
Mara woke up to the sound of a lively compound. Everyone before her is awake. She still lingers on her bed wondering what to do today. She concludes on some things she should do but one important one is to go to the market where she had met Leowulf. Maybe she will see him.

It's been days since they met. Four days since she met Leowulf at the market. Four days since she met the man she believed will be the one to change the course of her existence. The man who she thought existed in fairy tales. A man with power but with a considerable amount of affection towards the people. A man whose humility rivals that of the goddess.

Not to lie, there are three sets of things in Noguchi that she could compare Beowulf's humility to. The powerful, the weak, and the goddess. The powerful bones like the Alpha's, Upper Betas, Betas. These are the strong ones that determine how things go within every pack in Noguchi. But the truth is, they are only humble to those they know and love.

And the weak. They are the direct opposite of the Powerful. They are humble to people not because they love them but because they are scared of them. Their humility to people is so they could get security and quality life assurance.

And the goddess. She is humble because she is in charge of the protection of the people of this world. Mara believed the goddess only protects those who worship her. But then there is the Leowulf she met four days ago. His actions and inactions she had gathered from people's words were assuring. He is a lovely man.

The sort of man she would be proud of to the world.

"Blessings, Lady Mara. Peace of the goddess be with you," a voice passed through the windows of her room and got directly into her head. It ruined the train of affectionate thought she had been having about Leowulf. The man whose name brought a smile to her face.

"Blessings Dinar! Come in," she replied. Dinar came in. She saw her ladyship on her bed. Her clothes weren't worn. She hadn't had her bath nor was she dressed. She doesn't look like one who is ready to leave the room.

"My lady!"

"Yes! Dinar? What is it?" Mara asked, barely changing her position to look at Dinar's face. Her eyes were still fixed on her roof.

"You said we were going to the Market today, My Lady,"

"Yes! I did. But it's not so early." She smiled.

"Or could it be that you are more eager to see Leowulf than I am?"

"Not that my Lady. This is what we usually do. I come to you first before Cathulf. And we prepare whatever we are to take along."

"Hmm! There is that one also. Don't worry. We won't be taking much with us. Give me an hour, and I will be ready," Mara dismissed Dinar.

She stood up from her bed, her bed cover fell revealing her nakedness. She looked at her breast and smiled. She stretched her back. Walked towards her life-size mirror. Even if there was no one to tell her, she knows how beautiful she is. She admired her beauty.

And then at this moment, a thought hit her.

What if Leowulf is engaged or has someone he is interested in. What if he doesn't like her? What if her body isn't the kind of body he wants?. Even though she believes her body is the perfect body, male werewolves do have weird fantasies and expectations of their wife. Or so has she heard from people.

She moved back and sat on her bed. Her nakedness shamed her a bit now. She looked at herself and frowned at what she did two days ago. She had touched herself while fantasizing about a man who has probably forgotten her. She picked up her towel and covered herself. She faced the mirror. And within it and thanks to the light in the room, she could still see her inner thigh.

"No! No!! No matter what happens, I will love him," she consoled herself.

"Here is a man bringing me relief and I am scared that he might not love me? No matter what it is, I will love him," she promised herself. She stood up and fought against every instinct to pull off her towel. She went to her bathroom.

Ashina came out of her room after dressing. It's unarguable that even on days that she didn't try to look beautiful, she is one who still has heads turn around. Not to talk of days that she intends on trying her best to be as charming as possible. Just because she wants to meet Leowulf and impress him one more time. But before leaving, there are things she needs to do.

"Good Blessings mother!" She greeted her mother while still being outside.

"Blessings! Come in, Mara," her mother invited her.

"Oh! To what is the occasion of this much dressing and beautification?" Her mother asked. She knows it's been a long time since her daughter spent so much time on make-up or selecting dresses.

"It's nothing mother. It's a good day today, isn't it? I just want to walk to town,"

"To see Leowulf,"

"Mother!" She frowned

"Am I wrong? Who else do you plan on seeing dressed this way? Except on auspicious days, you have never dressed this much." Her mother pointed out.

"Yes, mother! I want to go see Leowulf. Is that okay?"

"I have no problem with it. Just that your father hasn't approved it yet,"

Mara sank on her mother's bed.

"Who am I fooling by loving this man? I am not sure if he loves me and I don't know if my father will even accept him," she thought within herself.

"But don't worry, it will be fine"

Mara knew it wouldn't be fine. Her father is a man of resolute conclusion. He isn't going to change his mind because one daughter requests it so.

"Where is his mother now?" She asked with a depressed tone.

"Mara, listen to me. I know how you feel. I understand the pangs of rejection. But I promise, your prayer should be that this man accepts you." Her mother said.

"And for your father, he is in his court. Alone or at the least, with your brothers."

"Thank you mother," she hugged her mother.

She left her mother's room after a bit of a mother and daughter moment. Her mother tried her best to cheer her up. Mara acknowledged it but that wasn't enough. She can't end up with Aaron. She can't have a failed second love interest. If it comes to that, she would lose interest in love and just marry for the sake of birthing. And if by the curses of the goddess, she was to get married to Aaron. She would try her best never to give birth. Else those children will lack her love.

She heads towards her father's courtroom. She didn't notice anything else. She wasn't going to tell him to accept Leowulf or mention Leowulf to him. She would just go to greet him. And hopefully, he doesn't mention Leowulf. She believed he wouldn't. This isn't the first time she had sent her mother to her father and her father wouldn't even mention it. So she knew today wouldn't be an exception.

Werewolves and Felans around her were watching her closely. But she ignored the stares from all of them. She got to the courtroom. A guard bowed before her. He ran in to ask for permission from Lord Horgan, her father. Like the father he is to her, and not the lord Horgan, he accepted her.

"Good Blessings Father! Good Blessings brother!" She knelt before her father.

"Blessings! Stand! Stand my dear Mara."

"Eh? What's with the calm voice?" She asked herself. His voice wasn't as threatening and scary as it used to be.

"How was your night sleep, father? May the blessing of the goddess be with you," she prayed.

"Same to you. May the blessing of the goddess be with you," her father and brother said in unison.

"So, is there an occasion today?" Her father asked.

"No! Father. I am going to the town."

"To the Town? You want to reach the market right?" Her father asked. Skoll opened his mouth to say something, but he shut it. It seems whatever he wanted to say, wasn't going to be something her father would support him with.

"Yes, Father! I have some things to get."

"Are you going alone?" He asked with a keen look of interest in his eyes.

"No! With my maids."

" I see. Farewell then, may the goddess be with you."

She was expecting him to make mention of Aaron. At times, whenever she dresses well, he asks her if she was going out with Aaron. But sometimes, she would say no and he would tell her to go back in. And whenever she says yes, he would allow her to leave. But today, he didn't even ask her if she was going with Aaron. Or what exactly is she going to do in the market? Rather than it being soothing, it's scary. Especially with Skoll's presence.

She wanted to tell him about Leowulf. Something deep within her wanted to face him. But the memory of the past choked her. It created a lump at the far end of her throat and wouldn't let a word come out. She believed it was best left to her mother to do. Her brother is a worse conservative than her father. Her father is strict but he makes compromises. He made lots while her grandmother was alive. And he had made one since then. But her brother, well, they haven't had enough discussion for her to know the sort of person he truly is. They might be blood but they aren't friends.

She left the courtroom with an upright gait. She didn't walk majestically like she would before others. While leaving, she could feel the sharp gaze of her brother on her back. His anger was all over the room. There was a bit of bloodlust in what he was feeling. But it wasn't too intense and that showed it wasn't to her. But yet, she could still feel the anger. It had been right from when she got in. But she didn't notice it. Her fear overcomes it. But now that she is relieved and her vulnerable part is turned to the source of the bloodlust, she could feel the hair on her neck and shoulder stand.

Being outside the courtroom, she ran to her room. Half in excitement and confusion. She wondered if her mother had mentioned Leowulf to her father. And if her father had seen reasons why their relationship with the Ultimate pack can be improved. Or if her mother hadn't mentioned it to her father. Either way, this is an improvement from her father's usual behavior. It excites her. There is a bit of comfort also. All that is left, for now, is for Dinar and Cathulf to come to her prepared. And for the first time in four days, she will return to the market where she had met the love of her life and hopefully, she will meet him. Or get more information about him at the very least.

"Dear goddess, this seems to be an improvement. Help me to the very end."

"Father, what was that for?" Skoll asked his father.

"What was what for?" His father answered him as rudely and as harshly as he could.

"You just allowed her to go into the town like you are not aware of what is supposed to happen?" He asked. Even though he hasn't shown his love and affection for his sister, it's not his fault. It's all his father's fault. He had to act like his father or worse. He couldn't show love. He mustn't show love. His father made him believe showing love was for the weaker people. Not that love makes you weak, but it lets you do things at times that normal reasoning won't allow you to. Love creates chances for compromise. But during this warring period, compromises aren't allowed.

Skoll knew most of the civilians in Asark believed there was no war. There had been peace for more than ten years. But within the Alphas and Upper Betas, there had always been war. The larger portrayal of violence ended but there is a cold war going on amongst them.

"She is going to be fine," Horgan replied. Skoll wasn't convinced. He would raise the matter later. There is a limit to which he must argue with his father.

"But father, and what I was saying, Aaron approached me and accused us of being liars. He said we are bigots. All we do is clamour against the Ultimate pack and do nothing in action. He said we were cowards."

"What did you do?" Lord Horgan asked.

"We fought. I did injure him before I left him,"

"Good. That truly makes you my son,"

"But father, with what I did to him, Where Mara is going and what Aaron is supposed to, don't you think there is a bit of situational conflict? And that might lead to a problem?" He said.

"And what's the worst that could stem out of the problem?"

"Father! Mara might die?"

"Hmm! That's what you believe. I sense your bloodlust when you came. You were angry at Aaron. Before you spoke, Mara came in."

"That's not the situation here."

"What's the death of duty?" Lord Horgan asked calmly.

"I say, what's the death of duty!" He screamed at Skoll, who knelt immediately.

"Love. Father, the death of duty is love,"

"Yes! That's correct. And that Aaron loves Mara will make him not fulfill his duty."

"And if he fulfills it, there will be revenge. Either way, it's either we lay him off, to clear your anger. Or we seek revenge and make our pack larger. Either way, it's a win-win for us." Lord Horgan said. Skoll understood him but he still believed it was too great a risk.

"Well, you have a duty to do too. You will serve as an escort. And you must go and come back unnoticed. You should protect her," Horgan said

While still kneeling, Skoll raised his head and smiled. At least, he will get a clear understanding of what Aaron was talking about.

"Yes! My Lord," he stood up and turned to leave.

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