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Stubborn Rebecca

Jeremy studied her through his lowered eyelashes. “Is that right? So, that is the reason you attacked Rebecca? You hit her on the head because you thought I was sleeping with her?”

Alice narrowed her eyes, anger erasing the fake smile that she had on her face. “Is that what that little gold digger said? That I attacked her?” she shook her head. “You see, darling? She is lying to you to get you away from me.”

“So you never attacked her, pushed her so she banged her head on the door?” Jeremy asked as he stood up and moved away from her, his back to her as he studied the busy road below his office building.

“How could you think that of me?” Alice asked, her voice strained. “I would never do such a thing!” She walked to where he was, standing in front of him, and placed her arms around his neck as she pulled him down for a kiss.

Jeremy reached up and grasped her arms, gently but firmly removing them from his neck. “So, how did she get that bump on her face?” He retained a hold of her arms.

“I don't know. She probably did it to herself on purpose to make you doubt me, as you are doing now!” Alice twisted her arms out of his hold as she tried to reach for him again. “Darling, don't be like this,” she pouted.

“We are done,” Jeremy stated, moving away from her touch. “It was agreed that once we want to get out of this relationship, it’s over. No attachments. It was purely physical.”

The only thing that could be heard in the following seconds was a smack of a palm meeting a cheek. A muscle twitched on Jeremy's jaw, but he refrained from doing anything.

“No one makes a fool of me and gets away with it!” Alice stated furiously. “No one! You had better think twice about this before I make your life hell!” Turning on her heels, Alice exited the office, banging the door loudly behind her.

Jeremy turned back to the window, watching without interest the busy movements of the people on the streets below. He did not appreciate these things in relationships, over-emotional, clingy women.

There was a muffling sound from the other side of his door, which had him turning around with a frown.

“Please, sir, wait!” he heard Sam calling after the person.

He frowned as his door opened, and in came his friend, smiling, “chill, darling.” Ryder turned to smile at Samantha, who shot him daggers with her eyes.

“I tried to stop him,” she turned to Jeremy, exasperation written on her face.

“It's ok,” Jeremy turned to look at his friend as he watched Samantha leave his office. He leaned on the window seal before crossing his arms. “You really should not reel her like that.”

Ryder shrugged as he sat down, “she is a spitfire when mad.”

“One of these days, you'll know just how hot her fire really is.” Jeremy shook his head. “You are in a good mood this morning,” he observed as he walked slowly back to his seat.

“I cannot say the same to you. I saw Linda walking out of here looking like a war is about to start!”

“Alice. It's what I get for letting the agreement that we had go longer than it should have,” Jeremy said as he moved back in his seat, crossing his left ankle on his right knee. “Spill.”

Ryder shrugged, “I had a good weekend, I guess.”

“Really?” Jeremy raised an eyebrow. “Would Becca have anything to do with it?”

Ryder smirked, “why? What did she say?”

“Nothing just echoed your words right now. And the fact that she was up and dancing in my kitchen as she was making breakfast,” he refrained from mentioning the yoga pants.

“Was she now?” Ryder sat forward. “And you don't mind me going after your housekeeper?”

Jeremy shrugged, “she's a big girl, she knows what she is doing.”

Ryder raised an eyebrow but refrained from commenting.”'Well, I personally cannot wait for Saturday. She really is a great chef.”

“So you only want her for her culinary skills?” Jeremy kept his voice leveled not wanting to give up anything on how he was feeling inside. Heck, he didn’t even understand what he was feeling to begin with.

Ryder stood up as he placed the file that he had come in on the desk, “among other things. As you said, she is a grown girl, I am sure she'll handle what I have in store for her. Later, man.” He walked out without waiting for Jeremy to reply.

Jeremy narrowed his eyes, wondering why the thought of Rebecca and Ryder together alone did not really settle well with him. Pushing the feelings aside, he reached for the file in front of him and got on with business.

Rebecca watched him as he descent down the stairs, crooning her neck to see him walk out of the door before she sighed with relief. She had thought he was going to be angrier than that. Thinking back, why didn't she set Alice straight? Groaning she went back to work.

It did not take her long before she was done. Taking a deep breath, she sat down and turned on the television, flipping through the channels. When she found something that was at least interesting, she threw the remote beside her on the sofa and got into the program. Just when she was really into the dramatic movie that she had decided to watch, the doorbell rang.

With a groan she got up and walked to the door. “I am coming!” she called when the ringing persisted. Pulling the door open, her mouth fell open.

“What the heck happened to your face?” exclaimed Lily as she pushed her way inside, leaving Rebecca to close the door behind her.

“Lily, what are you doing here?” Rebecca frowned as she watched her friend turn around in the hallway.

“Don't change the subject, Becky. Was it Jeremy?” she wheeled around, pinning her friend with a serious face.

Rebecca shook her head, wincing a bit from the dull pain. “No, I banged myself on the door upstairs.” When she noticed the frown on her friend's face, Rebecca sighed. “I swear, Lily! Jeremy did not touch me! Now, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at an interview or something?”

“Or something.” Lily assessed her friend for a bit before a smile broke free on her face. “Well, Je-re-my decided to cut my day with you short, I am here to claim it back.” Her eyes darted to the stairwell. “Where is he, anyway?”

Rebecca sighed and shook her head, “so that is the reason you came here, hoping to get a glimpse of my boss?”

“Is he here?” Lily's voice fell to a whisper, hopeful.

“Nope,” Rebecca said as she led the way to the kitchen. “Want something to drink?”

“So he is not working from home today?” Lily pouted as she followed her friend to the kitchen.

“Lily!” Rebecca turned and faked being hurt. “And here I was thinking you came here to see me. I am wounded.”

Lily snorted, “you wish. Wow! This kitchen is much bigger than my apartment!”

Rebecca rolled her eyes, 'oh please!' she said as she opened the fridge and reached for the juice that was in there. Collecting two glasses, Rebecca quickly poured their drinks and handed one to her friend. “Your dad has a place just like this, only if you agree with moving in with them.”

“Stepdad,” Lily emphasized. “I love my little apartment, it's nice and cozy.”

Rebecca laughed. She was glad that her friend was there, after the drama that she went through during the early part of the day. Lily was always a ray of light, with her crazy talk and bubbly personality.


“So is this what you do the whole day?” Lily asked as she flipped through the channels. They had moved from the kitchen to the sitting room where they spent an hour or so on the movie channels.

“Actually”' Rebecca checked her watch. “It's time for me to go do some grocery shopping. Though Jeremy had told me not to do anything, he'll definitely not go to the supermarket.” She stood up, collected her keys and waited for Lily to stand up.

“You do realize I am spending my whole day with you, right?”

Rebecca rolled her eyes, “I figured. Come on”' She was by the door when her mobile started to ring. Frowning she looked at the flashing numbers on the display. “Hello?” she answered attentively.

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