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Chapter 18

He has just entered Dr. Ben's house when he saw little Louis rushed towards him.

"Daddy," he called out as he rushed towards him.

For the first time in forever, he felt the tears sting at the back of his eyes, he was going to cry, but he tried his best not to spill a tiny tear out of his eye, that will be kind of awkward, but he pretty knows what he wants, and that entails his freedom, and more of course.

"My big boy, how are you doing today?" he questioned raising his brows at her.

"Just fine, how are you today?" Louis's voice came out.

The boy's voice was sharp, not only that, it had a lot of energy being giving out, and he loves him that is to say.

"I am good. I have good news for you," he blurted out.

He was pleased to see the child's expression changed suddenly.

"What is that?" Louis asked.

He gulped but then, he shook his head positively as he went ahead to speak.

"I am taking you home," he said.

That was the perfect time to say this thing, and as Louis's eyes flew open, he watched the boy as his eyes glinted weirdly.

He was very good at noticing people's emotions, and that was how he knew something wasn't right with the child.

"What is the matter, Louis?" he questioned raising his brows as he eyed her wearily.

This is literally going to be a very long evening and unless she settles herself to bring forth these problems, he might not be able to respond to him diligently.

Louis curled his little lips up, he looked handsome especially with his well shaved hair, he was quickly growing to be a real epitome of beauty.

"Will mommy be home? I miss her a lot, and I know she would be so damn worried about me," he said throwing his head a little at the corner, letting it dangle on its little strength.

He stared at the boy and he saw the hope glistened in his eyes, that was the precious thing that he has ever seen in his eyes.

Taking deep breathes, he nodded sincerely, before he quietly shook his head positively to make sure he is satisfied with these replies.

"Of course, now, will you go with me or not?" he asked the child beaming brightly.

This is just to make sure that Louis is firmly comfortable with him, that was nice, most especially how they all look in regards to their sweet future together. Deep down in him, he was glad to know that Louis wasn't her baby, in fact, she has never had an issue before since he is the one to have motioned all these stuff as if it were real.

Well, there is little to talk about right now and he knows that as well.

He had taken Louis with him, and had stopped at an ice cream shop. It was a local as shop, but big enough to entertain them. Buying a small chocolate bowl of ice cream, he kept it specially for her. That would be needed to make up for his lies, that is quite necessary.

It has been past one hour now, and entering the mansion, he opened the door and slid into the house. He allowed Louis to play and make noise around while munching on a cookie chip.

It was splendid, and as he had ordered, he sat there waiting for the young man to come down and get him.

Walking into his room, he saw her sleeping on the bed and, but the sound of the doors creaking made her stare awake. He was happy because this is absolutely what he needed right now, and if a lady like she is giving him, then he might have no problems with it.

She just stared awake, and it took her literally a minute to zoom around the room, that was weird though, but she sounded as if that was something very normal and easy to roll around.

That apart, he had a subtle mood that everything might be alright, also regarding the fact that it is easy to assimilate.

She was now fighting for her own self, that was awkward, but the smile that kept spreading through her face made it quite impossible to settle around such differences.

She called out staring at him as if he was not the one he was seeing.

At once, the young man's smile grew big, that was very good to how all these things looked good, there might not be any difference when it has to do with these stuff, most of it too has to do with all the little luck being on their side, generating that awkward look.

At once, he walked towards her and bowing his head, he kissed her lightly on her temple.

"Have you gotten enough rest?" he questioned.

He head hurt a little, but she felt like that was normal, well, to an extend though and the pleasures that stands along with it, that might quite be great though, unless that he can't quite make a sound when it deals with such though.

"What am I doing here? I was in my friend's house..." she started saying, but then, she didn't have anything to say.

He raised his brows squarely at the young lady for a while, that was quite difficult to settle such faults, he was guilty as charged, but the least he was about to play on her.

"I know several things are going to piss you off, but I don't mind, you know? let me explain it to you. Michelle is my friend, and you and I is the result of her collaboration. I know you would have a lot of things to say, but don't get mad at your friend, she is so lovely, and you see, it is not even bad to have me as a partner," he explained.

This made the young lady's face to become a cute hue of confusion, but then, she heard little voices downstairs, and that is what actually got interested to even hear, see, and make advanced towards it.

She heard those baby voices, they were so quite familiar, it was rising above the limit, he enjoyed it quite well, and as his eyes grew demanding, she slid out of the bed, and at the, she dashed towards the stairs and as she spotted Louis, she burst out into tears as she wrapped her arms around the boy, weeping so badly.

"Louis, my baby, Louis, where the hell have you been? mommy missed you a lot, you know?" she said reigning kisses on the child's soft face.

She could barely help recovering herself, but then, that was the silliest thing he could go about right now, considering the fact that it is not every time that she has to go smoothly by the laws, it might never always be good to compromise, and despite the fact that he keeps popping up at it in that manner, he felt the cool air creep through his body, it was good looking and he enjoyed it for sure, more than she can meet up with the words.

"With daddy. Why did you lie to me that the beast was going to hand me over to the social workers if he ever set his eyes on me? it is and lying to me, Ash, especially when I believed in you that much," Louis said.

His manner of speaking only made Ashlyn to have tears in her eyes, she wasn't going to waist any, but then, she had the faintest smell of him and that is when he knew that he was behind her. Well, she couldn't tell how near or far that was, but it was quite closes especially when she ached her back lightly, silently praying that the young man wouldn't say anything.

'Please don't,' she begged in her mind, wishing she had telepathy not to say a word, but then, understand her still fine.

Well, that wouldn't be an easy peasy stuff, but the least she can do is to stare at her in the most awkward manner. That wasn't good, the mere fact that her heartbeat keeps accelerating, and she feels like a little dormant with those little mood swings flying up and down, he waited for him to at least save her. Blaze did of course.

"Baby Louis? your aunt needs a very good time to rest, I hope you wouldn't be in the position to disturb her right now, huh? please, give her some time to catch her breath and she would be able to talk to you again, is that alright?" he demanded.

His hard voice, the authority they all seemed to produce was nice, and the is no way on earth it might be any milder than it already looks like, it might be terribly bad, considering the fact that, settling for tiny bits might be quite abnormal as well.

Louis nodded his head, and as he was sent upstairs, he waited for a while before he spoke again.

"What's it with the social workers and the boy?" he inquired faintly.

It was quite unbearable to settle these scores, but fighting to accept his fate would even be harder than necessary.

She didn't know what to say, but her stomach grumbled, so, she thought that it might be quite accurate to start answering the young man while she is eating, at least, it might save her the cost of manipulating such things, and she knows about it nicely.

"I bought chocolate ice cream and cookies for you, it is in the fridge," he said chasing her behind.

They have a discussion to talk about, and unless they have that discussion, he might not be settled about what she definitely wants right now.

It might not be accurate though, but the love for ice cream made her smile faintly, as he moved towards it, and scooping out a greater portion from it, she started licking it nicely.

'There we go, darling,' she said sweetly to herself, that was beautiful, and the mere fact that it melted her heart even faster than usual, she opened it and put it in two separate cups.

"Here, take this, you might want to keep yourself interested while I break the news to you, and I promise, it wouldn't be a boring ride, thus, hold firmly to your bowl of ice cream because things are just starting to get interesting," she concluded.

That was weird for him but he knew he needed to play along if he wanted to get to the roots of these matters, it might be quite impossible doing so, but then, the absolute pressure that keeps consuming her is one that has never being dealt with of course.

Taking short breathes, she managed to come up with suitable terms, especially when it has to focus on tackling such circumstances.

"Thank you, darling, can we go to a more comfortable spot? maybe my room, and that is if you do not mind of course," she mouthed.

"Sure, we can go to anywhere comfortable you want us to go to," she mouthed sweetly.

That made him smile, and at once, he waited for her to settle the little things in her life, it might be cool, or not, but she didn't want to argue with this man, he has offended him and more and if the man deems it right for them to talk, that means that he might have seen quite a lot of things to make hime come to such a conclusion, that is just something to piss him off to the pulp.

"I love that, and let me carry the tray, of you do not mind, I don't want you aching your hands while I can be of the perfect assistance to you," he explained.

she kept calm.

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