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Rosalyn Rowley

She was restless, her heart was pounding ferociously as she heard the keys leave the locks from the outside, she had a traumatic experience with locks ever since she was young, being a child she had once tried to go outside but the door were heavily guarded with locks and unfortunately for her no one was in the villa, she had broken as many as she could but all was to no avail, the door had been locked on the outside as well. She tried everything she could but she only ended up injured, and lonely. Her parents spent days apologizing to her, she spent those days crying, they never left her on her own afterwards but here? It was an even smaller space.

She launched at the door and hastily grabbed the handles twisting it but all to no avail, she continued pulling as the tears reformed in her eyes. She banged on the door but it wouldn't budge, she suddenly remembered that her room was at the utter end of the villa and no one could help her, she continued trying to pull the huge iron doors open giving it all the strength she could gather, she punched at the door continually, her soft hands were slowly ripping open and blood was filling the surface of the wounds.

" th.." She said weakly as she dropped to the ground unconscious.


Luke sat on the Alpha seat perturbed.

'Why?' He questioned himself.

'Why would she make such a rash decision?' He continued deep in his thought, he had gone to see Diane but instead of finding her, he met mrs Lee in tears.

"She's gone" The teary voice of mrs Lee repeated in his head.

He pushed his head backwards and rested it on the the seat head rest, all this had started three months ago on the day of Luke's post-wedding when Ian had made his first appearance in the pack claiming Diane as his mate, that day with great effort they had managed to get him out of the pack, but Diane kept acting weird ever since and he had conceived the idea of keeping her in his residence but then he considered her stance with Rosalyn before deciding against.

"She said I shouldn't bother myself with her and that she would be safe, that he was her mate after all" Mrs Lee words repeated in his head once more.

Luke felt shattered, but he was unsure of the reason. Was it because of the threat letter he found in her room? Or was it because they must had gotten married already? Or was it because her life started being in danger the moment she stepped her foot into his pack?

He felt worried, he knew the kind of monster Ian Luther was, they both faced off in the war, and he had slain most of their warriors with reserve. The war was mainly a struggle battle for the Red Moon pack although they were the ones who waged it, the only major dent they could leave on the Evergreen pack was claiming the life of their Alpha.

'I will save you my love and when I do, I won't ever let you leave my side like I once did, so stay safe for me please' Luke promised.

Rosalyn walked in.

Looking at her husband who was yet to notice her announced entrance into the room, she could tell what he was thinking about -Diane, it was obvious, she knew Luke would always put Diane above her and it hurt her, she had hated Diane ever since the first time Luke rejected her. The thoughts of having to suffer because of another woman scared her but she had felt relieved when Luke started talking to her and had felt on top of the world when he proposed to her, she was well aware that it was not for love but for sanity, but she had hopes, hopes that kept a woman surviving, they had a rushed wedding, she was sad that she could not relish her wedding moment but she kept telling herself that it was just a ceremony and it was only the memories that mattered but moving on she started to realize that no memories were made. On their wedding night Luke walked out of the room like she was some disease, she felt it was due to one reason or another, she kept feeding herself excuses as to why he was behaving that way towards her, but a month passed, then two, then three but he wouldn't even check to see if she had slumped in her sleep and would not wake up let alone look at her face, she had grown tired of asking her maids if he had checked up on her but she did not even need to struggle to catch a glimpse of him thinking about Diane, he was literally always thinking of her.

She never thought she would have to suffer neglection after her marriage, there were even times he had mistakenly addressed her by the name she wished would cease from her hearing.

Her eyes were clouded with rage and tears as she stared at him, he still hadn't notice her presence let alone feel her rage. The news of Diane's disappearance brought great joy to her but watching the way he thought about it shattered her.

"Why did you marry me then?" She asked as the tears slowly dropped from her eyes, Luke looked up to meet his eyes with hers as she slowly walked the long halls that divided them both like she was walking through the hardships it would take to get to him but she knew very well that those hardships were far greater a walk than this hallways.

Luke kept silent watching her noble steps towards him, for a second he felt mesmerized but then that was it, just a second.

"I asked you a question Luke, why did you marry me?" Her voice was shaking but Luke had not noticed until she got close enough for him to see the tears in her eyes.

"I do not have the time to.." He stopped abruptly.

"Do I not exist to you?" She asked, this was the first time she had stood up to him, it was as they say you don't know your yield point until you are stretched.

"I married you because you are my mate Dia.." He stopped.

"..." He tried to say something.

"I thought as much" she said.

"Please return to your chambers" Luke said to her but she wouldn't budge.

"It's always about her isn't it?" She asked and but he did not reply.

"Diane, Diane,Diane..!!"

"Her name never cease" she gritted her teeths, her voice was slowly turning hoarse.

"Leave, Now!!" Luke barked at her.

"No, enough, I've had it up to here.." She placed her right hand right in front of face.

"I can't take it anymore.." Her eyes were visibly red.

"I won't, can't you see me? I am your wife Luke, I am the Luna of the Red Moon pack I have a seat right beside you.." She pointed at the seat meant for the Luna right beside him slowly walking over to it, she sat.

"I am Rosalyn Rowley"

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