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The Other Side of Jeremy

Rebecca yelped, dropping the medicine holder she had been reading on the floor. Turning, she placed a hand on her rapidly beating heart, “What is this! Frighten Rebecca Day?” she rubbed her temple. “What are you doing here?” She had been so busy reading the names of the medicines that she did not hear Jeremy walk in.

“It’s my house,” Jeremy responded as he studied the woman before him. “My question is, what are you doing in my medicine cabinet?” He narrowed his gaze at her before his eyes fell on the bottle that had been in her hands a few minutes ago.

Rebecca sighed as she bent and picked up the holder she had dropped. Placing it back, she turned to him, rubbing her hands on her pants. From the look on his face, she knew that he had noticed the bruise on her temple.

“What happened to your face?” Jeremy frowned as he walked deeper into the bathroom. He placed his car keys, which were still in his hands, into his pocket as his hand went up and pushed her hair to the side of her neck, his fingers lightly brushing her skin. He bent a bit to examine the bruise closer.

Rebecca swallowed at the soft contact. He was so close that she could feel his warm breath fanning her cheek. She tried to move away, but the pressure of his fingers on her shoulder stopped her. She chanced a look up, meeting his blue eyes. “Well.. was an accident.”

“You are not a very good liar,” Jeremy shook his head, indicating that he did not believe her. “Truth, please.”

Rebecca took a deep breath, “Alice was here.” What was the use of denying it? He was going to find out anyway.

Jeremy’s eyes clouded in an instant. “What?” he said in a very calm voice. He knew Alice, and he could never put the fact that she had a violent temper past her hitting someone.

“No,” Rebecca reached out and placed her hand on his chest, taking hold of his suit jacket’s lapels. “It was an accident. She was trying to get into the room. I was trying to stop her. I-I sort of slipped and banged my head on the doorjamb, that’s all.”

Jeremy’s fingers on her shoulder traveled to her neck, “is that what happened, or did she push you?”

“Accident, Jer,” Rebecca stated, ignoring the hand on her neck. She noticed that she was still holding onto his lapel. Letting go, she straightened it before she stepped away from him.

Jeremy studied her for a few more seconds before moving around her and reaching for a red medicine bottle. Flipping the cap open, he removed two pills and handed them to her. He reached for the bottled water he always has in his bathroom and handed it to her. “Here.”

Rebecca took the pills and the water, downing them with a glance at Jeremy. “Thank you.”

Jeremy nodded, “I want you in bed.” He gave her a hooded gaze when her eyes flew to his. “I am sure you have a headache right now. I want you to rest.”

Rebecca blushed, ‘I still have stuff to do.’ She led the way out of the bathroom, stopping in the middle of his unmade room. Even though his room was huge, at that particular time, it felt very small. Rebecca was aware of him at all times.

“Leave it,” Jeremy shrugged. “I am not going to be seen as a slave driver.”

“But at least let me straighten this room,” Rebecca looked around. Just like before, the pillows were on the floor, so was most of the sheeting. The clothes he wore last night were on one of the armchairs populating the room, and Rebecca was sure she spied a shoe on the table.

Jeremy looked around, a slight tint covering his cheeks. This was the first time he felt a little uncomfortable with a woman in his room. A frown marred his face as he tried to understand why. There were so many things about Rebecca that bothered him. That look of disapproval that she always tried to hide, the tint of pink on her cheeks that piqued his interest at what thoughts were going through her head.

“Ok, fine,” he said, giving up. “But after this room, you are to rest. I’ll send someone with your lunch, and I’ll come with dinner.”

“You are coming home early today?” The question was out of her lips before she could stop it. Swallowing a frustrated groan, she pasted a smile on her face.

Jeremy shook his head as he moved away from her, “Do you have any plans that involve me being late coming home?”

“No,” Rebecca gave him an embarrassed smile. “Ok, see you then. Let me clean up, and I will rest.”

“Good!” Jeremy said from the doorway.

‘Oh, and Jer?’ Rebecca called after him, stopping by the door as she looked at him at the landing. “Alice thinks you and I are the ones that messed this room up.”

Jeremy pivoted on his heels and walked back to where Rebecca was standing. He stopped in front of her, his gaze narrowed. He must not have heard her correctly. “What did you say?”

Rebecca swallowed and twisted her fingers together, trying but failing to meet his gaze. “She thought you and I were the ones who messed up the bed.”

“And you did not see fit to tell her otherwise?” Jeremy crossed his arms before him, trying to keep a lid on his rising temper. Is this some trick? Something that she cooked up so that she could get him to sleep with her? Negative thoughts just kept playing in his head as he looked at her.

“She was spitting fire in my face!” Rebecca defended herself. “I was more interested in getting her out of the house. She scared me.”

Jeremy studied her for a few seconds before turning and walking away without another word. He had to get out of the house before he did something crazy, like pull her in his arms and show her how they were really going to mess up the bed.

Getting into his car, he took a few seconds to get rid of the images that were playing in his mind. “Shit!” he hissed as he put the car into gear. On the drive back to work, all Jeremy could think of was the bump on Rebecca's face.

Parking his car, he went to his office building, his mood not changing. “Sam,” he greeted his assistant. “I don't want any disturbances today.” He said as he continued walking to his room.

“You have a meeting at 10 am,” Sam stood up, following him behind.

“Reschedule for a later time,” he placed his tab and keys on the table before shrugging out of his suit jacket. “And I do not want to see anyone. Oh, and make sure someone sends lunch to my place from Julio's place. Ask for their special.” He walked to the window and looked out, his favorite way of thinking.

“Oh, you will see me!” An angry voice came from the door, heels clicking on the tiled floor before the carpet in his office muffled them.

Jeremy turned, his face clouding with anger. “That will be all, Sam.”

Sam nodded, being wise not to say anything and walked out of the room, closing the door softly behind her.

“What are you doing here?” Jeremy asked as he folded his frame onto the brown leather chair, stapling his fingers, resting his chin on the two thumbs while the two index fingers rested on his lips.

Alice gave an angry little laugh, “So, you got rid of me so you can sleep around with that little nobody? Have you really stooped that low, Jeremy? She is just using you, can't you see that?”

“Are you done?” Jeremy asked, his voice barely raising a notch.

“!” Alice shouted as she walked forward, touching the huge glass and steel desk. “Do you think I am one of those girls that you can bed and discard? And leave me for a maid, for that matter!”

“We had an agreement, Alice,”' Jeremy reminded her, keeping his voice calm though he was furious. “You breached the terms when you started your obsessive behavior.”

Alice looked at him, noticing she was not getting the reaction she wanted by screaming at him. Changing tactics, she glided to the side of the desk, perching on it as she stood close to him. Reaching out, she gently ran her fingers through his hair. “But what if I want to change the agreement? What if I have fallen so deeply in love with you that I can't take seeing you with another woman?”

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