Rebecca’s story

I was desperately trying to keep my composure, but I was not succeeding. I couldn’t see anything, and the doctor’s confirmation gave me the creeps.

Despite the situation I was living at maximum intensity, I tried to follow Declan’s voice.

“Miss Holland, we’re going to do a CT Scan again. Something’s wrong and I need to find out what.”

He didn’t wait for me to answer and immediately supported me to sit down in what appeared to be a wheelchair. “Don’t be scared that it is a chair for disabled people. It’s the easiest way to carry you”

It was damn scary being carried into the unknown, but I could feel both men next to me. Dominic still hadn’t freaked out and abandoned me.

By the time I got to the room where I was going to have my CT scan, my nerves got stretched to the breaking point. “I’m going to lay you on a table, Miss Holland, and to help you not move, I’m going to strap you down. You’ll have to stay perfectly still!” repeated Declan, and it wasn’t long before I found myself alone in this machine scanning my skull.

From what I had seen on TV, both Declan and Dominic were supposed to be in an outer room watching the pictures the scanner was taking.

The torment lasted for an hour at most, during which I not only didn’t move but also had my heart beating frantically. Thousands of questions were running through my head. What could cause my blindness? Would I stay like this forever, or was it temporary? Only Declan could give me the answers as he read the X-rays.

In no time, the doctor transported me back into the room. Normally the result came within 24-48 hours, but Declan rushed it to have it today. I needed to know immediately what was happening to me.

However, I spent most of the day in the hospital and it wasn’t until the evening that Declan and Dominic came in. I had asked Dominic to leave me alone during the day, otherwise he would have stayed with me until now.

“How is it? Declan...” I asked, frightened, blinking involuntarily, as if whatever was wrong with my eyes would be pushed away.

Declan’s response was not long in coming, but it was exactly what I feared most.

“Miss Holland, I have good news and not so good news. The less good news is that you do indeed have an injury to your eye nerve, that is because of posttraumatic stress. And the good news is it’s not permanent. So your recovery could happen any time now.”

I haven’t had better news than this in as long as I can remember. Although I couldn’t see, I was glad it was temporary. If there was a dance of joy right now, I would do it.

“Okay, then if everything is as it should be and there is no more serious cause for concern, I suggest we cut to the chase and go straight home,” interrupted Dominic, who until then had been silent and seemed like he didn’t really care about my condition or that I was so happy I wasn’t blind permanently.

Although it seemed hard to believe, I tried to pick myself up piece by piece and focus on what might be important. To focus on this man’s help. Maybe I didn’t have family close by, maybe I was alone and all I needed now was a change of scenery. I’ve been through some tough times. But I’ve survived. That was the most important thing. And the next thing, although it would cost me my pride, was to allow this man who claims to be Dominic Stone to help me.

But then another terrifying thought raced through my already affected mind. What if he was not who he claimed to be, and I went to a stranger’s house? What would then happen? Who would I call to get help? I would be defenseless and unable to protect myself against this man. He seemed very tall when he approached me. Now, what was I supposed to do?

If it came to the issue of me accompanying him to his house, I might as well not show that I was afraid.

“When do you want us to leave?” I asked half-heartedly. Maybe it wasn’t to my advantage to upset him.

But again, that silence. And I knew the answer to that question would again be with Declan. Dominic seemed impatient, though.

“Declan?” His voice sounded low, deep.

“Oh, yes, Dominic... I’ll sign the discharge papers and let you two go. Do you want to stay here and help her pack?” I didn’t really expect it, but I had to admit I needed the help.

“I’d like that” And his voice was no longer serious, but suddenly jovial.

Declan left me alone with this Dominic, but I still didn’t believe in his identity. But the moment he turned his attention to me, I felt that this room was far too small and the air far too thin to breathe.

“Miss Sinclair, is it alright if I help you pack your things?” Perhaps it was time to stop being so formal.

“Rebecca, you can call me Rebecca. And you can start by passing me my clothes from the closet”

For a moment, our hands touched, but instead of pulling mine away, I kept them there. He did the same. The feeling itself was intoxicating, compelling me to want more. Wondering what sort of thrills those hands could bring to life? The thought made me shudder. The anticipation of him helping me get dressed was driving me insane. What was wrong with me? I didn’t even know this man that well. In fact, I didn’t know him at all. I felt grateful that he saved me, but from gratitude to lust and desire, that’s a long way. Or was it?

I turned away, leaving my bare back for his eyes to see. Moving closer, I felt his breath warming the small spot next to his mouth. God, he was so close. I could almost feel his lips caressing my skin. Or was it my imagination? It had to be. Then his fingers grabbed the zipper of my blouse, pulling it up. Again, their closeness made me shift reality into sweet fantasy. I felt every part of my body coming to life. It was like it had been frozen, and now it was melting beneath his enticing touch. If sin had a name, it was certainly Dominic’s name. He truly was who he pretended to be. He had to.

“I am done, Miss Rebecca. Is it ok if we go?” I could feel an excitement in his voice, as if he couldn’t wait for us to leave. But because I could not take a step, I knew the wheelchair was still close by. It was to become a good friend to me in the coming months, maybe, if not years.

“Allow me a brief second, please.” And with the same eyes I still couldn’t see, I tried to guess where the chair was. “Would you give me a hand?”

I gestured to my wheelchair so he would realize I was going to need help to get into it. In an instant, I felt his arms wrap around me and hold me. My cheek whisked his sculpted torso. I rested my face there. It was warm and welcoming.

After he placed me in the chair, I pushed it hard to the window, the only place I could envision the warm light of the sun during the day or the mystery of the moon at night. It was also the place where I could praise God, hoping He wouldn’t abandon me in my time of need. “You know, this is where I would pray to God that one day He would do me a miracle and bring me the man who saved my life... and apparently

that was what He did!”

I didn’t expect him to believe me from the first words that I was believing in him.

“But you still don’t trust me...” he interrupted my thoughts, confirming exactly what I was already thinking.

And he was kind of right. Who would do such a thing? Humanity kind of disappeared for a while now. Yet I felt the need to assure him I wasn’t that unfaithful.

“Give me some time... mister!” My politeness was so forced. But he didn’t miss a thing.

“I could ask you to address me as Dominic, as I call you Rebecca, but you still don’t think that’s my name...”

I had tried not to be rude, but his acidic retorts gave me no peace. And since I felt inferior and vulnerable anyway... words were all I had left.

“Dominic Stone would not have been in New York at the same time a few creeps attacked me and stopped the car, putting his life in danger of getting me out of there alive. What are the chances of that to happen?”

“Good question, but you certainly didn’t think that an actor like Dominic Stone wouldn’t have anything strange about being in New York. He might have had an early event and maybe he has a house in New York too”

“If we are playing this particular game, I may not be winning.” I admitted, somehow defeated again in my pride.

“That means you do believe me!” The confidence with which he stated these things drove me crazy.

“Actually, I don’t... for now. The chance is too... I don’t know...” The truth was only one. When I was around him, something was happening to me. I couldn’t even get my thoughts straight.

“Do you believe in destiny, Miss Rebecca?” I was so tempted to say yes, but I hardly restrained myself.

“I used to believe before this terrible thing happened to me, but now I feel like fate is playing so many tricks on me”

“Or perhaps you’re messing with destiny. Think about it... you were in a terrible situation, almost getting killed, but somehow you beat the odds and made it through”

“I will not take credit alone. It all was with your help, you mean”

“I just like to believe I was just a well-placed pawn on the board of your destiny. You know, the perfect fit at the wrong time. Consider it like this. It’s not about who saved you, it’s about the fact that someone saved you. It was fate that placed me there”

His modesty was incredible. Or maybe it was acceptance? Surely he would have done that for any woman, not just me.

“Whatever it was, thank you with all my heart. Dominic Stone or not, I will be forever indebted to you and somehow, don’t ask me when or how, I will make it up to you. For you know, your life, from now on, will never be the same. Taking care of a blind, disabled lady is not a straightforward thing to do”

“Why don’t you let me worry about that? And if you must redeem yourself with me, get over it. First, trust me and then I will let you do it”

I still couldn’t get used to the nonchalance with which he threw his words at me, but maybe that’s how he was. “Let’s go then. I have the car parked outside. One of these days I plan to take you someplace”

“Take me where?”

“It’s a surprise! I don’t reveal surprises”

And with that, the brief exchange of lines ended and the next thing he did was take my hand, holding our fingers together. It was like he didn’t want to lose me, even though I was in a wheelchair. I wouldn’t have gone anywhere. Suddenly, this gesture of delight sent a zillion shudders down my spine. He picked me up from the chair and placed me in his car. When I flinched, his calm, protective tone of voice restored my confidence. “Don’t be afraid. I’m here with you!”

He stretched out his hands to me, feeling their tenderness. They were large, welcoming, even sinful. It was his way of saying to me he would be here for me... forever!

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