chapter 8
He is looking at me with a gun in his hands but he is not shooting me .
I wanna ask him why?. His eyes are showing how much he hates me .
" How dare you step up in front of boss!" The man from earlier said and two men grabbed my both arms , twisting them behind me they pushed me towards the ground.
I tried hard to get out of their grip but my struggle went in vain because they were more stronger than me.
I look at him and then back to boss. I know I am in deep shit but I cannot belaim myself right know.
Only If I had my assistant with me but I haven't open it since the last time I ran away from them.
"What is your name Slut?".
Suddenly a voice came and slapped me hard making me fall back in reality.
I look in front of me to the owner of the voice , he was looking at me .
Still the gun is pointed towards me .
Slut ha? . I wanna shout at him but I cannot right know.
Instead of shouting at him I pretty calmly replied while counting my words.
" Don't Judge when you have a bad taste in judging".
Everyone around me gasped.
They probably think I am brave but stupid.
Only if they know how much I am dying from inside.
" You slut... " One of the man said but was cut off by him .
He stood up from his seat and started coming towards me only leaving inches between us he pointed his louded gun on my chin slightly touching it making my chin to raise up a bit .
His men left me and took some steps away.
When my eyes met his again ,he tighted his hold on the gun traying to see my reaction but I rested one of my hand on his kneck and the other goes to his gun.
His men suddenly pulled out their guns and pointed it to me .
Only if my brain can work properly.
I clutched his neck a bit and said
" I will not die alone If I have to be killed''. It was barely a whisper but I know he heard me because the next thing I know is that he back handed me sending me two feets away .
My eyes well up with unshed tears but I am fast to clear their trance .
The man from earlier came towards me and cluthed my arm pretty badly and bullit shoot can be heard that came right in my lower abdomen and I fell on my knees again.
I will be unconscious soon but I will never wake up again.
I started to stand but my legs wobbled and I fall .
His ironic laugh reached my mind after a second and my fist is balled .
This situation is same as the previous one .
I won't let another Mafia do what he did to me before.
I look up at him with blood shed eyes and throw myself on him pretty hard sending him to the corner he blacked away but so did I but I never hit the ground.
I wonder why the impact of hard floor Never came .
I wonder why I am here .
I wonder if I will wake up again or can meet my future prince I have dreamed of since my childhood for a person I Never met .
I kept myself and didn't look at anyone feeling ashamed that my God have made some one for me and I will meet him one day but now I think I should have worked hard for my upcoming life after death because may be just may be I wont be waking up anytime soon.
With the ending line of thoughts some tears left my eyes and I felt my body got totally numb and so my senses but before I engulfed the darkness I found warmth spreading on both of my cheeks.
Later I realized that someone is wiping my tears away.
I woke up with not only a broken body but with a broken soul.
It's like all life left my body , left me.
Every part of my body hurts especially my lower abdomen and my left hand .
It is like someone has been beating me .
I woke up three days ago and from then I have been captivated in this room .
I am damn hungry but how can I go somewhere?.
They haven't offered me anything to eat yet and it almost three days but then again why would they?.
I only hope that my friends will find me .
They are my last hope .
" Please hurry up Julie , please find me Laura I am dying."
I whispered and let the darkness take me once again.
It's been a week now and yesterday a maid came just to inform me that I have to start my duty as a maid from tommorow which is today and she gave me some food yesterday also .
She had left a uniform for me to wear but I will not wear it .
I am a Muslim. I only wear full clothes and wearing releaving clothes that shows my figure are just against my comfort.
Making my way down stairs to the kitchen I look at them as a lost puppy waiting for them to say something to me.
Well but I don't know a thing .
Of course I can cook but I don't know what am I supposed to do here .
Standing there for a minute a girl came to me and said If I can help in delivering these dishes to the dining room.
If you ask me the bowl of whatever is this Is quite hot and I have to place it somewhere before I will drop it.
Like I just said , it dropped on the ground when I stumbled into a hard wall or a masculine figure.
When I look up I found myself looking at him and to my discomfort he was looking at me quite angrily.
I have ruined his suit , his breakfast and my innocent day.
Not to remember but I am not wearing my uniform!.
"Are you blind ?". He said through gritted teeth .
I don't know how to reply that because I have never done anything like this before.
I just sit there not knowing what to do or what to think.
I just wanna escape and believe me I have been traying but never succeed.
First they kidnapped me because they were stopid enough to think of me as a slut .
Secondly he shooted me and then left me in a cold room without any food .
Thirdly they DON'T WANNA LET ME GO!.
I wanna scream at him but I cannot.
I don't know why but I cannot.
I tried to stand up but he pushed me down again.
I hit the ground with much ,much force before earlier.
" Where is your UNIFORM?''. He shouted next.
" I don't wear such releaving clothes. I am not a SLUT ". I replied but more likely shouted.
When I looked at him he was holding his gun , pointed towards me and his next words scared the living life out of me.
" Strip".