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Chapter 14

His jaws dropped off, he could barely believe his ears, and instantly, he turned, facing the sweet heart shaped face lady before him. It was embarrassing, but the least he wanted was to hold a small struggle from the lady, it wouldn't do him any harm lying or doing any other thing.

"I am glad to have you by my side, thank you, baby," he whispered quickly, and the most amusing thing was to clear off the matters as simple as they can be.

"I hope you don't eat me one day when you lose your temper," she countered.

He burst out laughing, it was literally crazy because he had not expected that you have, but damn, not expecting that is a big turn in for him, especially with the way he smiled brightly, showing off his beautiful pair of teeth.

"Sorry, but, I do not love human meat, it is a total no from me," he said grimacing.

At once, they started giggling like naughty buddies. He felt So glad saying this to Ashlyn, he didn't want to lie to her about who he actually is, and if she is going to be his wife, they are several things she is going to learn about him, and also adapt to it. The full moon being one.

"I was just kidding," she let out sweetly.

Indeed, she was, just that didn't mean that she wasn't still being skeptical about him, she feared him to an extend, but had to pretend like it is okay, well, that was how she felt like, whereas it isn't. That is a sad reality though.

"Tell me what you want to know about me being a werewolf, I promise to answer all of your questions, I promise," he let out quickly.

At first, she didn't say anything, her eyes were just fixed on his handsome ones, and the greener they look the better she felt like. It was quite accurate feeling that way, and this is literally the best way to start a conversation.

Holding him firmly around the arms, she pulled him close to the bed, at last, she was going to start a new conversation with a man, feeling it to be alright, because it is actually normal to be this okay. He followed her, he was pleased with how welcoming she was towards him when he told her the truth about him.

Opening his eyes to stare at her sweetly, that was cool, and it was going to bring several terms to them, including that many things can go wrong or write within a short period of time. Limiting those frequencies, they might even pull it off to the link.

Sitting close to one another, he was suddenly too close to her, and their closeness disturbed her too much it became some sort of problem and more. He loved her fragrance, and her milky mannerism was just adding to the values that comes along with it as it might have being appreciated to be concluding with as well.

Taking long breathes and releasing them, the young man was now focused on the on the petite pretty lady whose life meant everything to him, that was the protection and the assurance he got for being honest.

"Am I supposed to be scared that one day I will become your dinner or something?" she inquired her attention on the man's face.

She had a stern look, it showed a lot of energy and everything put together as one, and seeing that happen, the fear that gathered through her heart was kind of imposing, and sticking to it like that might be terrible, and indeed, it might have been like that.

"Hey, what is it you want to hear me say again? wasn't I clear enough the first tune when I said I don't feed on humans? or are you tempting me to try you out?" he demanded simply, but the pitch of his voice sounding like she is teasing the hell out of her.

The young woman didn't want to laugh at first because she found it kind of offensive, but then, she didn't know when she started chuckling, right up to the point that she is willingly put her hands up the man's chest and throwing her head behind, she made it feel like none of these things were actually true to happen.

Regaining her mindset and how she has turned out to be, everything passed on when he held her firmly, and opening her eyes to see his worried eyes, he tried positioning himself, making it a little stable, and more.

She panicked, and catching her breath to be stable, she started off with the words that were in her head.

"What is it? did my laughter annoy you? I apologize about that, I had not meant to do that," she let out.

This is the simplest way of saying this, especially behaving to a man she barely knows anything about, acting up like this might even be quite accurate to setting a base to these characters and letting them to a go flow, but then, they all accepted to bring it out of their way and more, including that it might be this messy or more.

Taking quite an accurate length of time to study his face, he let out his words quickly.

"No, no, of course not, rather, I am asking myself what I have done to deserve you. I mean, this is so much for me to accept it, I have never dared tell anyone my secret because I felt like they were purely going to let go off me, and deception is one thing I have never being good coping with, not to the least," he said out truthfully.

At once, she tilted her head in breaking that invisible barrier between them, as if that was not enough, she pushed herself too hard that it might have being taking turns in playing in her psyche as well.

She pushed her head forth and quickly, she kissed him across the face, and as if that was not enough, she found her way to his lips and kissed him passionately.

"I love you, baby, so much to see past your flaws. The man I see is bigger than this upper flaws you want me to believe in right now. I just love it all," she confessed.

Hearing these words, the young man literally broke down in tears in front of her, he had tried calming down himself, to put it under control but it didn't seem to be working because he felt like it was difficult, well, that wasn't and unless her ideas were getting the best out of her, things couldn't be any worse that they are right now.

Taking deep breathes and claiming that they are cool and better, there isn't any difficult pitch to address it in any way now, then focusing on the latter part and minding in In better way, the young man knew he had met his second mate.

"I love you too, sweetheart, more than you do," he said.

Grinning very broadly, it was a starting to his new life, a very brave case that they all needed one of these numerous happiness to characterize the best part of it, and inclusive of the best part of it.

She was making sure to get the best of the man in front of her, thus, when he started by kissing her, she was very fast in reciprocating it. The kisses were gentle, it had a lot of everything in it, especially the love and case, like no one has ever witnessed before.

She need the best of this relationship if it has any plans of working, and she trusts Blaze in doing that for her because telling her one of the most expensive secrets he is holding in his bosom then strikes a lot of deal already, even a dummy will get to know that he is genuinely in love with her.

These are the kind of things she loves being part of, and more than these little goals that actually make the best out of the deal, the young lady just felt like being part of the man's life is everything she wants and literally even more. She wants more from him.

She was the first to start the kissing game with him, she leaned forth and kissed his once. When he didn't react, she bit his lower lip asking for entrance while saying sharply.

"Kiss me now," she yelled out literally screaming.

He had the urge to scold her, but seeing the humoristic part of it, he cackled, and then, said firmly, "Your command is my topnotch priority," the young man breath out quickly.

That was crazy feeling this way, and nothing that it might even be more complicated than thought, he felt like ameliorating on his strokes. Slowly, he have out long strokes and counteracted it with the short ones whenever she paused to take a deep breath. That made him give her enough time to catch her breath and enjoy the fun as well.

Tugging her off these little quality things, it made it quite invisible to settle these scores, but with time, it is kind of going to be better, to amend the ways that gives her joy, and also settle those weirdest things that doesn't quite make a lot of sense and meaning.

Taming these little admissible stuff, the young man pushed forth kissing the lady as much as he can. That was essentially the plan, to knock her off her feet, and in ways that he has never thought of, it couldn't be any better than this joyous feeling overcrowding then. This is the best in every sense of the word.

She called out at once breaking off the kiss that would tear her apart. It wasn't going to be funny, but then, she has tones of questions floating her mind in ways that are just so unimaginable.

"Yes, baby, did I bite you so hard? is there any problems?" she inquired raising her brows quizzically.

If she was going to be normal with him again, then, that has to be on one condition. When he heard that, he was quick to ask her.

"What is that condition, darling? I am ready to hear you out, and know about everything you have to say," she added accurately.

It was kind if weird saying this thing, but he made sure that his words were that clear enough, and even adding to this stuff, that would make it kind of awkward, but not as naturally planned, in fact, he just felt entitled to her right now.

He thought about the things she was going to say, that would not be a good time though, but he still wants to be sure about these things, it isn't even easy to manage, but with the little grace he has and more, focusing on these stuff would never be a hard nut to crack, and there often, as planned already.

"I want to literally know everything about you, I mean, the werewolf clan, and... oh my God! don't tell me the council members are part of your pack as well..." she asked these questions, not believing her eyes.

That was crazy, so much that it made he burst out laughing in a fashionable manner.

In fact, it wasn't quite as planned, but it was at least something, a one way to go to, and despite the fact that it isn't always as demanded for, the mysteries that go in for it is just as hard as compared to it.

He stared at the lady for quite a while, his beautiful eyes that shone brightly on his head, also, the fact that she just has to settle for the less was getting out of her mind and more.

"I have a little thing for you," the young man added in a cool manner.

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