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Chapter 17

He had a moment for himself to think hard, he actually realized such things weren't always as easy as planned, but then, it is at least the brim of him pleasing, and if it makes the lady happy, then he is automatically.

"You don't want us to stop faking this while issue even when you give birth to my child?" he questioned his eyes on hers.

Watching her nodding her head was the most beautiful thing he could ever think of, everything was more like out in place for those special purposes and noting that it harms him more than desired, that was the least fair to her than it really was.

"Yes, it seems like I have fallen in love with you along the lines, and if I guess well, emotions aren't to get involved in this, I am not supposed to even allow those things matter to me in any way ever," he let out.

She was being truthful, and for a man like him who was also in love, what was just left of him right now is simple casualty, more like accelerating these little things and forming a good way to talk better than just fighting back for the approved ones.

Although it isn't cool, he knows that spitting it out to her would buy him cool points in front of the lady than ever.

"I guess you are not the only one in that boat, I have deeply fallen in love with you as well, darling, it might hard for us to cope together, but I see a very great marriage, it will take us a lifetime, and more, considering that we are all expecting the best from these experiences, not forgetting to add the fact that the little wins actually mean a lot to me," he explained.

He had his eyes on the lady's face, it was good thinking about that, and fighting back about these little odds, it came to a point that just blocking it about is characterizing the best to making it proper, and more.

"What if this is just mere infatuation, and very soon, all of this stuff will end? I mean, Blaze what if we fall out of love, have you ever thought about that? I am just wondering you know?" she said staring at the man intensely.

She needed some kind of answers to back up her claims, to make it proper for her to sit up well, including the fact that it might be this crucial experiencing such offers.

She finally took a deep breath, releasing it faintly, she felt like the air in her chest was being captured, it might have taken her forever t settle those claims, taming it to some point wasn't proper, and the least about it was fucking about with every little gift she has on her heart.

He took two whole minutes just starting at the pretty face before him, she wouldn't stop asking questions, to learn, to inquire, and the mere fact that she was happy asking them made him glad as well, more like it was put joy, some sort of sentiments, but putting them as one might not give, not to the least.

"We wouldn't fall out of love we are genuinely in love okay? now chill because we are getting glued for a very long time from now on, and when I say that, believe me because in literally mean it," he said.

Sighing, the lady's smile sprawled across her womanly face, she shone brightly with many colors, and that was beautiful, the best thing she could consider after a really long while, noting that it would be better, oh yes, it will.

They stayed calm for a moment, only their heartbeats could be heard and it was way beyond his comprehension when stealing a glance from her side, he need at once that there are several discussions he has to adopt.

"Every werewolf have a designed mate," he said quickly, then shut up immediately.

The expression he is expected from her was attained, and at once, he smiled brightly to those little ways of her adjusting to his sudden burst of words.

She pushed her chin slightly up, and pairing her eyes to the man's own, she just wanted to know what that was.

"A mate? sorry, what is that?" she inquired a haze of confusion clothing her forehead.

It was beautiful talking about it, and in a way that it might not be clear, she struggled to cross her legs on the bed, and grabbing a pillow, she quickly put it before her.

It was a weird manner of saying such a thing, considering the fact that it will be good and fun to discuss about, she pushed forth a very engaging smile, letting it out also, in ways that are only good to joke around with.

He took in a deep breathe and releasing it by blowing light air out of his mouth, it was embarrassing knowing that he could even adjust to the silly situations that they all are made up off.

"A mate is the counterpart of a werewolf. We all have a destined lover from the day we are born, and we just have to love and cherish her," he explained.

She got curious about this whole new discovery, it made her glad, and pushing forth a little to tease the young man, she said lightly,

"Am I your mate?" she inquired raising her brows squarely at the man.

At once, the young man laughed out sweetly, it was a good way to let his frustration out, but the moment he became serious and stared at her directly in the eyes, she was shocked to see the man's to the man's sudden change of emotions, and his jawlines hardened as he expressed himself to her.

"No, you are not my mate," he responded.

She stopped smiling, she could feel her jaws dropping, and tears starting to stink the back of her eyes. For some reasons she had the urge to cry, but something kept telling her not to, that everything would be alright, that would be so embarrassing especially in front of a man like him.

She grit her teeth and even bit her lower lip harder, that would not be funny doing so, of course, but for some reasons, she still finds herself just getting interesting in some deals, and adding it to the fact that it might be actually cool, they all focused on letting little things count as well.

"I hope there is no issue, huh?" he inquired realizing that she was in a devastated state, he wasn't expected to see her this weak, more like all of these things are sham, it was not meant to be, but damn it, even it it is not, how will she literally know especially when he is passing part or most of his time figuring out ways to annoy her.

"Yes," she said lying through her teeth.

Well, she was sad because she didn't know what is up, the moment she does, her reaction would definitely be changing for good, and he is one to start up that haze and more of that as usual.

"I do not have a mate, he quickly added, kit wanting the moment to be this awkward.

That was it, she pushed her head up and staring intently at his eyes, he dreaded the fact that it would be too complicated than actually planned. That wouldn't be even be great as he has envisioned already.

"Why?" she shot out getting even.more interested in the topic.

There was a long pause, it hurts her very badly thinking about that, and for the records that it wouldn't end well, he was eager to try out the conversation before it turns out either ways.

"She died long ago before I even had the chance to propose to her, how sad that is," he said avoiding eye contacts for the first time and actually weeping off even more than it was necessary.

The pain that consumed her was too much, it really means a lot, and not fighting back the tears that bad harassed his eyes, he felt how the hot burning liquid started flowing down her cheeks.

At first, the young lady was so confused about what she should do, but then, it turned in a case that it led out to other matters, ones that needs special attention, and with a lady like her, she is ready to take over, make things go forth without having a very big man like he weep like a baby.

"I am sorry about that, I am.such a damn fool for urging you along with this conversation, I should never have done so," she let out faintly.

Of course, she should never have done so, but how would she not do it when they all have their suspicious claims on her.

The only thing he didn't want right now was her feeling bad about this while thing, it was not her business, thus, her getting involved is so bad, it pisses him off so much, but the least he can actually maintain is just the most suitable dignity that was still hanging outside. He isn't fine to the least, but if it still treats him right, then, he has a small part of the deal to be alright with it, or to at least pretend like he is.

"Hey, this is not about you," he said and wept some more.

It was the worst feeling he had ever experienced, but these things are getting rough with the manner in which he just got his mind tackling on these stuff, it might not be as usual, but whosoever cares is not always necessary, it is the sanity of the other that is mostly placed as a priority.

He is the one to be prioritized and there is no changing of ideas about that.

As she inhaled deep breathes and slowly released it, she rapidly cocked her head to the side, and felt like it wasn't normal, it might not be, but then, fighting back for relief might even be tugging an extra mile into offending the weakened.

"Who then?" her questioned pressed out of her lips.

It was weird how such things happened, in fact, the intimidation might have being too much, also, that regardless, it was building an all free alternate way to figure this out, to even struggle on making it admissible.

"Do you remember I told you once about my girlfriend whose parents owned a restaurant? well, she was my mate, and she died," he said.

He was now rushing his words, she didn't quite know why, but a pause to think about it and even reflect these things, the truth was made evident, and that was so embarrassing, adding to the fact that it might be so improper to even consider that from the start.

Adding little thinks that aren't even necessary and considered as part of all this shit, she as the one who allowed her mouth to drop open and almost touching the ground.

"Oh no! this can not be true, I didn't know you had such a great loss in your life, I might not know what to say now, but maybe you staying strong would be a good start?" she said.

The sincerity was in her eyes, that is the least she can do, and not finding a more suitable way to bargain might even be harder than ever, that was just unacceptable, and not judging by the way it sounded like, they all just concentrated on staring at one another, it was good, St the same time bad, but from whatever direction, she was stating a fact, making her presence in the man's life by supporting her.

"You don't have yo apologize, darling, by the way, how did we get this far in the conversation?" he asked forcing himself to laugh.

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