Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 26


“There’s nothing on the man, Boss. He’s disappeared into thin air again,” Ashton told me as we left the office and started heading back towards my penthouse.

Beefing up the security happened fast with the addition of Liz to the family. I did everything to make sure that we had the matter of security settled early on so she could settle in comfortably now that she was living in the penthouse with me.

There was still no message from the mafia, but I knew they were watching me—watching us—but there was nothing to be done about that. The worrying part though, was the fact that I could not find where my old boss was. It was like he disappeared when he wanted to, and I did not know how that was possible.

I waved a hand. “There’s nothing that we can do about it, then. We can’t find him, and so we’ll leave him alone and focus on things that we can change.”

We got to the elevators and took the lift down.

“Speaking of things that we can change, you do remember the multibillion-dollar deal that we should be working on closing with Adams’ Energy, right? And do you remember your part in the deal?” Ashton asked.

I glared at him and then looked away. I could not get mad at him for simply doing his job, but . . . “You hound me about that every single day. How could I possibly have forgotten?”

He shrugged. “You don’t look like someone who has remembered. Granted, you’re dealing with this mafia business and there’s a woman who has your child. All those things would distract anyone. Then again, this is still the biggest deal anywhere on the land. It’s a deal that can move you to legendary heights. I’d have thought you’d be more interested in finishing it up than you are.”

The elevator doors dinged open, saving me from answering the question. I knew he was right, though. There was no way that I would have taken this much time to close this deal a year ago—or even a few months ago—and the only difference between those times and now was a certain Liz Anderson.

We walked out of the elevators, and I nodded to all the greetings as we walked to the car. Bradley appeared at the doors with two other security men to lead me inside.

“Boss, are you going to answer?” Ashton asked, walking just behind me.

“I don’t know what you want me to say, Ashton. I don’t know.” I ran a hand through my hair. “We know what she wants out of this deal outside of the money, but maybe having sex with Jennifer Adams just to complete a deal has no sort of pull for me,” I answered as I got into the car and scooted over for him to get in.

“I’m sorry, what?” He had his eyebrows up to his forehead and when I shrugged, he threw his hands up. “She’s Jennifer Adams! I can’t imagine a more desirable woman in the whole world—”

“Everyone is different, Ashton, and maybe that’s why you can’t imagine that anyone could be more beautiful than Jennifer,” I replied, leaning back as the ride began.

“What does that even mean?” he asked, tucking his tablet into the pouch behind the front seat. The only times he did not look at those things were during car rides.

I was done with this conversation. “Have you noticed that the number of words that Bradley says to me by the hour has dropped to maybe two or three, but he spares like ten words for Liz?”

Ashton looked at me, shocked. “Who on earth cares about the number of words that Bradley says to you and Liz? How is that important? Does nothing else interest you? The D2 projected earnings? The deal of the century? You even told me to forget about the godfather of the mafia that has haunted your waking and sleeping dreams for the past three weeks!” Ashton seemed to be getting more and more frustrated as he spoke. “You’re ignoring all these important things in favor of the number of words that Bradley says to you and Liz?” The words were flying from his lips in a neverending stream.

It was certainly a sight to see. “I would like to point out that you just said an insane number of words in such a short time. I wish Bradley was as expressive.”

He continued to stare at me in absolute shock and confusion. He threw his hands up in frustration and leaned back to rest his head. “Does nothing else about what I just said interest you?”

I shook my head. Silence reigned in the car for the rest of the drive.

He huffed, clapping his hands as we exited the car and started toward my penthouse. “It’s that woman, Liz. She’s the one that caused this drastic change in your mood and demeanor,” he said as we walked down the corridor.

There was a surprise waiting for us. We froze mid-step.

“Well, that complicates things nicely,” Ashton said. He tipped his head in the surprise guest’s direction. “I’ll take my leave early, Boss, and leave you in Bradley’s capable hands. Take care, Bradley,” he said as he turned.

Bradley grunted in reply, walking ahead to check the brown-haired beauty. Ariel was smiling at me and waving her red-tipped fingers in greeting.

Was she always this curvy? I thought to myself, staring at her customary body-fitting gown and feeling a throb of excitement as I walked forward. This complicated things, but

complications don’t always have to be bad.

Ariel’s painting was the worst I’d ever done, but maybe it was time to make a new one.

Then again, could I deal with another distraction? Or was it that I needed this distraction? I couldn’t decide, but I could see how this would all play out.

“Hi, Ares,” she said with a lilt to her voice that got me like all those years ago.

“Ariel, what are you doing here?” I asked, resolutely keeping my eyes on her face and not looking down.

“What do you mean, what am I doing here? I came to see you, of course. Do I need another reason to be here?” She shook her head and reached out to place a hand just beneath my jaw. “You’re so funny, Ares,” she said and laughed again.

The sound was like sweet melodies in my head. “We’ve not spoken in over a year,” I replied, keeping my voice hard.

She shrugged the coldness off, and I found my eyes following the slope of her chest to the rise of her breasts and—

She hugged me in the next second, her breasts pressing against my chest. The throbbing in my crotch was slowing becoming a hard pulse.

What was stopping me? Liz had been acting like we were strangers living in the same house, but still, I pined for any sight of her I could have. But she’d made it clear that she did not care.

Was she the reason I was hesitating? Was it because of Liz that I couldn’t sleep with Jennifer to close the deal or even look Ariel in the eyes?

“So, are you going to lead me into the house or not?” Ariel asked, breathing against my ear and sending chills through my body.

Everything in me urged me to take her in at once.

Everything about her screamed, “Get me naked, Ares.” I grinned. Who was I to deny her?

I reached forward and curled a lock of hair behind her ear. “I’ve missed you, Ariel. Is it time already to get you another painting? What do you think?” My heart was banging heavily, even as I tried to tell myself that nothing was wrong and that I wanted to do this.

Unaware of my predicament, Ariel grinned and placed a kiss on my cheek, before nibbling on my ear in a way that sent a new set of chills racing through me. “I’d love to get another portrait by you. I’d love that so much,” she replied, her lips playing around my ears.

I followed her further into the penthouse, dreading what would happen if we found Liz along the way. But it proved to be moot because we did not find her—even after we sat by the kitchen island with D.D. serving us drinks and venomous looks, Liz did not make an appearance.

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