Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 24


I looked at Ares as he stared between the pregnancy test and me. His eyes widened and his gaze turned wild.

The change in his consistently unflappable behavior was odd. What’s happened that’s made him so flustered? Why is there broken glass on the ground, and who was the man that just left? Is he the one that made Ares like this? I had not gotten a good look at the man’s face but now, I wished I had been paying more attention.

“What did you say?” Ares asked, interrupting my thoughts. He sat down hard on the chair behind him.

I focused back on the current conversation. “I’m pregnant,” I repeated, still standing. The words came out strong, but I could feel all of my strength bleeding out of me.

“You’re pregnant. You’re pregnant with my child,” he said, more to himself than to me.

“Has to be yours. I have not been with anyone but you in a long time.”

He did not look up at me. He just sat there, staring at nothing.

“Are you not going to say anything?” I asked him.

He did not reply, instead running a hand over his face and then pulling his hair back.

“Ares? Ares?” I called.

He looked up at me. He took a deep breath before sitting up in his chair. “Won’t you sit down?” he asked, indicating the chair behind me.

I half-turned and then turned back, my gaze on him. “Why?”

“So, we can discuss this,” he replied with a look on his face that screamed, “Obviously.”

I sat down in the chair, thinking about how I was tired and confused from not knowing where I stood or where he stood. I was sore, and worst of all, a wave of fear kept rising in me. Fear that he might not want the baby. He’d reject the baby and tell me he didn’t want a family—or that he’d go the other direction and hold me with his guards and not let me out to keep me safe.

He’d made it clear that I didn’t have a place in his life, but I wanted to keep the baby still.

I cleared my throat and started to tell him as such. “I’m keeping the baby, Ares. I did not come here to ask you to be in the baby’s life, and I did not come here to have you convince me to abort the child. I just came here to inform you, so it’s like I fulfilled all my obligations towards you. That’s done and dusted. Have a nice life.” I grabbed my bag to walk out of the office. My heart was beating hard against my chest, and I spared a brief moment to wonder if I wasn’t acting too harshly.

I shook the thought away. Ares had made his stance very clear—

“Wait, who said anything about aborting the baby?” he asked me.

My heart zinged, missing a beat. I turned around and looked at him disbelievingly. “That’s not what you were about to tell me? You were not going to tell me to abort the child?”

“Why?” he asked again, genuine confusion in his eyes. “I was just overwhelmed. A lot has happened in the last few minutes, and this complicates things.”

I continued to stare at him, still not sure. “Complicates what things?”

He said nothing for a long time. His right hand rubbed a black ring that sat on the pinky finger of his right hand. I only just noticed it. “We need to keep you safe, Liz.”

“Safe from what? Are you about to begin another nonsense lie about the mafia? Is that it? Is all of this just a game to you?” My face flushed and I could feel the heat coming out from all my pores.

If he thought this lame excuse was going to work a second time, he was about to be very surprised.

But instead of matching my anger, he sighed and seemed to slump in exhaustion. “Liz, listen to me. None of that is a lie. All of this is very serious. My life is under threat and, ordinarily, that would not matter to me, but this news changes things. I’m telling you this because it’s the truth. This might be the best thing to happen to me, but it could just as well turn into a horror show if you don’t listen to me.”

The words hit me hard, outshining everything else he was saying. Horror show! That’s what he thought of me having his baby? This was just what I was scared about. His life was too dangerous to be in and to have a child in. It scared me, and that kind of fear could be bad for the baby.

I heard the sound of rushing feet, and I found him behind me in the next instant, taking my hands and sending a rush of passion crawling up my arms. Goosebumps erupted when he touched me.

“Look!” He pointed at the floor, at the broken glass. “The man… the man who did that is very dangerous,” he told me, his voice earnest. “I’m serious.”

“And what do these men want with you?” I asked, my voice shaky. My eyes tried to avoid the glass but kept returning to it.

“I started on the streets, Liz, and I got into some bad company then.”

I stared at him, quickly piecing together what he meant. “You don’t mean—” I stammered.

“I was one of them,” he confirmed, “and that’s why there’s an issue. If this gets out—if anyone so much as knows that you’re carrying my child and word gets to them —then you become a target. Your life is in danger, Liz. Your life and the life of our child.”

I took my shaky hands away from his. My skin felt cold, and my heart was slowing down as a black hand of fear filled me. “You’re going to be the death of me,” I stammered, holding on to him as he led me toward the chair.

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