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Shared A Bed with Her

When she finally had him in a position, she moved to get out of bed. Just as her feet were about to touch the ground, a hand on her waist pulled her back. With a yelp, she found herself imprisoned in Jeremy’s arms as he pulled her towards him, placing one of his legs over both hers and laying his head on her breasts.

“What-?” Rebecca tried to untangle herself but couldn’t. She peeped down at him, his eyes were shut, and his even breathing indicated he was fast asleep. “Jeremy?” she nudged at his shoulder. “Jer?”

“Mmmh?” he murmured without opening his eyes.

“Please let me get up,” Rebecca tried once again to move her legs but failed. “You are sleeping on me.”

“Mmh,” Jeremy murmured again, pulling her deeper into his arms.

Rebecca stared up at the ceiling. There was no way she was going to get out of his hold at that moment. She will have to wait until he decides to change positions to do so.

Jeremy tried to open his eyes but gave up the struggle as they felt too heavy. Actually, his whole body was heavy and sluggish. With more effort, he opened one eye before shutting it again quickly. There was too much light in the room. He moved his left arm up, painfully slowly, using it to cover his aching eyes. Counting to five, he slowly willed his eyelids to open, swearing not too gently at the piercing light that caused his head to ache even more. Taking in his surroundings, he had no recollection of how he got into his room, let alone removing his shoes and getting to bed. As he tried to move, he felt something heavy on his chest.

“What the he-?” he looked down, frowning at the tangled mess of dark hair. His arm slowly traveled from his forehead to push away the waves of hair from his face, confusion marring his face. Even though he could not remember much from his night with the bottles, he knew for a fact that he did not hook up with anyone. Not from lack of wanting to, but from how it made him feel. His hand touched the mass before he balled a fist and frowned. Who could it be?

Taking a deep breath, he pushed the hair gently away from the face so as not to disturb the person; his breath got caught when the innocent face of Rebecca came into view. “Oh, hell no!” he hissed as he glanced around the room. What was she doing in his room? On his bed? But wait, why was he hot? He glanced down and noticed they were both fully dressed, and he had his arm securely on her waist, holding her close to his side. From the looks of things, he held her and not the other way around.

Letting go of her waist as though he was burnt by fire, Jeremy tried to move as gently as possible. He did not want to wake her up. It was going to be more awkward than this.

After a few seconds of maneuvering, Jeremy stood by the foot of the bed, his eyes gazing at the woman who was still on his bed. Gritting his teeth, he made his way into the adjoined bathroom. A quick splash of water on his face, he reached for his toothbrush. His mouth smelt like a brewing plant. After a quick work on his teeth, he looked at himself in the mirror, a few bits and pieces of last night coming back to him. He remembered feeling angry towards her as she stood in her dress looking at him. He was not even sure why he was angry at her.

He stepped from his clothes and moved to the walk-in closet before getting out his jogging attire. It was seven in the morning, a little late for his morning jog, but he felt that he needed it. Walking back into his room, he stood for a few seconds, his eyes trained on the oblivious woman who was still fast asleep on his bed. Should he wake her up? he thought before turning on his heels and walking out of the room and out of the house.

Rebecca stretched a bit, frowning as she heard a tearing sound. What was that? Opening her eyes, she looked around her before groaning and hiding her face on the pillow. She took a deep breath and pushed herself off the pillow before sitting up. “Jeremy?” she called softly, wondering if he was in the bathroom. When she heard nothing from the other room, she quickly stood up and checked the damage she had placed on her dress.

“Well, another excuse to go shopping for a dress,” she sighed as she collected her shoes and walked out and down the stairs to her own room.

The house was still quiet when she emerged from her morning shower. Heading to the kitchen, she filled in the coffee machine before heading upstairs to Jeremy’s room. She wanted to clean it up before he returned, even though she had no idea where he went. Getting to work, she quickly changed the sheets and placed his shoes where they should be before vacuuming the room.

Once done, she quickly dusted and vacuumed the rest of the house before heading to the kitchen to start her breakfast.

She was just about to sit down to eat when she heard the front door open. Frowning, she walked to the hallway.

Jeremy walked in his attention on the device on his wrist.

“Good morning,” Rebecca greeted him. “I thought you might have gone to the office, so I did not include you in breakfast. Is there something specific that you would like?”

Jeremy looked up, his eyes still behind his shades. “Coffee and toast.” He said as he walked to the stairs without another word.

“Good morning to you, too,” Rebecca muttered under her breath as she returned to the kitchen.

“What did you say?” he stopped by the stairwell.

Rebecca turned to him and shrugged, “Nothing.” She turned back and continued with what she was doing, holding her breath until she heard him going back up the stairs.

Jeremy did some quick work on his shower and a change of clothing. As he descended the stairs, he could hear Rebecca giggling. Curiosity made him move slower and silently.

“He was such a gentleman, Lil,” she was saying. Lily must have said something because Rebecca broke into a real laugh, “No! Only you could do that. And no to your second question. I told you what I wanted from him, and I got it yesterday. So easily, in fact. He was not stingy at all!”

Jeremy found himself making a fist as he walked into the kitchen. Taking a seat, he eyeballed Rebecca.

Rebecca looked flustered, “we’ll talk later, Lil. Yes, I know.” She hung up the phone and turned to him.

Jeremy pulled his plate towards him and went to work on his food without another word.

Rebecca sat quietly, watching him eat. He looked good for a person who had blacked out the previous night. She remembered one time when Lilian had taken too much alcohol, and she woke up with a splitting headache as well and looked as though death had warmed up on her. A small smile was tagged on her lips.

“Something funny?”

Rebecca looked up when Jeremy spoke. “Sorry?”

Jeremy narrowed his eyes on her before he went back to eating.

Shaking her head, she stood up and walked to the dishwasher. “Are you going to be around today?”

“Why?” Jeremy placed his fork down with a click. “Do you have another date with Ryder?”

Rebecca frowned as she straightened back up, “Ryder? Why would you think that? I already got what I wanted from him last night.”

“You have, haven’t you?”

Rebecca looked at him, puzzlement written all over her face. “I am not sure I follow your meaning.”

Jeremy sneered at her before pushing himself away from the table with more force than necessary. He took his half eaten breakfast and dumped it in the rubbish bin before placing the plate in the sink. “Don’t play the innocent.”

“But I-” Before she could finish, her cell phone went off. Reaching for it, she frowned. “Mom? Is everything ok?”

“Becky, darling, I hope I did not wake you up.”

Rebecca shook her head, ‘“Am up. Are you ok? You are not feeling bad, are you? I could come over,” she looked up at Jeremy and wondered if he would allow her to leave the house again that day.

“No, no,” her mother replied with a little laugh.”‘I actually wanted to ask if your boss wouldn’t mind me dropping off Jordan at his house today. It’s just that a few friends and I wanted to go on a little trip, and we will be back this evening.”

A smile broke off on Rebecca’s face. It had been a while since her mother just took a day out for herself. Moving the phone away from her ear, she looked at Jeremy, who still had an angry look on his face. “Uhm, is it ok for my brother to come over for a few hours? I swear you won’t even know he is here.”

Jeremy tilted his head to the side, gauging her look. He shrugged before turning on his heels and walking out of the kitchen.

“Ma, you can bring him through. Just pack his laptop and some of his games,” Rebecca reminded. Even though Jeremy had agreed to let him come over, she wasn’t sure how he would be when Jordan played with his stuff.

“Alright then, see you in a few minutes.”

Rebecca hung up and smiled. She had not known how much she had missed her little brother. Placing her phone down, she quickly rinsed the plate Jeremy had used before feeding it to the dishwasher.

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