CHAPTER 06: Parties?
FOR some reasons, I didn’t enjoy weekends like how I supposed to be. Maybe it’s because of the fact that I wanted to give this bracelet back to Freeda, hoping that I could make friends with her or something. But it wasn’t that easy, right after knowing that Tyler is following her around like some creepy stalker.
“Hey, Nat! Did you even understand what I’m saying?”
I came back to my senses, my mind suddenly focus onto the reality when I heard Nathan snaps his fingers.
“I’m sorry, what did you say?”
“I thought you wanted to watch some movies over my house later?”
“Uhm... Maybe next time, Nat. I need to do something.”
“And what exactly is that something, huh?”
“Nothing...” He stared at me, causing me to become uncomfortable. That look in his eyes is urging me to tell him the truth. “What I mean is... School works, Nathan.”
“Really? But our teachers doesn’t give homeworks during weekends.”
I bit my lower lip, thinking how am I supposed to escape in this silly conversation of ours.
“It’s nothing, really. And why do you even care anyway?”
“Of course I care! I’m your nerd bestfriend, remember? So what is it?” he asked, curiously.
I sighed, before glancing at his direction. I hope he would be satisfied in my answer because I wouldn’t want to tell him everything I feel specially when I saw Tyler’s arm around Freeda’s shoulder.
“Do you know a girl named Freeda from our school?”
“Nope? Who is that girl anyway?”
“Oh. You don’t know her so I guess it doesn’t even matter to you anymore.”
I was about to get up when he pulled my hands to make me stop. I did, and I loss my balance causing me to sit on his lap.
“Hey!” I pushed him away and scoot farther from him.
“What? It was an accident.”
“Oh. Accident, huh? What if I punched you in the face and tell you that it was just an accident?” I fired back.
“Okay, okay. I’m sorry. Just please, spill it. I’m dying to hear your story.”
“What kind of guy loves to gossip, anyway?”
“Tsssk.” He glared at me.
“Fine, fine. So there was this girl named Freeda. I bumped into her last Friday and she dropped something. A bracelet, Nat, to be specific. And when the moment that I finally got the chance to give it back to her, I couldn’t do it anymore....”
“Tyler was there, his arms around her shoulder.”
“Oh. You mean Tyler the bad boy? Maybe they are dating or what.”
“Dating?! What do you mean? We are just fourteen, Nathan!”
“It’s normal for our age. So, what’s the matter now?”
“Of course I’m afraid to talk to her specially when Tyler is around.”
“Why? Are you infatuated by our school’s cold hearted bad boy?” he teased.
“Nope! I am not! In fact, I’m scared of him! Look at his awful glare!” I cried.
“Don’t be too afraid of him. Bad boys in our school doesn’t harm someone as long as they stay out of their way.”
“That’s exactly my point! I wanted to stay low key but I also wanted to return this charm of Freeda. But I’m afraid that if I do that, Tyler and his gang will notice me.”
“Come on, Nat. Don’t be too hilarious. Just give the damn bracelet back to Freeda whoever she is and I’m sure that everything will be alright.”
Nathan is definitely right. Maybe I’m just over thinking about some random and nonsense stuffs. I wish I could stop my brain from thinking unimportant and unnecessary things. I took a deep breath before saying another word.
“Fine, fine. I’ll calm myself down. If ever I’ll see Freeda tomorrow, I’ll just give it back to her and that’s it! The end.”
“Sure thing.”
I felt relieved at that assuring smile of his. Because of my bestfriend’s critical thinking, I finally be able to enjoy the remaining time of weekends. I should have savour every single moments of it, cause in a blink of an eyes, I just realized that I was already laying down my bed waiting to be asleep. But I couldn’t.
Tomorrow is Monday. Our second week in high school. It wasn’t that much for my life is still so boring but maybe, just maybe... Maybe after I give this bracelet back to the owner, something may change.
Monday morning. I was walking down the hallway, hoping to see Freeda but I couldn’t. I saw Tyler earlier, and even though I know that maybe the two of them are already dating just like what my bestfriend said last night, I still don’t have the courage to give this back to him.
“Natalia? Natalia without H, right?”
I was stunned and I couldn’t move as I heard that voice. I can never forget that angelic voice of her. It was Freeda, and I’m sure of that.
“Great! You remembered my name! Why are you staring outside of my classroom? Do you have something to meet up with?”
“Uhm... No. But actually, I wanted to see you.”
“Me? Why?” she asked curiously.
“I have to give this back to you,” I said, as I gave her the bracelet.
“Oh! I’ve been looking for this charm ever since weekend. Thank you, Natalia.” She gladly took it from hand.
“Uhm... You’re welcome.”
I scratch my nape before taking a step back. I was about to leave when she said something that made me stop from walking away.
“Yes?” I instantly turned back my gaze upon her.
“Would you like to come to my birthday party?” she asked, flashing a cute smile.
“You’re i-inviting m-me?” I struggled to pronounce those words.
“Uhm... Y-yeah? I guess so. It’s fine if you don’t want to...”
“What do you mean by that?” Her brows are now almost touching out of confusion.
“No, I mean... No, I want to go. It’s just definite surprising... You know,” I smiled awkwardly at her.
“Oh. Okay. So, I’ll see you there tomorrow night?”
“Wait...” She chuckled. “Don’t tell me that no one had been invited you to a party before? I mean, a real party, not a children’s birthday party with balloons and whatsoever.”
“I’ve been to one before. On Nathan’s birthday party,” I lied. Nathan isn’t celebrating his birthday.
“A real party like what everyone do.”
“Real party?”
“Uhm, yeah. With alcoholic drinks and tons of adult foods.”
“Oh. I tell my Mom about it first.”
“What are you, five?” she asked, laughing.
“I just... I don’t think that those stuffs are for people our age.”
“Come on, Natalia,” she patted my shoulder. “Please come. I’ll wait for you there.”
I couldn’t say another word anymore for I know that I couldn’t resist her offer. I badly wanted to experience a real party, so maybe I’ll just lie to my Mom so that she’ll let me go tomorrow night.
“Okay, okay. I’ll go. Thank you so much for inviting me.”
“Of course! Now take this.”
I was dumbfounded when she reached for my hand to give back the bracelet that she’d lost last Friday. She smiled at me as she make me close my palms to keep the charm on my hand.
“Here you go. I know it will probably look good on you. Take that as a sign that you already accepted my invitation. I’ll wait for you to bring that bracelet back to me tomorrow night.”
Even I’m still hesitating, I nodded, trying to look sure in front of her. She just smiled at me before patting my shoulder again. And then, she started to walk away. But before that, she took another step back just to say something inappropriate to me.
“And please, Natalia. If you really wanted to be part of our squad together with Tyler and the other bad boys, please dump that Nerdy Nathan. He’s ruining your image.”
“What?” I asked unbelievably.
“Nothing. I’m just giving you a little piece of advice.”
Something urge me to deny the fact that Nathan is my bestfriend. I thought that maybe if I lie, Freeda will like me more than anyone else in our school. And believe me, no one doesn’t want to be part of their supreme squad.
“That guy named Nathan, we’re not that close to each other.”
“Oh. Then that’s good to know... But he looks disappointed after hearing the truth.”
I looked at her in confusion, but she just shrugged her shoulders before disappearing in my sight. I sighed, not knowing what the next thing to do.
“Wow, glad to know that we aren’t close enough just like what you’ve said to that Freeda girl.” I was stunned, seeing my bestfriend standing a few meters away from me.
“N-Nathan... You’re there...”
“Yes, I am. And I heard everything.”
“Everything?” I asked nervously.
“Yeah. Thanks for telling the truth, Nat.”
“No! I didn’t mean it like that, Nathan...” I tried to find some words to explain to him what happen but I couldn’t. I was wrong, and I knew it to myself.
“What, Nat? You’re afraid that if you tell her the truth, she wouldn’t talk to you anymore?” he asked seriously, raising one of his brows.
I looked down, feeling guilty for what I have done.
“You know what, never mind. Why would I even talk to someone who’s not close enough to me?” I could see that he was hurt by the look of his face.
After saying those words, he turned around and walk away. I was left there all alone, mentally slapping myself for doing that to my bestfriend. Was it wrong to try and to become popular sometimes? High school is very difficult, but losing my bestfriend is like having my whole life ruined with me struggling to survive in it.
Today, I learned another lesson. I found another rule. And that is rule number fourteen, –never deny your bestfriend.