Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter Four

I'm dropped off at the door, blocks off my usual hiking spot. I won't even ask.

My brother accidentally drops a glass when he sees me and rushes over to me. Everyone at work does.

"Are you okay?" They ask surrounding me. "Are you hurt?"

"Because I came to work early?"

These people.

"Is everything okay?" Scott asks.

I shake my head yes, then help them clean up and offload the chairs and tables. Of course Hope keeps giving me side eyes, maybe they fear I've gone mad.

Three of the seven sons walk into the restaurant. They specifically ask to be seated in Danielle's section. They even ask "There's only one Danielle, right?"

This is the first time they've been here. You don't see the Royals out and about. They like to stay indoors, away from the public eyes so imagine my surprise to find the Alpha, fifth and seventh son there.

The restaurant quickly fills up this morning. Of course people heard the Royals are here. We're so swamped we have to put up the 'closed' sign on the door.

The Royals look at me like they know me, random smiles and shit like that. When they leave they graciously ask me to take whatever amount I deem fit as a tip. A girl needs a new bathroom and so I embezzle 10 000 off their credit card. The Alpha has the guys check his phone as it reports how much I took and asks "Will that be enough?" When I nod, he continues, "What a strange girl."

The day at The Eat is usually insane. One colleague notices that I’m a bit distracted today but I’d rather not say much, I don’t want them going full force tell-all about the Pinocchio brother that probably sent the others to spy on me.

Strange though, he keeps crossing my mind. I start wondering about who he is and why he is so persistent. And then I remember, he is a faded jeans wearing, dragon wielding, heavy metal loving prince. That ’s enough to get me back to concentrating on my work.

The rain and thunder starts just two hours before my shift ends. Could this day get any worse? How the hell am I to get home? I shudder the thought of the rain drops on my skin. Weird creatures, these humans, saying standing in the heavy rains is romantic.

I leave at about eight p.m today. It’s already dark but luckily a colleague has offered to drop four of us off at the bus stop. We stand at the entrance as we wait for the driver to go get his car from the parking lot. He comes to stand right at the door. Not a single drop gets me as I duck from the restaurant into the car.

Without realizing it, I peep through the car window as we drive out of the restaurant peemises, no dragon. He's given up, good.

At the bus stop things get weirder still. The queues are long and the wolves are cranky. I sigh about to exit the car, I don't even have an umbrella. Some kid runs over and picks me from the crowd and leads me to the front. He shields me under his big-ass umbrella. I am, amid begrudging looks from fellow commuters, placed on the front seat.

And yes, Pinocchio is driving. What did I expect? The Fourth Prince runs and owns the buses.

He breaks into my thoughts again. He sings that stupid song again, really? A smile reaches my lips before I can stop it. I look away immediately. He sees it, he smiles and looks away too, saying nothing.

"I'll see first thing tomorrow," he says as he drives right up to my front door. I don't answer. He waits, with other passengers still inside, waiting to be delivered home. I dig in my purse for my keys and I can feel his stare as I do so. He waits until I'm inside, and drives off.

My brother always warns me about guys like him, guys that have everything, can have anyone but only go after the most naive and innocent girl in town. He usually says, if it's too good to be true, it usually is. This boy will break my heart.

Look now, off all the werewolves and there are many very worthy wolves in this town, I am defeated and dis-empowered by a prince. Who's probably slept with half the women here. Oh I never!

Scott gets home late tonight. I think he was hoping I was asleep already. I can hear he's not alone. Whom ever he is with is doing a terrible job of hiding the click of heels against the wooded flooring. I smile. Maybe he won't turn up like daddy after all.

He knocks at my door but I lay still as he enters. If he knows I'm faking he doesn't show it. He kisses me and turns the lights off. I know he senses that something is going on with me but he’s probably waiting for the right moment to pounce.

"You can talk to me about anything," he always says. He repeats that as he closes my bedroom door behind him. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I have a text from Finn.

Goodnight. It says.

You too. I write.

I love you. He responds.

I ignore that one.

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