Chapter 3
She runs with all her might never sparing a second to turn back and watch how far her assailants are coming. She had made a mistake going to steal from those silly security men. She should have aborted the mission the moment her spirit told her to but the beautiful cars and shiny intricate in the hall were too alluring for her to turn back despite her heart-tugging differently.
The moment she reached that estate, she knew things were going to backfire on her. There was this electric pull, teasing her, calling her, drawing her closer and she couldn't help herself. Besides, a party in such an estate meant there would be a lot of worthy things to steal and God knows she needs the money.
She touches her pocket, feeling for the gold wristwatch she had managed to pick up from the unsuspecting man. She heaves a sigh of relief as her fingers come in contact with the jewelry. Now, all she has to do is make a good bid with John or Jeff and get the money to the hospital to pay her father's bills.
A few months ago Camilla Louise Taylor was a normal girl, living a normal life with parents in a remote town in Bonaberi. Life was good until her beloved parents got involved in a serious car accident which took her mother away from her and left her father in a deep coma.
When this happened, Camilla was heartbroken. Her parents meant the world to her. Growing up she didn't have people she could call friends except for her mother and father. When she was called that day that her parents were involved in an accident, she had hoped she could save the both of them, for she loved them both equally.
Unfortunately, the universe had another plan. When she got to the scene of the accident, she met their car upside down. Her mother was already dead at impact. But her father was still alive. She rushed him to Central Hospital where she prayed day and night for him to return to her.
She vowed to do all it took to save him from impending death. She couldn't lose him too. She had stayed strong by his side and waited. She spent all their savings and barely even took care of herself. This got worst when the deposit money to commence his actual treatment and oxygen provision started.
"Camilla, you have to pay a sum of two million for your father's treatment to commence." The doctor at Central hospital had told her that day.
She became devastated.
Selling their house was a decision she came up with to raise the upfront payment, and leaving on the streets made her even stronger as she had to beg to survive. She didn't think about all of these, none of them mattered, as long as her father could keep breathing, she'd do anything.
"Camilla, if you want your father to remain on life support you have to be and timely, a sum of five hundred thousand every week." The doctor had said again.
Camilla did not cry. "It will be done, just please keep taking care of him." She told the doctor, my eyes fixed on her father's pale body.
Camilla was determined to keep her father alive even if she had no idea how she was going to get that much money every week. She had no relatives, no family, no friends, and no job. Even if she got the job, it was not going to be enough to pay for such a large amount on weekly basis.
At that time of want and need, she met Lisa Maurice, her girlfriend, who helped her with some money and introduced her to the pickpocket way of raising money to help her pay her dad's hospital bills since working was not a fast and available way off for her.
At twenty-three, stealing was not Camilla's thing. It wasn't the way her parents and herself, had hoped she would turn out, but the man who was the only survivor from her two parents would die if she didn't make an effort to raise the bills that will serve for his effective treatment, especially in the coma.
It had been six months since the accident, and five months since she had become a pickpocket. It causes her to be guilty at times when she looks back at the way her life had turned out. But having no other family member to help out in times like this, Camilla told herself she had no choice. She had to do what needed to be done to keep her father alive, even if it resulted in pickpocketing.
Clutching the gold wristwatch in her hand tighter she runs till she gets to her dealer's shed. A small shack at the end of town. It is notorious for carrying out all sorts of things. The place is a run down for all kinds of black market goods and services. A normal girl will cringe and scream if they ever find themselves here but Camilla is no ordinary girl. She has been living on the streets for months. She is bold and brave, nothing scared her.
"Hey, John!" She says, flashing a hooded figure in the shed the watch.
The little dim light at the far corner of the shed shines on it and the gold reflects backlight.
John, the hooded figure, approaches the light and his crooked face comes into view. His bloodshot eyes roam over Camilla's body, landing on the piece of jewelry in her hand.
"Is that real gold?" He croaks glinting his eyes into the watch.
John scans it greedily to see if he can cheat her off of it. But Camilla knows exactly how to handle men like John. She has been in the business long enough to know her shots. She opens her palm and jingles the watch in front of him so he can observe it more closely.
"What do you think?" She grins glaring at him. She doesn't have time to play games with him, hence she taps her feet impatiently on the floor, watching him, daring him to make a wrong move.
John looks more closely at the gold wristwatch and opens his teeth in what Camilla has learned to take as a smile of approval. More than half of his teeth are missing and the remaining half is all brown. Even as strong-witted as Camilla is, she still cringes inwardly at the sight of the man.
"I'll pay four hundred thousand. Give it!" He says, stretching his fingers towards the item.
Camilla folds back her palm just as his fingers brush the watch. She glares coldly at him. He is offering way below the usual price. Normally, gold of such weight costs way more than four hundred thousand, but John always tries to play smart even when he knows that Camilla is way smarter than he is.
"Seven hundred or I'll take it to Jeff!" She spits with confidence, making to place the watch in her shorts.
Even that price is way below the actual cost but she needs the money tonight. It is a Friday and a new week is starting soon she needs to make payment for her father's weekly treatment. She can save the remaining two hundred thousand for the following week and her feeding.
"Ah! Easy there!" Again, he opens his set of missing teeth and flashes it to her face. "You don’t have to go to Jeff. You are my friend Camilla. Okay, I'll take it."
He dips his hand into his pockets and produces two large wads of notes. He throws it towards her and Camilla catches it with her free hand without a shake. From the weight of the stash, she can tell the money is enough, besides John knows better than to cheat her. The last time he tried it, she had stolen the product back from him and sold it to Jeff.
Confirming the money, she throws the watch at him and runs out of the shed.
"Happy to do business with you!" John shouts at her retreating back but Camilla pays no attention to him.
Her mind is only focused on one thing, seeing her father and paying his hospital bills.
It is already past midnight by the time she reaches the hospital gates but the security already knows her, so he opens the door for her. "Hello Camilla, how are you?" He greets her politely.
"Hey!" Camilla responds before slipping into the hospital. "I'll be back!" She calls at the guy. She needs to pay the money before she can stay back for chitchat with anybody.
She walks straight to the finance department and meets a sleeping attendant. She rolls her eyes in annoyance and taps at the glass.
Here she was running around Besaadi looking g for money and some people were sleeping hiding their laziness behind regular jobs that provide little to no changes to their lives.
"Hello!" She calls her after the lady made no move to wake up at all.
"Yes..." She lady finally opens her eyes and peeks up at Camilla. Recognizing the redhead, she gets up from her desk and stretches her arm muscles as she muffles a yawn.
"Miss Camilla, I have told you. You can always make payment in the morning if you get the money late. It's not like we will cut off his life support the minute you don't bring in the money." The lady responds with irritation.