Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 31

I was instantly on alert. I could see the way she held her phone and the way that she was shaking as she spoke. It was clear that she wasn’t all right.

“What’s wrong, Liz? Did something happen? You can tell me what happened,” I told her, putting a hand on her shoulder.

She didn’t seem to notice my touch. She handed her phone over to me and I glanced over it just quickly enough to get the gist.

It seemed that my boss had been sending a lot of messages.

We know who you are and what you mean to him, it read. Convince him to fall in line or we will come for you!

Anger boiled in me. Did they dare? It was not enough for them that they sent that nonsense task to me, but that they dared send this to her, too?

She saw my reaction and tensed at once. “What is it, Ares? What is it they asked you to do?”

I shook my head. I could not tell her that. I did not want to risk another yesterday happening between us. I thought about the text, looking through it again. If only they knew what she said.

Unbidden, the words came back to me. I don’t think it would ever work between us, Ares. You say you love me and saying it is one thing while doing is another. I have to look out for myself and my mental and emotional health. I’m not sure what this is, but I’m not sure it can go any further.

“Liz, I’m going to have to ask you to stay indoors until we can try to solve this. It’s getting to be too much. As soon as I know what to do, I promise that you won’t have to be so locked up but with this—” I indicated the phone and the text on it. “—You agree with me that it’s better to not put yourself in danger.”

She was shaking her head before I was even done speaking. “I feel cooped up in this house, Ares. I want to go out and feel the sun on my skin. I just want to walk somewhere and back maybe. I don’t want this to upset my life. This is exactly the reason I didn’t want to move in.”

I could not understand. Why did she always want to make it a fight? Why did she always want to make it so hard? It was supposed to be so easy. There was trouble—didn’t it make sense to lay low?

Why did it not make the same kind of sense to her? Why would she deliberately not want to do the things that would keep her alive?

“I don’t see why this is even a problem, Liz!” I told her, my voice firm and steady. “There are people out there who know of your association with me, and they have sent you a threat. Isn’t the wiser thing to do to stay at home where you and the baby are safe? Why would you even argue the point?” I raised my hands with my palms out.

“I fear for the safety of me and my baby even with you, Ares. I think it would be better to move back in with Stacey and distance myself from you,” she told me.

My eyes widened. The words were a dagger to my heart, and it turned to stone, closing up completely. “I’ve only ever cared for you and the baby,” I said. “All I’ve done is to make sure that you two are not in danger. I’ve tried to protect you, but you make it hard, what with your bullheadedness and your stubbornness. If you want to go out there and get yourself caught or killed, then fine. You win. You’re welcome to it. I’m tired. I don’t care anymore. I have a deal to sign.”

“I thought you said you cared for me yesterday,” she said. “Is this how someone who cares acts?”

I turned away from her, grabbed my briefcase from the table, and walked past her. Annoyance rose quickly in my chest, and I found myself snapping at her. “I thought you said you were not sure because of the life I lived. What is this now?” I asked her. “Maybe you were right.” “About what?” she asked.

“Have you forgotten already? I thought you said I was incapable of love and didn’t know what I was feeling. Now, I think you might be right. There’s no way I, or anyone, would be capable of loving you,” I shouted as I walked out of the room. Ashton hurried to follow behind me.

My head was banging like a choir went through it singing at the top of their voices and my hands were hard knots by my side. She made me so flustered and angered all the time, and I found myself losing my cool anytime I talked to her.

I took a deep breath and calmed myself. I’d do the deal with Jennifer, but the mafia could suck it. Annoyed or not, if they came close to Liz then they were going to get hell from me.

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