Chapter 4

The next day was really an awkward day for Harrison and Elena.

Harrison left for the work leaving Elena all alone. He didn’t even say a word to her before leaving.

midnight kiss bar

Elena took a sip of the alcoholic drink tho she can’t drink unlike Gracie and Trisha.

This time around she was drinking alone. She wanted to be alone since her friends will only complicate things especially Gracie and Trisha.

The fact that gracie and trisha didn’t attend her wedding made her angry.

She took another sip thinking of her life since she got married.

Her friends no longer hang out with her and she hasn’t spoken to her parents since.

It’s just like she doesn’t exist.

“Hi Elena”, someone said.

“J…Jason? “, she said surprised.

“Yeah it’s me again, I never knew I would see you this soon”, he smiled and Elena drooled.

“He has a cute smile”, she thought.

“Nice to meet you”, she said trying to get hold of herself.

“How come you are alone? Where is Harrison? He’s not here with you? “, he asked looking around as he took the seat opposite her.

“No he isn’t here and I don’t want him here, I want to be alone”

“Should I leave then?”, he asked and she shook her head almost immediately.

“No….no please don’t, I am OK with you here with me”, she said tho in a drunk state.

“OK then, Tell me about yourself. Am interested in knowing more about you”, he said and she blushed.

“Am Elena, 20 years, the daughter of Mr and Mrs Morgan. I am the only child and I am annoying sometimes”, she said and Jason laughed.

“so you agree that you are annoying? I like annoying girls”, he said.

“Oh really?”

“Yes Annoying girls turn out to be very cute especially you”, he said and she smiled.

“Do you regret marrying Harrison?”, he asked and Elena kept quiet for a while.

“To be honest yes, I regret agreeing to marry him”, she confessed.


“Let’s drop that, tell me about yourself”, she said.

“Am Jason McCall, the son of Ryan McCall. Am 23 years, I spent all my life in Greece and most importantly I am handsome”, he said.

They kept chatting till it was late and Jason dropped her off.

With the little chat, they have gotten to know each other and have developed interest in each other.

Seeing Jason again made her realize that she is somehow attracted to Jason and same thing for Jason.

“Goodnight”, Elena waved but Jason held her hand making her turn.

“Don’t go yet, I have something for you”, he said staring at her lips.

“What is it?”, she asked clueless and before she knew what was happening he clamped his lips on her.

Elena was surprised at first but returned the kiss and later broke it because she was out of breath.

“I will see you again tomorrow, will you be free?”, he asked and she nodded.

“See you then”, he said and winked.

“Where did you go to?”, Harrison asked.

“Why do you care?’, she asked trying not to show how afraid she was of him.

She didn’t want to give him the impression that she was scared but Harrison knew better.

“I don’t care but I don’t want to be a widower, if you notice anything suspicious call me immediately”, he said but it only made Elena more scared.

Apart from being afraid of him, All Harrison talks about is death, danger and threats.

“Are you being attacked? Or are you a gangster?”, she asked but Harrison ignored.

“Did you do anything illegal? Did you kill someone? Let’s inform the cops immediately”, she said and posses Harrison off.

“Do you want to know why I hated you since you were a child and why I still hate you? It’s because you are too lousy and annoying. Just do me a favor by shutting that mouth of yours”, he said pissed.

“At least am cute”, she muttered remembering what Jason said.

“I won’t protect you if anything bad happens to you because you are nobody to me”, he said and left for his room.

“Why are you so mean to me even when I did nothing wrong? I hate you Harrison McCall”, Elena shouted but in her mind.

*** flashback ***

“Why are you just so useless? I put you in charge of red dragons and yet you still act like you are the child I raised”

“Am sorry, it was all my fault. I should have made you proud”, Harrison apologized.

“Of course it was your fault,you have been more cautious but you weren’t. You have always been useless since you were a child”

“I will fix everything, please I need a little time”, he said.

“Little time? I didn’t create red dragons just to joke around. We can’t let the black jaguars beat us, we must take over their territory”

“I will bring everyone in the black jaguars one by one and I promise not to disappoint you”, he said.

“I hope Elena doesn’t suspect a thing because if she knows or the enemy know that she’s your wife, I will be forced to kill her myself”

“She doesn’t suspect anything and she won’t find out”, Harrison promised.

“One more thing, you need to strike a deal with white pirate,,, once we have their support, we can easily eliminate the black jaguars”

End of flashback

Harrison ruffled his hair in frustration as he wondered how his life got so complicated.

But of course no one could be blamed except his parents who left him on his own.

Harrison’s phone rang and he picked it at the third ring.

It was Sammy.

“What is it?”

“We caught one member of the black jaguars”, he replied.

“Where is he?”

“In the torture room”, he replied.

“Make sure nothing happens to him before tomorrow, I can’t come today”, he ordered.

“Noted”, he said and hung up.

“What did he say?”, Tony asked Sammy.

“He said he can’t come today and we should make sure nothing happens to him”, he explained.

“Ok”, Tony replied.

Torture room

Miguel a member of black jaguars was chained and the face has been disfigured.

But he was kept alive because he already promised to reveal the secret of the black jaguars.

The door gently opened and revealed a shadow standing at the door.

“Who are you?”, Miguel asked in fear but there was no reply and the person walked close to Miguel.

“Please don’t kill me”, he pleaded and the person laughed.

“You don’t want to die? You were planning to reveal our secret to the red dragons right?”, he asked as he moved closer and Miguel recognized him immediately.

“Boss…… boss please I made a mistake”, he pleaded in realization.

“A mistake? Why did you get caught by our enemy?”, he asked with a very thick voice.

“It was a mistake boss …….

“Well that little mistake will cost you your life and I don’t care if you go to hell”, he said icily.

“Please I have family…...

“You should have thought of that before you foolishly agreed to betray me”, he said and he forced something into Miguel’s mouth.

“What did you put in my mouth?”

“What will send you to the place you belong which is hell”, he said and laughed while Miguel tried to cough whatever what put in his mouth that he swallowed by mistake.

“Have a good sleep before you leave”, he said and locked the door.

Elena was unable to sleep because of the kiss between Jason and me.

She kept thinking of him.

Her mind went to Harrison and she went guilty but with the way he was treating her, she convinced herself that she was doing the right thing.

She had her first kiss with Josh but it wasn’t as special as it was with Jason.

As she rolled on her Bed, the memory of how Jason had kissed her cane flashing back.

She tried to sleep but sleep was far from her.

“Have I fallen for Jason? “, she asked herself.

“I will get the answer to my question tomorrow “, she assured herself.

She decided to take wine at the bar counter to refresh her mind but she met Harrison here already.

“Why are you not sleeping?”, he asked Elena who was trying to sneak back to her room.

She was trying to avoid a conversation with him because she always ended up being scared and frightened.

“Damn!”, she muttered.

“Am not feeling sleepy”, she replied and he raised his brow.

“Why are you not also sleeping?”, she asked when he said nothing.

“Doing some thinking”, he replied about a while and Elena was surprised that he replied her.

She wasn’t expecting any reply from him at all.

“Where are you going to?”, he asked Elena who was leaving.

“Going back to my room”, she replied.

“You can have a drink too”

“There’s no need”, she replied hoping that Harrison would persuade her but to her disappointment he didn’t .

“Why don’t you like Jason? I mean he’s your cousin and he makes to befriend you”, she asked and regretted.

“Something happened between us, you don’t know Jason more than I do, he isn’t what you think he is”, he replied.

“He looks nice and gentle. Jason can never be pretending”, she defended.

“You seem to have known him since, what lie did he tell you?”

“I don’t know him that well but my instinct never lies”, she replied.

“I will advice you to stay away from Jason, you can go for anyone but not a McCall”, he said and left leaving Elena more confused.

Next morning

Secret room

Harrison arrived very early in the morning.

He wants to speak to Miguel before going to his work.

“Where’s he?”, he asked Sammy who just woke up from his sleep

“In the torture room”, Sammy replied had Harrison headed to the torture room.

Miguel’s head was hanging on his lifeless body.

“What happened to him?”, Sammy asked no one in particular.

Harrison moved to him to feel his pulse and felt none.

He moved his hand to his nose and Harrison didn’t feel anything breath.

“I gave you a simple task,,, Make sure nothing happens to him before tomorrow and yet you failed to do that task”, he said angrily.

“Am really sorry Harrison but I checked on him, he was fine and I made sure if that. I don’t understand how he died”, Sammy explained but Harrison wasn’t buying that.

“Why is he bringing out white foam in his mouth? Which food did you serve him?”, Harrison said pissed already.

“I didn’t give him anything to eat yesterday or Could he be poisoned with anything ? But why?”, Sammy asked surprised because he had left him perfectly fine.

“Poison? I need the CCTV camera of the room now, this moment”, Harrison yelled.

“It had a fault and it is yet to be fixed”, Sammy answered studying his expression.

Although he is the closet to Harrison but he also doesn’t want to get on his bad side.

“Since when has it been having issues?”, Harrison asked frustrated.

“Yesterday night…... . But I planned on fixing it today when you arrive”, he said.

“The CCTV had fault since yesterday and you refused you to fix it immediately. What were you thinking and doing? I can’t believe you messed this up”

“How come the camera had issues just yesterday? After it had issues, our captive died without saying anything “

“What if we have a spy here he is the one responsible for the misfortune we have had?”, Sammy thought but he said it aloud.

“A spy? Who could be the spy on this group?”, Harrison wondered.

“If there is truly a spy then he should consider himself dead because the moment I find him, he will keep regretting all his life”, he vowed.

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