……..…….. CHAPTER SEVEN……………..

“Mission Accomplished”, Alistair said with a big smile plastered on her face. She's in the mountain where Darius is hiding. Darius is sitting on a rock opposite to her.

“Don’t get too cocky.

That is just phase one of the plan” Darius warned and Alistair nodded.

“I heard that Oliver and his companion are on a quest.They are searching for the Celestial sword and from how I am looking at it. I think he's Jade's Descendant”, Darius said.

“How did you know all of these?.

How are we going to stop them?”, Alistair asked with worry etched on her facial expression.

“Did you really think am as dumb as you?.

In the book of the Cosmic and Divinity. It has been prophesied Centuries ago that we will be stopped by a Savior. As you know cosmic is of the gods and Divinity is of the angels and ArchAngels. But this Savior is of both Divinity and Cosmic. He is light and we're of Darkness. The only way we can stop him is to bring back Chaos itself. The true definition of destruction and Chaos. We have to bring back The Dark Trinity”, Darius Said.

“How is that possible?

And even if we were able to. How sure are you that they will listen to us?.

The Dark Trinity serves no one and obeys no one.

And about The Alpha of Darkness. Are we not awakening them again?”, Alistair asked all the questions at once.

“We are going to awaken Them. But they are not capable of stopping him and things will get uglier when he meets his mate. Let's hope they have not met each other”, Darius said, hopefully.

“Okay,but how are we going to bring back the Dark Trinity?. They are trapped in the past. 1000 millions years in the past”, Alistair asked.

“We need someone that has the powers of time manipulation. We need someone with enough power. We need The Cosmic itself. We need Lord Altero, the magnificent. The father of the Eternal spirit beast”, Darius stated.


Sitting on a magnificent throne sparkling with blue lightning inside the Light Castle in the cosmic realm.

He is cosmic himself. The father of the eternal spirit beast. One of the true definitions of power. The one who participated in the war against The Dark Trinity. He is Lord Altero, the magnificent.

Lord Altero is seated on his throne and he is sipping a yellow liquid in a glass bottle when a servant barges into the throne room.

“My lord,I came to inform you about something that is going on outside the palace”, The servant said, bowing.

“You can speak”, Lord Altero commanded.

“Two dark and demonic creatures are in our Realm. They said they want to see you”, The servant replied.

“No problem.

You can go”, He said and the servant left hurriedly.

“Wow”, Oliver exclaimed.

“So what's your story?”,Noella asked.

Oliver looked at Zayto but he gave him a disapproving look.

“This is how it all happened”, Oliver started.





“So what you're telling me now is that you are on a quest? Noella asked and Oliver Nodded.

“Well since I have no destination. Can I join you?”Noella asked pleadingly.

“No”, Zayto retorted.

“You can join.but I must warn you,it's dangerous”, Oliver Warned and Zayto frowned deeply.

“I know that already. Let's go ”, Noella replied.

The three of them have been walking for four hours and yet no sign of any castle. The only way out of the place is only if Thanatos lets you go and to meet Thanatos you must get to his Castle.

“I see it”, Noella Screamed and both Oliver and Zayto raised their heads and Standing there In all its glory is Thanatos Castle.

The three of them advance towards the Castle. They met guards on the gate but they were killed by Oliver. Immediately they entered ,the door closed itself and sitting on his throne in all his glory is Thanatos.


I have been expecting you”.

“What are you demonic pests doing in my realm?”Lord Altered asked.

“We came to see you, The Magnificent”, Darius answered, laying Emphasis on the Magnificent.

“We want your heart”, Alistair stated.

“For What”, Lord Altero asked with a chuckle.

“Our plan is none of your business” Darius Retorted.

“I have no intention of fighting Unholy Creatures like you but If you insist” Lord Altero Answered as he took a Battle stance.

“We came prepared.

Show him Alis”,Darius said and Alistair nodded.

“DARK ART; Catastrophe flame of death”. At her command,fires appeared,Brown flames of death. She directed them to Lord Altero but he didn't even flinch.

Raising his hand up. Lord Altero said almost lazily and with little effort.

“Crusading Shield;.A gigantic rock rose up from the sky and Countered the Catastrophe flame of death.

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