Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 62


I grabbed her coat and ran out of the house. It was rainy and I was not with an umbrella, but I didn’t mind, I did not care, I was focused as I recall the call I had received a few minutes ago.

“Cindy, this is Louisa, I am giving you the permission to love Jeffery, he is not my son, he is not your half brother, so go find him and love him as much as you want.”

This was all like a dream to me, Jeffery was not my real brother, this means I can still love him, my heart had not stopped loving him and I have my parent’s permission to love him, this was just too good, all I had to do was find Jeffery and I know just where he would be if he also knows about this.

I arrived at the beach, it was pouring heavily and there Jeffery stood, under the rain, staring at the ocean. As I walked step by step closer, the words he had told me in the past echoed in my head.

“I love my father so much, he was my best friend, the only person I feel so close to, the one who remembers my birthday first after you, I don’t know if my mother is too busy to remember, she only does when she is reminded by my father or if she looks at the calendar by chance. I will confess that in those fourteen years I spent in California she only sent a birthday present and wished only three times in fourteen years.”

Tears rolled down my eyes, this must be the reason because he was not her son, she often forgets about it, now I could tell how sad it must be for Jeffery if he knew about this now, and he looked so lonely standing right there.

“Jeffery,” I called out his name as I got closer but he still had his back on me. “I heard from Louisa, I am sorry that we both lived in a lie all these years, I am so sorry that you lost your real mother.” I needed to tell him, I would have done that a long time if I had known.

“You pity me now.” His voice was cold as he turned around and his expression was so indifferent and he looked like a broken man, his eyes were red, but the tears were washed down due to the heavy rain that was still falling.

“You pity me now since I am an orphan because you have a mother and a father but I lost mine?” His voice was icy and it pricked my heart.

“Jeffery, that is not what I meant.” I shook my head because he was misunderstanding me right now.

“Didn’t I tell you to get lost?!” He raised his voice with clenched teeth. “I thought we broke up officially, why are you still here?” I stepped back, this was not what I had expected, his face was indifferent and chills ran through my spine.

“Jeffery, we had lived in a lie and in the dark all these while, we can start again, me and you.” I looked up into his eyes but there were no emotions in them, they were dark and scary.

“I have nothing to start again.” He said dryly.

“We both love each other, you love me, even your eyes can tell me that, you found the culprit and you visited me at the hospital, I know because I felt that way and I know that.” I searched his eyes but they were covered with indifference.

“So what if I like you?” He asked in anger and I knew this wasn’t going to go well so I held his hands like he was going to disappear anytime soon.

“Let’s stop all these and be together, huh!” I looked into his eyes expectantly but he pushed my hands away from his and his brows were raised slightly.

“I am leaving this country.” I stood still as my eyes dilated. I was shocked to hear him say this as tears filled my eyes. “I will leave after the final exams next week and I am not ever going to come back to this country because I have nothing left in this place, no family, just nothing.”

I grip his hands and shake my head profusely. “No Jeffery…” I was so terrified, scared that he had turned too cold, not like the Jeffrey I know and he was suddenly going to leave and I won’t be able to see him forever.

He pushed my hands away again and ran his hands through his wet hair. “If I stay with you I would have no joy since you would always feel sorry anytime you see me and I will feel hurt to see you that way. Please Cindy stop now.”

I shook my head and raised my chin, planting a kiss on his cold lips as I closed my eyes, tears rolled down my cheek and was washed away by the rain. He didn’t push me away and I hoped this changed his mind, but that all disappeared when he stepped back.

He looked at me and we stare at each other in silence, I know this was goodbye, I knew he was right, I will look at him with a sad expression anytime I see him, I know this was as far as our love could go and he was leaving and I wouldn’t be able to see him.

I was scared but couldn’t hold him back, I shook my head countless times as my lips quiver, we both looked like a rain-soaked puppy and we both looked pathetic. It was more of a happy moment when we were kids, but right now, it is only filled with sadness.

“Goodbye, Cindy.” He turned around and walked away. I just couldn’t follow, my body was in pain and I was cold. Now I could feel the rain hitting me with each drop and my heart feels so cold and lonely, I have lost Jeffery.

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