little secret for while.
“So, what happened?” Mom was standing in the foyer when I entered the palace, wringing her hands, and King Maxwell was standing with her, along with Ari and Grayson.
Wow! Word sure traveled quickly in the palace.
“Please tell me that everything went well.” Ari took my hands as worry colored her face.
“Well... I got a clean bill of health!” I squealed. “My doctor checked my levels, and I’m officially in remission!”
Ari squealed as she pulled me in for a huge hug and Grayson hugged us both. Then Mom dabbed her eyes as she hugged us, too, and Maxell patted hers and Grayson’s backs.
“I’m so happy for you!” Mom cried when she pulled back. “When do they want to see you again?”
“Not for another six months. They want to check my levels every six months for the next six years before I’m in the clear,” I replied, dabbing at my eyes. “But I want everyone to start treating me like a normal person now.”
She nodded, smiling as she took the tissue that Max handed her. “I know, dear, but old habits are hard to break.”
“Mom, Ari....” I held both of their hands as I looked into their eyes. “I want to thank you for everything you’ve both done for me. Because of you, I’m here today.”
Ari swiped a hand across her face as Grayson wrapped his arms around her waist. “Well, I couldn’t have done anything without Grayson.”
I nodded. “Grayson, King Maxwell, Thank you both, too. Thank all of you. I plan to give back to all of you. I want to repay you all for everything you’ve done for me.”
“No way.” Ari shook her head, dabbing at her eyes with the tissue Grayson handed her, smearing her eyeliner. “You will do no such thing. Grayson and I did this because we wanted to.” Then she pulled me in for another hug, and her tears started flowing again. “I love you, sis.”
“I love you, too.” Tears slid down my cheeks, too.
When she pulled back a moment later, the sincerity in her eyes couldn’t be denied. “You don’t owe me a thing. The only thing I want is for you to be happy.”
“Me, too.” Mom wrapped her arms around us both. “That’s all I’ve ever wanted for both my girls. Just live your lives... no matter where it might lead.”