Chapter three
Katrina came behind the strange lady and saw what had caused the reaction. Eric and Helen were having sex on the bed!!
She covered her mouth to keep herself from exclaiming. The stranger with her was obviously furious.
"Damn it! I thought I asked you not to let anyone interrupt me" her boss said.
He disentangled from the lady on his bed and began wearing his underwears.
"Damn it Eric! who's the fuck is she??" the other lady said.
"Molly, I can explain" my boss said.
Oh, her name is Molly.
Helen still sat on his bed looking like a lost sheep.
"Get this cheap whore to leave right now" Molly screamed and walked hurriedly towards the bed in an attempt to drag her off.
Eric got in the way stopping her.
"Easy Molly, she's gonna leave" he said.
"Helen, I'm sorry but you have to leave now" he said to Helen.
"What??" she asked surprised.
"Not now Helen, not now. Just leave, I'd give you a call" Eric replied.
Helen came down from the bed using the blanket to cover her naked body.
Katrina wondered why she was covering it, he has seen everything.
Helen picked her clothes from the bed and walked into the bathroom to get dressed. She came out minutes later fully dressed, she took her handbag from the bed and without another word, she walked out of the room leaving Katrina, Eric and Molly behind.
Katrina wanted to excuse herself but the inquisitive part of her made her stay behind. She wanted to know who Molly was to Eric.
"Why do you keep doing this?" Molly asked Eric.
"I am your fiancee for Christ sake! you should have some respect for me!" she said angrily.
"Oh, wow. She's his fiancee." Katrina thought.
"Come off it, you know this is just a contract. We have no feelings for each other so allow me do whatever I want" Eric said.
"Oh wow, really??" Molly asked visibly hurt.
"Yes" he replied without remorse.
"Fine then" and with that Molly walked out of the room.
"Dumb asshole" Eric screamed. He was referring to Katrina.
"See the result of your incompetence, I asked you not to let anyone in. Now see, both women are gone. Who am I going to spend the night with? huh?" he asked angrily.
"I'm sorry Sir, but I tried stopping her, she was just too stubborn" Katrina explained.
"Oh, shut the fuck up" Eric screamed.
"But Sir, this wouldn't have happened if you stick to just one woman. How could you be cheating on your fiancee?" Katrina said without thinking and regretted it immediately.
Her boss eyes darkened with rage and he walked towards her in a threatening way.
"You sure have lots of guts" he said.
"Who are you to tell me what to do and how I'll live my life?" he asked her.
"I'm sorry Sir" Katrina replied, she suddenly felt afraid.
Eric saw the fear in her face. He didn't mean to scare her but he was very angry. He noticed his new maid wasn't looking bad, infact she's a very beautiful young lady with long brown hair, round face, pretty lips and sexy eyes. She has a perfect shape too, average height and fucking sexy.
"How about you spend the night with me?" he asked teasingly.
Her fear turned to anger.
"No sir. I'm not someone you can use for a one night stand" she said angrily.
She's brave, he likes that.
"Was just joking. You're clearly not my spec and I don't find you attractive one bit" he said.
"Ouch" Katrina inner mind screamed. She just got insulted by this arrogant pig.
"Leave my room" Eric instructed harshly.
Without another word, Katrina left his room. She ran to her room and let out her anger.
"Arghhhhh" she screamed punching the wall and scattering her bed.
"Just wait and see, I'll humble you Mr Eric Salmadiego." she said panting heavily like someone who just finished a 100 meters race.
Her phone rang and she picked it up to check the caller. Her anger reduced when she saw it was her best friend calling.
She answered the call and without exchanging pleasantries, poured out everything that had happened to her best friend. Her best friend couldn't stop laughing at the other end.
"Do you think you can handle this Kat?" her Best friend asked on the phone.
"Yes, I'm very sure. I just need time" Kat replied.
"I trust you" her friend said laughing again.
"Take good care of my sister for me best. Don't let her know about this" Kat said.
"Alright boss" she replied and they laughed.
They talked for a while then they ended the call. Katrina climbed into her bed preparing to sleep.
After saying her prayers, she rested her head on her pillow and within few minutes, she slept off. She was already tired to begin with so sleeping wasn't difficult for her.