
Mara is all alone in her room, sleeping. She doesn't know anything going on around her not to talk of things going on miles from her.

The Ultimate Alpha and his brother sat down in their court room. Worried about why Leowulf had to fall in love with the daughter of Horgan.

"You think Horgan would agree?" Adalwolf asked.

"Would he have another choice?" Audolf smiled.

"It's not about that. You know what have happened,"

"You should not be the one scared. You did nothing wrong," Audolf consoled his elder brother.

"Yes! I know," Adalwolf replied. He appears as old as the oldest priest in Asark but he is the same age as Horgan. They used to know each other and be friends while they were young. But position and family made each other realize that they can't be friends forever. One has to hate on each other.

Horgan Pack has to hate on the Ultimate pack. It's compulsory. It's necessary. It's inevitable and only so much can be done to avoid it.

"But you know Leowulf's marriage isn't that of satisfying love only," Adalwolf said. He rested on his throne, covering his thighs with his large wrapper.

"Brother! That you are the Ultimate Alpha, doesn't mean you are the oldest or most intelligent. I know why Leowulf needs to be married."

"And what if Horgan refuses?"

"We will fight him then. This is something necessary." Audolf said assuringly.

"Can't we let Leowulf take another woman." Adalwolf asked.

"He can have another woman but she might not be compatible with him. This is the first woman to ever confess to him after he used the void. This woman is a lover," Audolf concluded.

Adalwolf knows that his wishes can't be done. If only his wishes can come to pass, he wouldn't have had to become the Ultimate Alpha. And when he became one, he wouldn't want to go out soon. But some things are predestined. Once you take up a position in life, some things are predestined. And sometimes, just sometimes, you might be able to change the outcome. You might be able to change what happens. Change the process and the reasons why it happens. But obviously not in his own case. This is a curse. From the first day he had gotten this position as the Ultimate Alpha. He has been worried about the end. And the end is near. He has to pass on his will and position to his son, who will live a cursed life like him.

He didn't like this. His frail body can't withstand so much now. In the memory he has kept, he has discovered that they are a curse to humanity. He wouldn't want Asark to open to the world. He wouldn't want the humans on the other side of earth to experience their wrath. Humans are fragile. His memory has told him. Humans need protection every time. So the werewolves being cast aside from humans will provide humans this security.

"I wonder what will happen after I die," Adalwolf asked, smiling at his brother.

"You are not dying. You are transcending to an existence that puts you above us. You are always above us,"

"That's it right? That's what keeps you all thinking being an Ultimate Alpha is a great honor." He replied, sounding calm. His tone wasn't raised higher than normal. It felt like he was still speaking about something neutral and not something that deserves him to be in tears.

"Isn't it a great honor? Even though you always promised to tell me what it is that makes up an Ultimate Alpha."

"It is. Except the part where every Ultimate Alpha has to die after every 150 years after ascension. As long as Asark is still enclosed from other parts of the world," Adalwolf replied.

"Brother, you are the only one who has knowledge of what is outside there. The kind of people outside there. Do you think humans are still existing? Why can't you let us go out there to investigate them?" Audolf asked. He really hoped his brother would answer him and consider his request.

"I would want to. But I am not living alone," Adalwolf replied, pointing to his head.

"Are humans that sacred? Are they that important for us to not live our own life? Why do we have to live in isolation?"

"I have given you the knowledge that there are people outside Asark. A whole vast world. That doesn't mean you should question me. You know as much as I do about Asark. With your acquaintance with our uncles, you might even know more. But don't ever try to convince Leowulf into sending you to the human world when I die. If you do, you might die," Adalwolf warned Audolf. He smiled at Audolf.

Mara woke up from her bath tub calmly. She stood up slowly. The water in her bathtub has emptied. She had removed the little knob that connects it to the drainage before she slept. She would not like to drown. When she even wanted to die, death didn't come. And now there is a reason for her to live. There is a ray of hope in her existence, and she didn't want to die yet.

"This feeling I had, was it what Cathulf and others were talking about?" She asked herself.

"These maids have really gone beyond what I have felt. We need to discuss more. Especially when it comes to charming men," she concluded. She stood up and went closer to her bed. She could hear faint sounds of people arguing from her father's courtroom.

"God knows what they are talking about now!" She picked up the cloth on a stand beside her bed. She wore it. She went to her mirror. She straightened her hair. Put on her scarf and put it around her neck. She left her room, heading towards her mother's room.

"Lady Mara!" A maid called from behind. She turned around slowly in pride. Something somewhere has lightened up her mood. She felt like everyone around her needs to feel the love she has felt. Or rather the love she has perceived.

"How do you do, Due?" Mara hugged the maid.

"I am fine, my Lady," Due replied Mara in awe. First, Mara doesn't always wear a smile. Secondly, a royal one hugging her? This has to be the best day of her life.

"You are awake. Your mother has been worried about you. She wondered what happened to you. And how you got to be involved in an accident,"

"It wasn't an accident. Anyways, where is she now?"

"Her chambers," the maid said.

"Thank you," Mara replied and continued walking to her mother's room.

"Lady Mara! Please while you are there, lay a plea on behalf of Cathulf and Dinar," Due begged. She lay her head down on the floor to beg Mara.

"Eh? What did they do?" Mara asked.

"They are being punished for not looking out for you. For allowing you to be in danger!"

"Who did that?" Mara asked in anger.

"Your brothers," Cathulf said, raising her head.

"Oh! Those fools," Mara replied.

"Don't worry! It will be fine," Mara assured Due. She left Due alone. Only after she took a turn did Due stand up from bowing.

She headed towards her mother's room. In expectation of telling her mother about the new man she just met. Then she would go to her brothers and get them to release the maids. But she felt the urgent need to get to her brothers first and release the girls.

Nothing must be wrong with the two girls. They need to be protected. There are still a ton of things she needs to learn from them. It won't be good if her brothers should hurt them and they become so badly hurt that it can't be helped but lay them off.

She turned and went down the stairs to her brother's chambers. She ran to Skoll's room. She opened it, but another maid and a guard were in his room. Cleaning.

"As is typical of him," she said. Not like she was expecting him to be in his room. He is the one that is going to take over her father. It was not even wise to expect him to be concerned about her to the extent that he would punish some maids for putting her in danger. That would not add to his council knowledge, would it?.

"Well, it would be Fenris then."

She ran to the next chambers.

Her brother probably heard her feet. He heard someone running towards his room. But instead of knocking on the door gently like the lady she is, she pushed the door at the same time Fenris was about to open it. The force of her push hit empty air and that sent her hurtling into his room.

On his bed, she saw Cathulf and Dinar, Naked. They lay on the bed fondling each other. Cathulf was on Dinar. She was licking Dinar's genital. And Dinar was on the bed, toes curled and eyes rolling in comfort. Her thud notified them of her presence.

"Lady Mara," they cried in unison with shock and fear written all over their faces. Cathulf rolled over and away from Dinar immediately.

"Cathulf? Dinar?" She called out with shock and anger all over her. Her heart raced at a faster pace and her eyes blinked. Immediately, her tongue dried and her head ached.

"Mara. What are you doing here?" Fenris picked her up and whispered at her forcefully.

"What am I doing here?" Mara talked back to him. Cathulf and Dinar were shivering. They picked up their clothes from the bed and put it on.

"Yes! What are you doing here? And when did you start barging into my room without my notice?"

"I came in because I heard you were punishing them. I thought if I came here and begged you, you would tell your guards to release them." She cried feeling guilty and maybe stupid.

"They are fine. You can leave," he said without fear in him. He has come over the initial shock of seeing her. At least thank God he decided to have a cloth on before he came to the door. It would be bad news if his sister saw him naked.

"Why are you acting like this is nothing?" Mara cried at him.

"Well, this is nothing."

"What if you get caught? What if father had come here?"

"Only fools get caught."

"I just caught you," Mara replied, wearing a frown.

"Well, that's a fair argument," he said. He gave her a smile. He touched her head.

"Go back to your room."

"I am not leaving till they follow me. Have you forgotten the punishment for being caught? Why are you acting like this is something trivial?"

"I know what it is. But not everyone is going to be like your lover. And I am sure you don't want…" Fenris said, but Mara interrupted him with a slap.

"You will not mention him. You will not say his name," she looked into his eyes and stormed out.

"Mara! Mara!!" He called her but she didn't reply to him. She didn't even turn to give him a chance to redeem himself.

"How insensitive of me?" She heard him whisper.

"Out now!" She heard him scream orders at the maids. They rushed out and ran out. They couldn't run past her. And couldn't go back. So with their dresses not fully worn, they slowed down behind her. Hoping she wouldn't turn around to punish them.

But Mara wasn't mad at them. She wasn't mad at her brother for having sex. She was scared of what might happen to him initially, but that he had to add her late lover to it, made her nerves get worked up.

"Both of you should go to your room and be dressed. Arrange an outing cloth for me," she said, making way for them. The scurrying behind her was annoying. She wouldn't blame them. They had no fault. She knew what her brother could do. He might have threatened them or their family. Skoll might be hard. He might have taken the role of the Alpha-to-be, too personal. But he is straight forward. He wouldn't threaten a maid into having sex with him. But she knew this cunny Fenris of hers. She knew just what he could do.

"Or maybe I am even overrating Fenris," she wondered.

She looked at the two maids who just passed her now. She saw how rough their hair and back is.

"May the good goddess protect Fenris from himself," she said.

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