
"So, is that truly the son of your Alpha? He doesn't look at it," Leowulf said to the market leader, Farkas.

"Yes, Lord Leowulf," Farkas replied

"Well, I came here to see the peace of the market. And the gold I promised everyone, is right outside. You should know where to keep it and share it amongst yourselves, when I am gone," Leowulf added.

"Alright lord Leowulf." Farkas humbly replied

"And Lord Leowulf, I want to tell you something else,"

"What is it?"

"It's about my daughter. She is a good felan. A beautiful one. She is loyal and…"

"Farkas, we won't be talking about this again." Leowulf interrupted. Truly most of the werewolves in Asark know what period it is. It's the period where the son of the Ultimate Alpha looks for his mate, who will be the new Ultimate Luna. Most older werewolves know the reason Leowulf has been coming to the city. The reason he has been going from packs to packs, visiting Alphas. Soon enough, he will be the Ultimate Alpha. The one who would have control over all of the werewolves pack. And before the ritual of ascension begins, he is supposed to have a mate.

"I have seen your daughter, and I appreciate who she is. But she isn't the mate I want. We are good friends Farkas, don't worry. When I become the Ultimate Alpha, I won't forget you." Leowulf smiled.

He knew that was a promise he might not be able to keep up with. When he becomes the Ultimate Alpha, most of his existence and actions would be guided by some principles. Principles that he doesn't have influence over.

He heard soft footsteps approaching, but he disregarded it. It was more like he expected it. The footsteps slowed down. He smiled. Then he heard staggers from the same footstep. He turned around, only to see Lady Mara, staggering a few feet from him. He saw the wolf, Aaron, who was with her standing in fury. Aaron's eyes weren't at Mara but at him. It was a bloodshot gaze. There was also bloodlust feeling, but not enough to serve as a threat to Leowulf.

"Ah! I see," he smiled. He dashed towards the Lady Mara that was falling. It felt like she lost consciousness.

"Lady Mara!" He called her. He dashed towards her just when she was about to fall. He held her arms. He looked into her eyes. He felt the softness of her skin. Her bare skin wasn't touching his, but through her silky cloth.

"How bright and beautiful these eyes are," Leowulf thought. When he saw her earlier on, he saw the look of interest in her eyes. She looked at him with a broad smile. He saw how she had looked at him right from his hair, to his feet.

"Let's see what you can do," was his thought while he approached her then.

"I love this Lord Leowulf," she said and Leowulf smiled. Then, she passed out.

"So you did inhale me," Leowulf thought.

Everyone in the market caught a glimpse of what happened immediately as Mara fell. They all gasped. Some felt jealous at the fact that the future Ultimate Alpha held Mara. Some felt pity for the lady who just felt, and ran towards her.

Aaron ran to Leowulf too.

"What did you do to her?" Aaron grabbed Leowulf's hand.

Leowulf slowly raised his head. He looked into Aaron's eyes.

"For some reason, he is angry at me. Mara, what did you say to him?" Leowulf thought. He wanted to smile, but just as slowly as he raised his head, he rolled his eyes and lowered his face.

Some people from the Volde pack ran to Leowulf and collected the daughter of their Alpha from him.

"I helped her while she fainted," Leowulf replied Aaron, yanking his hand off.

"Before then. Just when she met you at first. What did you do?" Aaron barked

"What did I do? It would save us both stress, if you will lower your voice while talking to me." Leowulf advised

"And now you are warning me uhn? You bastard from the Ultimate pack."

"Watch your words. And choose your next words carefully," Leowulf began steaming. His claws were forming out of his human form. He was ready to punch Aaron if he said another provocative word.

"Or what? Will the magic from your pack be used in punishing me?"

"No! Of course not. I would do something worse," Leowulf smiled. He was trying to keep his calm. Ordinarily he would have attacked Aaron. He felt like punching and tearing up Aaron. But the respect he got from the werewolves around, were restraining him. They would be scared of him. They probably won't want to get close to him in the future.

"Listen, little Ultimate pack. Remember my face, because just when you are about to have the best time of your life, I will sneak up to you and take it away from you." Aaron threatened with his finger pointed to Leowulf's face. The men who came in before Leowulf, who were to serve as his guard, came to where Aaron and Leowulf were arguing. They stood before Leowulf and Aaron. Forcing Aaron to move back.

Aaron is a strong werewolf. An Alpha of the Hudun pack. One of the strongest packs in Asark. Their military prowess is nothing to ignore. And Aaron at his least powerful, could take on three betas from his pack. He is yet to get to his prime, but when he does, he knows ten Betas will be like a walk in the park for him. Except if they were upper Betas.

Just moments before, he would have punched Leowulf. Kick him, claw him up and make him apologize for how he caused discord between him and his mate-to-be, but he is a member of a secret sect of werewolves. And in his sect, they have been advised to lay low. They should never pick a fight with any member of the Ultimate pack alone.

The sect has its base at the Volde Pack territory. Mara's father is the one who spearheaded it. They have all grown and learnt to hate every member of the Ultimate pack. They were to get any information about the Ultimate pack and share it with other members. The sect consists of Alphas from different packs. Alphas who harbor disgust and annoyance at the existence of the Ultimate Alpha.

Aaron can't even touch Leowulf not to talk of punching his way through these men before him. He snapped his finger at Leowulf, and went towards where Mara was.

"I will take her with me. You," he pointed at the market leader.

"Yes! Lord Aaron," Farkas ran to him and bow

"Get help and carry her along with me to the Volde pack," Aaron ordered.

"Get help from someone from the Volde Pack." He whispered to Farkas. No matter how strong and influential a werewolf is, there is a limit to those he can control. Not even an Alpha of a pack can control or order those of another pack. The only person exceptional to this rule, is the Ultimate Alpha.

Leowulf watched as Farkas gathered people and they carried Mara away. Even with her loss of consciousness, her face was still brightened. Her resting face wasn't like most of the girls Leowulf knew. He couldn't resist thinking about her. He wanted to go to Aaron and order him to leave Mara. He wanted to go to Mara and take her home.

"Leowulf! That's enough. You have angered the young wolf enough. Don't go looking for trouble now!" One of the men who appeared to be his guard said.

"But uncle, I think she is the one." He said looking at the eldest and strongest of the men.

"She is the one? What did she say to you?" His uncle, Audolf asked.

"She didn't say much. But I heard her say 'i love lord Leowulf'" he replied eagerly, holding his hand across his uncle's shoulder.

"Let me go to him. There is nothing he can do," he protested

"Don't! Leave the poor boy. You should let us return. At least, we know who it is now. Mara of the Volde Pack right?"

"Yes! You heard everything, didn't you?"

"Yes! I did. And she didn't say 'I love Lord Leowulf'. She said 'I love this Lord Leowulf,'"

"Uncle! What don't you hear?"

"Things I don't have interest in"

"One of these days, I will defeat your hearing,"

"Not even your father could,"

"Can you say that before him?"

Audolf smirked

"You know that didn't start today,"

Leowulf watched Mara taken away. He thought of how many other ladies he had used his scent on. His scent is like a minimal version of his father's "the void". He uses his scent to build confidence and let people say what they want to say. Something deep in them that they wouldn't say on a normal day. But it wasn't like his father's "the Void".

He had used his scent on other girls, and most of them had come to him. They would tell him how handsome he is, how gracious his walking gait is, how they would love to have sex with him, just so they could become the Ultimate Luna. They all confessed that they wanted him because of his position and the title that would be awarded to them if they became mates.

A friend of his already told him to accept any of them. That all of the Felans in Asark are the same. They all want you for the thing you promise them.

"Listen, it's just like how most of us want the Felans for sex. They want us for the position and importance we can offer." His friend had advised him.

"Have you been sitting so much with Uncle Edon that you now talk like some prophetic disciple?" He made fun of his friend. He had promised his friend that he would find a woman worthy of him. But this particular friend of his, is no longer alive to witness him get married to Mara.

But here he is today, with Mara being the one he always wanted. She is the first one who felt the pressure of his scent, who was under the influence of his scent, and yet confessed her feelings to him.

He thought of days with her. How happy he would be with her. The very thought of appreciating her beauty appeals to him. The wonderful body she has, made him get super excited. Even though it was growing little by little, he could feel his manhood receiving the rush of blood that comes with being sexually aroused. He smiled and turned to his uncle.

"Let's go home."

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