Attraction at first sight(2)
I couldn't place my fingers in how different she was but I knew within me she wasn't the everyday kind of human I was used to.
“Platinum blonde and that isn't even an interview ques..."
“We already maxed out on blonde and I don't want another airhead," I interrupted.
“Excuse you?" She let out an exasperated sigh, perhaps at how I generalized the blonde-haired girls.
“You know what, I've been having a shitty morning because of trying to arrive here on time. If I had known the person in charge of this company was an idiot and selfish bastard, I wouldn't have bothered!" She harangued.
“You are a self-centred, egoistic, pompous man. I don't freaking care if I'm using the same adjective to describe you because that's what you are!"
Dear me, how could my mate be this insulting?
Even if she wasn't my mate, she was here for an interview for chrissake, not a rant show!
She sounded cute at first like a gorgeous damsel waiting for her prince in shining armour to rescue her. Now, she sounded harsh like a filthy old hag that had eaten all her children.
Turn and take a glimpse at your beloved!
She isn't my beloved! I slammed back because if she was, she would have learnt how to bridle her tongues and never speak back to anyone above her.
Perhaps, she wasn't trained by her parents or she had been dumped at birth because of how hideous she looks and later brought up on the street.
Nonetheless, my curiosity got the best of me and I swirled facing her.
Her pale complexion made her seem like she detested going out in the sun. Her hair was platinum and done in a high ponytail. Her head was a nice oval-shaped with an upturned nose that exudes defiance and full kissable lips- coated with a light pink lip gloss.
The brown suit she donned on revealed nothing and did nothing to help her slender build. However, I could make out long legs where her skirt ended.
She drew herself up to her full height which was absurd. Even with the stiletto she wore, she was still five feet, five inches tall as I assessed her.
She was gorgeous and what I found interesting the most was her grey orbs. As she glared, a hurricane of emotion was swirling in it as it latched on mine.
I grinned as I watched the stunned look on her face. “I told you, you can't run. Didn't I?”
Her jaw slackened and she shut her eyes whilst jiggling her head in a frenzy. I was about to halt her because I thought her head would roll off her neck as she was nodding when her eyes snapped open.
“No, this shouldn't be!" She shrieked.
“Well, it already is,” I stated.
I smirked, staring at the look of horror on her face. She seems like she was about to murder the person that put me in this predicament, including me.
She glared at me fiercely and stalked to the door. She twisted the doorknob violently but it didn't give way as I had locked it the minute my eyes collided with hers.
She whirled around, “ I'm not marrying you! Get that. Not now, not ever!"
“You can't escape from it." I chuckled whilst she sent me a dirty look.
“Open this damn door!"
“Or what?" I hoisted my body off the chair I was on and moved towards her. She shifted backwards with each stride I made. I halted some metres away and stared at her.
Despite the distance, the jolt of electricity that sizzled in the air couldn't be ignored. Her startled eyes trailed to my face and an intense hunger pierced through me.
Despite how headstrong she was, she seemed frightened as I walked towards her.
“I'll scream rape." She retorted, scowling.
I tossed my head back and laughed at her assertion. I believe she could do it because of the seriousness of her expression
However, who would believe her?
No one. Save for the journalists who would want to make money out of it by making disreputable headlines.
“Everyone knows we are getting married in two weeks." I lied, observing her reactions. It was just like I had envisaged.
Her stormy grey orbs stilled as it fixated on mine, unblinking.
“Married?" Her voice echoed a few seconds later, still, she looked alarmed.
“Yes," I murmured whilst she searched my face to see if I was bluffing.
“I'm not getting married to you, you-you sick bastard! I don't want anything to do with you. You can choose from your numerous workers to fcking wed and even fck if you want!" She seethed. Twisting back to the door, she yanked the doorknob with force.
She swerved back again, huffing as the door didn't give way. “Just open this damn door!"
“Fine, but you can't run anywhere. If I were you, I'll accept my fate since it's the best choice and thing your family has offered you."
Hurt flickered in her eyes for a brief second before she concealed it.
“I'm not getting married to you, not now or ever!" She screeched again. Then darted out of the office.
I didn't make a way to stop her because she needed to process the words which I had just said. Despite it being a lie, my daughter needed a mother figure and also, and I find her to be the right choice.
Even if I hadn't before, today encounter's confirmed it.
This might be hard due to her stubborn nature. Eventually, she would cave in when she realised she had nowhere to go because I would make sure she wouldn't fly away from my presence anymore.
Despite how out of control I always was with my urges, I seemed to be in control of everything with her.
Yet, I knew not for long. If she had stayed another hour here, I would have leapt on her.
Regardless of me marking her now or not, she was mine. Even if I had to spank her to remind her which I would happily do if given the chance.