Rain is trying to hold his tears as he runs out to the garden. He leaned on the rough wall of the gardener's hut made smooth by years of his doing it whenever he talks with Ami. Today, he felt numb and so heartbroken. His beloved dad just passed away leaving him in-charge of their company. He couldn't believe it, after happily celebrating his 11th birthday two weeks before.

Suddenly, he felt a comforting arm draped over his shoulders. He knew who it was before he turned his head. Ami just gave him her sweetest, most comforting smile. Ami in her usual tattered jeans and worn, mud-splattered shirt. She is their neighborhood’s famous hoyden and his best friend.

"Sir Rainier is now in a safer, pain-free world," she said while squeezing his shoulders. Rain is so thankful that she never mentioned the tears silently running down his cheeks. That is when he knew his feelings for her run deeper than that of a friend.

"If you need someone to talk to budz, I am always here," Ami said. Rain nodded his head and just hugged her tight. "Oww, watch it Budz! You sure can crack a rib with your bear hug, " exclaimed Ami. "Come on Ami," replied Rain. "I don't wanna be a chatterbox, I need a comfy pillow." "A comfy pillow you say? Well, you're in luck, Betsy is just around here somewhere," Ami retorted, grabbing a chubby piglet and shoving it towards Rain's head. "Oi, you hoyden!" exclaimed Rain pushing the piglet away which started struggling and managing to topple them on the muddy ground. They both started laughing so hard that Rain forgot why he was in the garden in the first place. Without realizing it, they grabbed each other's hand and started walking back to the grand house, hands interlocked like lovers.

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