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It's A Date!

“Becky, hi. It's Ryder.

A smile broke free from her lips. “Ryder, hi! How are you?”

“Good. I just wanted to remind you of our dinner date on Saturday. I am locking it down so that no one takes my date.”

Rebecca laughed, ignoring Lily's speculative gaze. “Of course, I have not forgotten. See you on Saturday.” She hung up and turned to her friend.

“And now?” Lily raised an eyebrow at her friend.

“None of your business!” Rebecca said in a sing-along voice as she smiled and opened the door. Frowning, she looked around the driveway. “George?” she called out to the man who was tending the garden. “Where is my car?”

“Oh, that old thing? Mr. Martenson had it towed this morning. He said I should give you these instead,” George walked over, handing her a car key.

Rebecca stared at the key in her hand for a few seconds before looking at George, puzzlement written on her face, “what is this?”

“A car key,” George replied, looking at her as though she was dumb not to know what the key was for. “Jeremy told me to hand it to you once you leave the house. The car is in the garage.” He pointed to the double garage doors, which were open, before turning and heading back to what he was doing.

“But..,” Rebecca stopped when Lily reached for the keys.

“Thanks, George!” Lily smiled at the man, watching him shrug as he walked away. Turning to Rebecca, she placed her hands on her hips. "Didn't your mother teach you not to look a gifted horse in the mouth or something like that?”

“But, Li..,” Rebecca frowned as she closed her fist on the key in her palm.

“No!” Lily hooked her hand on Rebecca's arm and pulled her to the garage. “He has every right to get rid of that car of yours. It is an eyesore in a neighborhood like this. Now, stop being a spoiled sport, and let's go see if your boss has real taste in cars!”

Rebecca had no choice but to be dragged to the garage, all the while thinking of how she was going to get her car back. It was old, yes, but it was not an eyesore! The paint job she did on it was barely a year old! And even if it was an eyesore, Jeremy should have spoken to her first before towing her baby to God knows where! The more she thought about it, the angrier she grew at Jeremy's audacity.

“Oh my word!” Lily shrieked, bringing Rebecca back from her angry thoughts. “I love Jeremy!” She said as she ran forward.

Rebecca looked up at what excited her friend, her breath catching in her throat at the sight of the red convertible parked in the garage. “What the heck is this?”

“This,” Lily said as she ran her hands appreciatively on the car's bonnet. “This is the 2022 Maserati Ghibli! And that color!”

Rebecca grimaced as she followed her friend in, “it's red!” she said, dismayed. “Why didn't he look for a neutral color? He had to go for red!”

Lily rolled her eyes at her friend, “Seriously, Becky! Learn to enjoy these things! Did you ask him for this car?”

“No!” Rebecca shook her head strongly. “I wouldn’t even know how.”

“Exactly!” Lily walked to where her friend now stood. “So he gave this to you from the bottom of his heart.”

Rebecca shook her head, “but I never asked him to tow my car away either!”

“Live a little, why don't you! You get a brand new ride without asking for it!” Lily jumped up and down, her excitement apparent on her face. “What other boss would do that?”

Rebecca smiled a little at the thought, “Only Jeremy, I guess, because he is the only boss I've ever had. Come on, let's get this shopping over with.” She shook her head, “But I am still mad at him. He had no right!”

Lily only rolled her eyes at her, a smile breaking on her lips. “Can I drive?” Lily blinked at her. “Please, please, please!!!!”

“Heck no!” Rebecca shook her head. “You can't have the first drive on this car. You'll drive it on the way back.”

Lily pouted as she watched Rebecca open up the car and slide into the driver's seat. When she made no move to enter the car, Rebecca pressed on the horn, liking how it sounded. 'Get your butt in here, or I am leaving without you!'

Lily stuck her tongue out on her friend before walking to the passenger side and sliding in. “I'll make sure I take the long route back when we are done!”

Rebecca gently put the car into its motions. She did not want to show her friend that she was enjoying the smooth drive of the car, nor her excitement of owning a brand new car. She frowned at that, wondering if she owned the car or if it was under Jeremy's name.

The trip to the shops was not long, and soon Rebecca found herself pulling into a free parking space.

“Hand over the keys, please,” Lily signaled to Rebecca with her hands.

Rebecca shook her head and placed the key on Lily's open palm. “I need to call Jeremy.” She said as she reached for her phone. Dialing the number, she leaned on the car door and waited for the connection.

“What have you done with my car?” was the first she said when the call was connected.

“That piece of scrap metal? I have donated it to the scrapyard,” Jeremy replied with no remorse in his voice.

“You had no right!” Rebecca shouted, lowering her voice when a few people who were making their way to the shops turned and looked at her. “That was my car! I had stuff in there that was personal to me.”

Jeremy was quiet for a few seconds, “everything from your old car is in your glove compartment. I must say I never pictured you as a card collector.”

Rebecca blushed, “They are my brother's.”

“Sure. You still have not told me whether you liked the car.”

Rebecca shrugged, then remembered that he could not see her, “it's fine. But then again, I don't have a saying as it's not my car.”

“Then whose is it?” Jeremy asked, a little amusement coating his voice.

Rebecca frowned, her eyes shooting to Lily. “Yours, of course.”

“Well, if my name is Rebecca Claymore, then I guess I was born in the wrong body.”

“W-what? But I can't own this! I can't even cover the insurance on this thing, let alone the monthly installments!”

“And who said about you paying for the installments?”

“Because you just told me that it's my car.”

Jeremy was quiet for a few seconds, a shuffling of feet or papers before returning to the call. “Look, your old car was an eyesore; I got you the car; it's your car, but I'll cover everything else. Alright?”

Rebecca was about to say thank you when the phone went dead. With a frustrated growl, she stuffed the phone back into her handbag.

“And now?” Lily asked as she looked at the sour look on her friend’s face.

“Infuriating man, that's what he is!” Rebecca said as she moved away from the car and started for the shop. “Well, are you coming?” she asked, turning when Lily did not make a move to follow her.

“What's the problem with you?” Lily shook her head, smiling and winking at the young men who were checking them out. “Oh gosh, I love this car! Great way to get a date.”

Rebecca just shook her head and continued walking. “You'll follow me when you get your senses back.”

Lily ran to her before she turned and started walking backward, facing Rebecca, “why won't you admit that you like the car?”

Rebecca rolled her eyes on her friend and suppressed the smile, threatening to break through. “Watch where you are going, Lily,” she said as she gave her a small nudge before linking their arms together.

The shopping was done in record time, though the drive home took longer than Rebecca could have liked. Lily had told the truth when she stated that she would take the long route home.

“Just hold the door open, will you, Lily!” Rebecca called to her friend as she carried the two brown bags in both hands. She was crossing the threshold when her phone started vibrating in her pocket. “Oh, come on!” she made her way to the kitchen and deposited one of the bags down before she reached for her phone.”'Hello?”

“What took you so long to answer?” Jeremy's voice sounded annoyed.

“Was unpacking the groceries,” Rebecca groaned as she hefted the other bag onto the cabinet top.

“Did you buy the whole damn shop? How is your head?” He fired the questions at her.

“I am fine, Jer,” Rebecca replied as she opened the fridge.

“I’m glad.” Jeremy's voice warmed up a notch. “Anyway, I hope you bought something that can be cooked this evening around six. Shona is coming over. And since you are feeling alright, you can make us dinner.”' Without waiting for a reply, he disconnected the phone.

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