Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter Three

Fire & Gasoline:::

Rosa tried to look into his office through lowered lashes, From what she could tell he was back on the phone but he was checking his computer screen every few seconds.

Her fingers tapped away on the keys as though they had a life of their own, she didn’t want to encourage this. What if it wasn’t Cameron? But she couldn’t stop a small thrill of excitement racing through her as she pressed the send button.

“What? Who is this?”

A moment passed, she tried to keep watching Axel's office to see if he typed anything onto his computer, he turned away from it to stare out the window just as another message flashed up on my screen.

Rosa's body responded, she could feel herself getting wet as she read through the words on the screen, she slowly licked her lips nervously as a hot blush crept up my cheeks.

“I want to bend you over your desk, lift that tight black skirt of yours and push my thick cock into your juicy pussy. Would you like that?”

The question repeated over and over in her head. 'Would I like it? The damp patch that was forming in her panties told her yes! She would like it, however, she was a lady, she didn’t even know who this strange person was, there was no way that she would reply to it.

Another message flashed up on the screen. “Rosa, come to my office. Cameron.”

So it was Mr Axel, Rosa stood and walked on unsteady legs towards the open office, Axel had swung his chair around and watched her as she made her way towards him, it made her even more nervous as she noticed he never took his eyes off her, rosa fidgeted with the edge of her sleeve as she made it into his office, closing the door behind her.

On getting inside, Axel indicated for her to seat, she responded carefully, taking the seat opposite his desk, he watched her for a moment, his eyes burned right through her and Rosa fought to keep her gaze level with his, in the end she failed and dropped her eyes to the edge of the desk instead.

“A very serious matter has come to my attention.” Alex said, his face becoming very serious.

Panic flared in the pit of her stomach. What did he mean?' she wondered, sweat immediately gathered on her forehead, it's salty liquid finds it way down her neck, to her chest.

“Some of the files that were due to go out yesterday, never made it. Now I’ve searched back through the computer systems and I’ve discovered the error was from your computer, Rosa. You never sent the files and now the deal had gone to shit.”

His words stunned her, how could she have forgotten to send out the files? As far as she was concerned she had sent them, Rosa remembered clicking the files into the email and pressing send. It wasn’t possible.

She shook my head. “Mr Axel sir, I sent the files as requested. I remember sending them,the client has to have received them.”she replied, sure of remembering what she had done concerning the file and the deal.

His smile sent shivers racing across her skin. “According to the client they never received anything. Now who am I supposed to believe, Rosa?”

Tears clouded her eyes as she struggled to hold them back. Shewouldn’t cry,it was a sign of weakness and she was sure she had sent the files.

Axel lifted his hand to silence her protests. “I have a plan. I’m sure you will be more than willing to help me sort out this mess. Am I right?”

Rosa nodded. How could this have happened? First he sent her a messages saying how much he wanted to do terrible things to her, and now he was propositioning her all because of a mistake, first Jax and now this.

Her life was beginning to unravel at the seams.

“Rosa, are you listening? The client is flying in tonight and I want you to come to dinner with me and him. I’m sure we can find a way out of this mess.” He stood as he spoke.

She wanted to follow his progress around the desk but he walked behind my chair and disappeared from sight.

Axel bent down over her chair and she jumped.

“The panties you are wearing right now, I want you to go to the bathroom, take them off, and bring them back to me.”

Shock froze Rosa to the chair, her head spun with confusion as she stood and walked slowly from the office, things had changed so quickly.

Walking to the ladies’ room and straight into one of the cubicles, Rosa swallowed hard, her panties were now soaked completely through, and Knowing how wrong it for her to get this wet, turned her on even more.

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