Chapter two.
"What the hell??" she screamed.
"Dispose it" he said and made to leave but Katrina stopped him.
"Excuse me Sir. What you just did was very wrong. I mean, who throws a pant to someone's face?" she asked, anger creeping in on her.
"Wait what? You're lecturing me now?" her boss asked.
"No Sir. But you should have called me to come dispose it in a more proper way" she said giving him a stubborn look.
"Oh, wow" he said and gave a short laugh.
"Telling me what to do now huh??" he asked.
"No, but..."
"But nothing. This is my house and I'll do or say anything I like, do you hear me?" he asked harshly.
"Excuse me Sir" Katrina started but was interrupted by her boss.
"I won't say much on that. If you're not okay with it, you pack your things and leave my house" he said.
She would have done just that because she can't stand the presence of this arrogant pig. But she won't be able to achieve her revenge if she leaves his house.
"Calm down and endure" her inner mind said. She pinched herself to control the anger within her.
"Fine Sir" she said and gave a fake smile.
"Good" her boss replied and without another words walked up the stairs to his room.
"Wow. what was that??" Katrina exclaimed after her boss left.
"Damn him!" she muttered and went to her room.
A knock on the door made her leave her room and come down to the sitting room again. She opened the door and saw a very pretty lady standing at the door.
"Hello" she greeted.
"Is Eric in?" the lady asked without replying to her greetings .
"Let him know I'm here" the lady said and walked in without waiting for Katrina's invitation.
"Who are you by the way?" she asked Katrina.
"I'll go inform if you are here" Katrina said skipping her question.
"Your name please?" Kat asked.
Katrina left her in the sitting room and went up to call her boss. She knocked on his door and he came to open the door with a short towel tied around his waist, leaving his chest bare.
"Oh my, he's so fucking attractive" Kat inner mind screamed.
"Yes, what's it?" her boss harsh voice came up.
"One Helen is here looking for you" she replied.
"Lead her here" he said and closed the door.
Katrina did as she was told, she came back with the lady and knocked on his door again. He opened it still tying the towel on his waist.
"Hello sweetie" Helen said embracing him and kissing him on the lips.
"Hi darling" he replied smiling. This was the first time Kat saw him smile and she would pay anything to keep seeing this smile.
"Who's she?" Helen asked.
"My new maid" he replied.
"Ooh, I see" she said and sized her up.
Katrina has had enough of it, she was tired of people sizing her up.
"I'm going to my room" she said.
"Order dinner for yourself and yeah, I don't want any interruptions. Don't let anyone in" her boss said and she nodded.
He pulled Helen into his room and closed his door. Katrina walked to her own room.
It was getting late already so she took her bathe and changed into her night wear after ordering pizza. She sat on the bed pressing her phone when the door bell rang.
She stood up to go check who was at the door. It would probably be the delivery man, she thought as she went downstairs.
She opened the door and saw another lady standing at the door. This one too wasn't looking bad, instead she was more gorgeous than the first. But Katrina couldn't help frowning. Eric has ordered her not to let anyone in.
"Good evening" she greeted.
"Is Eric in?" the lady asked.
A repetition of what happened earlier and Katrina rolled her eyes.
"No, he isn't" she lied.
"But his car is parked outside. All his cars are here" the lady said.
"But he isn't around" Kat insisted.
"You liar" the lady said and forced herself in.
"Who are you by the way?" she asked after she had succeeded in getting in.
"His new maid"Kat replied.
"Go call Eric for me" she instructed.
"I'm sorry, I can't" Kat replied.
"Then I'll go tell him I'm here myself" she said and started climbing the stairs.
Katrina followed her quickly trying to stop her but she was too stubborn.
It struck Katrina that this lady wasn't a newbie here.
She was able to find his room without problems. Then without knocking, she opened the door and stopped right on her tracks with her eyes almost popping out of the sockets.