Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 30


I woke up the next morning with the words that Liz told me still banging around in my head.

What on earth did she mean by saying I’m incapable of love? I thought over it again as I got through the preparations for the morning.

I wore one of my better vintage shirts and made sure that there was not a hair out of place, brushing down the shirt as I tucked it into the velvet pants I wore and buttoned it.

I heard a knock on the door. It had to be Bradley, and his knocking like that meant that Ashton had already arrived. I sighed, trying to put Liz out of my mind and falling.

I don’t think it would ever work between us, Ares. You say you love me and saying is one thing while doing is another. I have to look out for myself and my mental and emotional health. I’m not sure what this is, but I’m not sure it can go any further.

I needed to stop thinking about that, yet I couldn’t seem to. Whenever I thought it was safely out of my mind, it would return. For the life of me, I could not decide if she was right or wrong. I’d frozen up yesterday and couldn’t tell her that I knew it was love . . . but did that mean it wasn’t love?

Did that mean that she was right, and I didn’t know what I felt?

I sighed again and picked up my briefcase before walking out of the room and closing the door behind me. I immediately found Ashton sitting on the kitchen island.

“And you say she’s a great company?” he asked D.D. as I came from the corridor. He stood in a rush. “Oh, hey, Boss!”

“No, no. It’s your job as personal assistant slash secretary slash whatever else it is you double as these days to know everything about me. Plus, D.D. is right, she is great company, but more to him than me.”

He gave me a one-sided smile. “Good morning, Boss, I’m sure it’s no fault of your personality,” he replied and passed me a glass of orange juice.

I grinned and gulped it down, then walked over to the dinner table with Ashton shadowing me.

Ashton cleared his throat. “So, the representatives from Adams’ Energy are supposed to come in today. We are one meeting away from signing this deal and having it done with. Jennifer is coming along with them, and she’s going to meet with you privately afterward. I’ve already arranged everything in your office. Second drawer from bottom. It’s all in your hands now,” he told me as he settled down beside me.

I nodded without a word, cleaning my face and taking a breath.

“At least act like you’re into it. You haven’t cared about this deal in the past weeks, but there have been a lot of people working so hard behind the scenes to make sure the deal goes through. Your part is the easiest if you think about it—”


He stopped and stared at me in chagrin. “Yes, Boss?”

“I don’t need you to mother me. I know the role that I have to play, and I know what I need to do to secure the deal. I just don’t think I’ll enjoy it or look forward to it.”

I did not look forward to it in any way. I’d accepted finally moving the meeting forward after the horrendous end to my time with Liz yesterday, but now, I wasn’t so sure. I just could not feel right about being with someone that was not her. I could not feel right with any other person but her, but she did not see that.

I had no idea how to make her see that she filled my waking and sleeping thoughts.

“I’m sorry, Boss,” Ashton said, and then he looked away.

That isn’t a good sign, I thought. “What is it, Ashton? Is there something else going on?” I asked.

“I saved this one to tell you after the deal, Boss. I don’t think it would make your mood any better if you knew about it now,” he replied.

“You saved what to tell me later? What is it?” I asked him, my gaze hard.

He sighed and began to click on his tablet, before handing it over to me to look at. I took it from him and stared at it. There was a message on the tablet, and it came from my old boss.

I stared at the message disbelievingly. “They want me to do what?” I roared as I formed my hands into fists.

“The Adams team has their hands on some of your old boss’s assets. They were seized during a raid and are valued in the millions. The police returned them to the Adams as they were the manufacturers, and your boss wants them back, but the Adams team is not willing to budge. To be fair, they have the right to protect themselves.”

“So, he wants me to get him naked photos of her to use as cheap blackmail? Do I look like an errand boy? When did this come in?” I asked as my voice rose.

“Just last night, Boss. About two hours after we contacted the Adams representatives about meeting to complete the deal today.”

I blanched, my teeth grinding against each other. “He always knows too much. He always knows way too much.”

I looked at the message again. He called it a show of good faith and the key to maintaining a good relationship between me and him. I handed the tablet back to Ashton. I was seconds away from breaking it, and that was not a way to start my morning.

“What do we do, Boss?” Ashton asked.

I shook my head. I wasn’t going to do anything. I wasn’t even going to dignify the message with a response. “Nothing, Ashton. Forget about it. Make sure Bradley is on high alert. We will go about our day as usual.”

He nodded and was about to keep speaking when we heard D.D. from the kitchen greeting Liz. Moments later, she appeared, and Ashton nodded to her.

“Good morning,” he greeted.

“Good morning, Ashton,” she replied.

I stood and walked past her, heading towards the kitchen island. She walked over to the other side of the table, resting her hand on the chair. My heart was rushing a little faster, but I could not say a word. I found my tongue heavy against the base of my mouth and I was unable to speak.

We stared at each other for a long time with neither of us saying a word and both looking unsure of how to continue.

Eventually, I cleared my throat. “Good morning, Liz,” I said to her, my voice wooden.

“Good morning, Ares,” she replied, sounding even more wooden than I sounded. “I—” She stopped and took a breath.

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