CHAPTER 02: Her Manual
SUMMER is ending, and that’s a fact. The moment that our new school year begins, it will be the end of our happy days and the start of our doom days. No more lazy stuffs, no more late night sleeps, and no more fun. That’s the meaning of summer’s ending for me.
But the fact that we’re going to be a high school students hyped up everyone. They’re hoping that maybe it could be a new and fresh start for everybody. But their wrong. It could be the best, yeah. But it could also be our worst nightmare.
“What are you thinking about?” Nathan asked me all of the sudden.
We are currently walking in the park, him holding the leash of his dog while me licking a stick of popsicle.
“Nothing... Just, you know. Thinking about the upcoming school year.”
“Why? Are you excited?”
“Nope. You wish. Who would be excited?”
“Maybe. But not me.”
“Are you worried that no one will like you?” he asked, raising one of his brows.
“Why would I be worried? I don’t need anyone. Besides, I have you.”
I saw a glint of red flush on his cheeks. I nearly laughed at his facial expression but I quickly composed myself and try to shook that thought away from my mind.
“So why are you thinking about school?”
“My manual. I need to create some fresh rules since we are starting a new journey... You know, high school.”
“Why do you need to follow that manual of yours anyway? It’s not like your life depends on it.”
“Of course yeah! I survived middle school with the help of that. And I’m going to survive high school too if I didn’t break those rules.”
“Yeah, your rules. You made it, so that also means that you can break it someday.”
“If I want to, but I don’t. Why don’t you make your own rules? Like ‘rule number one, mind your own business rule.’ Am I right?” I sarcastically laughed before throwing away the popsicle stick on the garbage can.
“Yeah. If ever that happens, I’ll only have one rule to follow. How about this? ‘Just freaking enjoy life and stop being a chicken who follows all the rules.”
“Whatever, Nat. Having a manual makes me feel comfortable, like you using a thick eyeglasses while reading academic books.”
He laughed before his dog started to bark at some squirrels lurking around the tall tree high above us.
“Pochii doesn’t like squirrels. Can we go and walk on another place somewhere else?”
“Sure, for your dog,” I agreed before kneeling on the ground to rub Pochii’s head.
He’s a very friendly dog. Strangers often fed and pet him because of his cute little eyes. Also, he’ll wiggle his tail to anyone except squirrels, of course.
Nathan and I walked towards the small hill near in our village. From up here, we can see the buildings and the setting sun beyond the corner of the city. I sat down on the open field, waiting for Nathan to sit beside me.
“Come, Pochii! Fetch!” he shouted before throwing a stick to the opposite direction.
His dog can run free in here. The ground is widely open and there’s a fresh air everywhere. Nathan chuckled as he watch Pochii roaming crazily around the field. He then sat beside me after that.
“Hey... Will you stop staring at me?” he asked before winking.
That’s when I realized that I didn’t bother to look away from his direction since we arrived in here. But, can you imagine a nerd winking? Unbelievable, right? And super, duper, undeniably gross.
“You’re gross! As if I’m staring at you!”
“I’m just kidding, you know.”
I scoot away from him, acting like I was about to puke or something.
“Is that how bad I look?” he asked.
“Maybe. You know what, Nathan, one of my manual rules was to never date a guy... I think it was listed on rule number nine or something...”
“Oh, is that so? Well I don’t freaking’ care. As if I’ll date a girl like you.” Now it was his turn to mock me.
“Jerk. I didn’t say a guy like you or anything. Any guy, Nat. I wouldn’t want to date anyone. That’s against the rules.”
“Who even invented that kind of rule?”
“Uhm... Me?”
He chuckled before reaching out his hands to me to pinch my left cheek. I swiped his hands off of my face.
“Stop it!”
“You know what, Nat? You’re not going to enjoy our high school life if you keep on sticking around and following the rules of your manual. Having that was... It wasn’t bad at all. But please learn how to enjoy as well.”
“Define the word enjoy, please,” I challenged him.
“Why do you keep on questioning every words that I say?”
He moves closer towards me and patted my head. I just rolled my eyes on him. After that, I stare at him for a moment, thinking what will I do without him in my life.
Besides of my manual, Nathan is one of the reasons why I survived middle school. Without him, it might had been hell going to school everyday. Having him as my bestfriend wasn’t that bad after all. And I’m glad that Aunt Jessica brought him to this world even though he often argues to me almost about everything.
“Nat... Summer is now ending... I’m glad you’re here. I hope high school wouldn’t be as bad as I expected it to be...”
“Of course it won’t. As long as you stay with me.”
He put his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer towards his body. I felt uneasy, though I tried not to show it to him for I know that he’s going to tease me about this someday.
“As if you weren’t breathing anymore...” he whispered, making me shook my head as a sign of disapproval before I secretly smile to myself.
From that day forward, I realized that Nathan wasn’t just a simple friend for me. He’ll always have a special place in my heart whatever happens, and no matter what.