Chapter 7: Butterfly
“Henley, would you like to go shopping with me?” Ari asked, slipping her purse over her shoulder. She didn’t look as if she had even one child, let alone two. “I was going out to get a few last-minute things for the party tonight and thought you might like to go.”
I shrugged. “Sure! Why not?” It had been a while since Ari and I had gone out alone. It had been a few days since I came home with the news that my Leukemia was in remission now. Mom and Ari had decided to throw me a small party, even though I didn’t want them to make a big fuss. I was planning on going to college in the United States, and they had already spent enough money on me as it was.
I hadn’t told them yet, but I planned to use student loans to pay for my education so I could pay for it myself, even though King Maxwell had already set up a college fund for me and an expense account. He had given me strict instructions that I could use it at any college in the world, as long as I didn’t forget where home was. Then he smiled and kissed the top of my head.
While Ari and I were growing up, I had always wanted a father, and Ari had been the closest thing I had to one... until King Maxwell came into our lives. Now, Maxwell was like the father I never had, and Grayson was the big brother, always looking out for me, taking care of me.
“Ari, I told you not to go to any trouble.” I slipped my purse over my shoulder and followed her out. “I only agreed if the party was going to be something small.”
“And it will be.” She smiled as she slipped her arm into mine. “I’ve invited a few friends, and so did Grayson and Xavier. Mom and Maxwell invited a few, too. And if you know anyone, you can invite them, as well.”
I nodded as my mind went immediately to Declan. I had thought of asking him to come to the party, but he hadn’t texted or called me back since I'd texted him. And he obviously had my number now. So, that was probably that. It just felt odd inviting him now. The last thing I wanted was to come off as chasing him.
“Doing some last-minute shopping for the party tonight?” A smile lit Gerard’s face as he opened the back door for us while Samuel waited behind the wheel.
Ari nodded. “Just a few things.”
“Thanks, Gerard.” I slid into the limo first, followed by Ari.
Ari nodded, and to my surprise, she raised the partition and screen between us as soon as everyone was in their seats, and we were on our way.
Something told me that this wouldn’t be just a trip to the store.
“Henley, could I speak with you about something?” Ari asked, giving my hand a gentle squeeze.
I let out a deep breath. “Sure! What’s up?” Then I motioned toward the screen. “And what’s with all the cloak and dagger?”
She pursed her lips and looked down at me. “I saw you out jogging with Gerard the other day.”
I rolled my eyes, looking out the window. “Ari, he’s just a friend.”
“Oh, I know.”
My head snapped up. “Then what’s the big deal? We’re friends! I went jogging! He came along!”
“Shush!” She let out a deep breath, shaking her head. “He’ll hear you!”
“So?” I sighed. “Ari, the subject was brought up, and I told him that he was like a big brother to me and a good friend.”
Ari nodded. “And what did he say?”
I shrugged. “He understood.”
Ari gave me a small smile as she lowered her voice. “Just make sure you don’t hurt him. He’s a nice guy.”
I nodded. “I don’t intend to.”
She nodded, clasping my hand. “It’s just that I’ve seen how he looks at you, Henley, and I don’t want him to get hurt.”
I let out a deep breath, shaking my head. “It’s strange. I must have been the last to know.”
Ari let out a deep breath. “Henley, I wanted to talk to you.”
I scooted away. “What about?”
“Grayson, Xavier, and their friends are inviting their friends tonight.”
She let out a deep breath. “And I want you to be careful.”
I scoffed. “I promise, dear sister, that I’ll be careful not to fall down the stairs or fall flat on my face tonight.” I rolled my eyes.
She scoffed. “No. That’s not what I’m talking about.” She bit her lower lip, which she does when she has to say something that she doesn’t want to say. “Because of your illness, you haven’t had a lot of experience with men—”
I scoffed. “Oh, please, do not have the sex talk with me!”
She burst out laughing. “No, it’s not that.”
“Thank goodness.” I rolled my eyes.
“No, but you’re not experienced with men.” She smiled as she squeezed my hand. “You may not know this. but you’ve grown to become a beautiful young lady, and there will be a lot of men hitting on you.”
“Yeah, right.” I rolled my eyes.
“Just don’t jump at the first guy who flirts with you.” Ari patted my hand, sounding more like a mother figure or a cool aunt than my big sister. “Just be careful.”
I nodded, pulling her in for a hug. “Thank you. I will.” My lips curled into a smile. “But I think I may have already met someone.”
Ari scoffed. “Already? Who? Where?”
I chuckled. “Well, it may be nothing, but he’s the doctor that examined me the other day.”
“A doctor?” She scrunched up her nose.
“Yes... it’s not like he’s an old man or anything.” I shook my head. Just then, the limousine pulled in front of the local grocery store. I leaned in conspiratorially. “Between us, I’ll never get used to going to the grocery store in a limo.”
Ari laughed. “Neither will I.” Then she lowered her voice conspiratorially. “Tell me about your Dr. Hottie later. We don’t want to be late for your party tonight!”
Just then, Gerard opened the door and extended his hand, but he wasn’t smiling, leaving me to wonder how much he had heard. But since we had gone jogging together and I had told him that he was my best friend, like a big brother to me, things had been different. And I had a feeling that things would never be the same between us again. But then again, I had to grow up and stop acting like the little girl I had once been. I was now an adult and needed to start acting like it.
“Thank you, Gerard.” I took his hand and let him help me out of the car.
“It’s my pleasure, Ms. Douglas.” Then he reached for Ari’s hand and helped her out, too. “I’ll follow you both inside, just in case. But I won’t interfere.”
I nodded. “Thank you.”
It was hard to believe that Gerard had been my best friend who had sat with me in my hospital room on more than one occasion, had told me jokes to keep my spirits up, or had read me articles from fashion magazines while I was sicker than a dog and losing my hair.
Yes, things were definitely different, yet I wasn’t wholly to blame.
I walked with Ari into the store, and we picked up a few more bottles of liquor, even though we had plenty at home, along with more snacks and some decorations. Ari probably just wanted an excuse to get me alone to talk. But then again, maybe she needed to get out, too. After all, there were ears everywhere in the palace.
After we picked up a few more things, we headed toward the front when I saw a beautiful butterfly pin—blue with purple and pink wings. I picked it up and went to another checkout lane to pay for it. Ari waved me toward her, but I held my hand up toward her, signaling to her that I’d be right there.
Gerard stood back, watching both of us like a hawk, while Samuel stood at the door, watching, too.
As soon as the saleslady finished ringing up the pin, she slipped it into a bag and handed it to me. “Have a nice day!”
“Thank you.” I took the bag, rushed over the few registers toward Ari, and felt much better when I was with her again.
It felt strange that we couldn’t stray too far away from each other when we were out. Safety in numbers, I guess. But after all we’d been through together, I’d never forgive myself if something happened to Ari because I was away from her and Gerard or another bodyguard was watching me instead of her.
No, she had enough to worry about and had sacrificed enough without me adding to it. She was the Princess of Estrea now and would one day be Queen. Now, it ws my turn to protect her.
And if I could do this one thing to make life a little easier for my sister, I would. It wasn’t too much to ask.
“Are you okay?” I asked, slipping my arm around Ari.
She looked at me as if I had four heads. “Yes, of course.”
I helped her with the packages as she paid for our things, and then we headed out and Gerard and Samuel followed us out. Gerard waited with us, keeping watch, as Samuel got the limo and pulled it up to the front.
Then he opened the door and silently took Ari’s hand and helped her in. “Your Royal Highness.” Once she was safely inside, then he reached for my hand, as well. “Ms. Douglas.”
I nodded, understanding. The days of informality between Gerard and me were over. Once I was inside, he closed my door, not sparing me a smile.
On the way back to the palace, I pulled the small red box out of the bag and ran my finger over the crushed velvet.
“What do you have there?” Ari asked, smiling.
“Something for you.” I handed it to her and smiled. “It’s not much, but I saw it and thought of you.”
She opened it and gasped. “Oh, Henley! Thank you!” She threw her arms around my neck and pulled me in for a hug. Then she released me and ran her fingers over the colorful glass gems. She smiled as she looked up, tears filling her eyes. “Henley, you didn’t have to do that!”
“It’s not much.” I shrugged. “Just a little something to say thank you.”
She pulled me in for another hug. “Thank you!”
“No, thank you... for everything.” Even though I knew there was no way I could ever repay my sister for everything she had done for me, I was going to try.