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25- Missing her


Katrina stayed true to her words. She avoided Eric completely, she spent most of the days in her room, only coming out to do her chores and prepare his dinner.

Eric tried talking to Katrina the first three days but she shunned him. After that, he stopped trying and Katrina thought he had given up already.

If there's anything Katrina was sure of, it's that what she did really affected him.

Eric became cold, his face had a sad look on it and he became irritated at the slightest things.

He even scolded Alvin!

That was the first time Katrina saw him scold Alvin. Even Tom and Alex weren't left out. They made sure they did everything to avoid being in his bad book.

And then, Katrina missed him. She missed him so much it hurts. Many times, she felt like running into his arms whenever she saw him. How she managed to control herself still surprises her.

The feelings were clear now. Katrina was really in love with him.

Katrina was bored. She was through with all her chores. They weren't showing anything interesting on the TV.

She decided to go chat with Alvin. She walked to his duty post. He was inside so she knocked on the door.

"I'm coming," Alvin called out.

He opened the door and came out.

"You busy? " Katrina asked with a smile.

"No, why asking? " Alvin replied.

"Just wanna have a chat with you. I'm bored" Katrina said.

"I'm also bored too. Let's chat" he said and they sat down on the bench.

"So how have you been? " Katrina asked.

"Fine. Just trying to stay away from Boss anger" Alvin replied.

"He scolded you the last time. I'm sorry about that, " Katrina apologized.

"He's really in a bad mood these days. Did something happen between you guys? " Alvin asked.

"What do you mean? " Katrina asked back.

"I know everything going on in this house, forget the fact that I don't talk. I knew how boss was before you came into this house. He was cold, arrogant and all but when you came, all changed. He became lively, happy and less arrogant. I know how close you both are. I have seen you guys together before, the laughs, talk and all. But lately, I noticed that you guys no longer stay together. You barely talk to each other. Did anything happen? " he asked.

"Wow, I didn't know you were observing things" Katrina said.

"It's because of Molly right? " he asked and she nodded.

"I'm just trying to stay out of trouble. I'm no match for Molly. She's rich and all, I understand Eric is getting engaged to her because of business stuff. This is the more reason why I want to stay away from him. I want to see him succeed, it's going to boost him more if he should become business partners with Molly's dad" she explained.

"You love him? " he asked.

"Yes but he doesn't know. I don't plan on telling him too,"Katrina replied.

"Wow, so what are you going to do? " he asked.

"Nothing "

"But I don't think breaking off your friendship with him is the right thing. You can still be friends, boss needs you" Alvin advised.

"You won't understand, " Katrina said.

"Katrina, you just need time to sort things out. Just make the right decision, that's all. I'm always here if you want to talk" he said.

"Thanks Alvin"

"You're welcome "he replied.


Eric sat in his office looking absent mindedly into a paper in front of him.

God, he missed Katrina so much.

He had tried talking to her but she shunned him. So he decided to give her some space so she could think things out.

He couldn't sleep well at night. Thoughts of her clouded his brain and even when he slept, she appeared in his dreams.

She was like a ghost, hunting him,tormenting him. He saw her everywhere, her face, her smile, the way she smells.

God, he was going crazy.

"You're in love with her!" His inner voice screamed.

This past week made him realize what he truly felt.

Eric was madly in love with Katrina. He didn't know how it happened.

And her avoiding him makes his heart hurt. He felt empty and down. Nothing gives him joy anymore, not even his work.

Eric's phone rang bringing him back into reality.

He checked the caller and saw it was dad and his heart skipped.

Eric's Dad loves and adores him and Eric loves him too but they're not really close.

Mr Paul Salmadiego was really strict with Eric. He said he's being strict about Eric for his own sake, which Eric admitted was true.

But most times, Eric's Dad forces him to do what he doesn't want to do and it annoys Eric. Mr Paul was also a stubborn man, once he sets his mind on something, he's going to have it no matter what it costs him.

Eric answered the call wondering why his dad called.

"Good evening dad" Eric greeted checking the time. It was almost four o'clock.

"Evening son. How's work going? " Mr Paul asked.

"Fine. Why did you call? "Eric said.

"We're having dinner at your house tonight. Your mom and I" his dad informed.

"Ohh" was all Eric could say.

"Yeah. And we're going to talk about Molly. I just wanted you to know, " his dad added.

"Okay dad. Would be expecting you " Eric replied.

"Alright. Bye " Mr Paul said and ended the call.

They're going to talk about Molly??


Eric dialed Katrina's number. She answered the call.

"Mom and dad is coming over for dinner tonight. Start making preparations to cook dinner, please " He said politely.

"Okay Sir " she replied.

Eric ended the call and rested his head on his desk as he dreaded the dinner with his dad.

It's going to be a long night!

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