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31- The evil plan

"Boss, your mom is here" Alex said to Eric.

"Let her in," Eric replied.

Katrina got up to welcome Eric's mom as she came in.

"Good afternoon Ma'am" Katrina said and hugged Eric's mom.

"Afternoon darling and happy Sunday to you" Mrs Salmadiego said.

"Same here Ma, though I didn't go to church " Katrina said smiling.

"I didn't go,"Mrs Salmadiego replied.

"Momma" Eric called as he stood up to hug his mom.

"Sweetheart, how are you doing? " his mom asked, pecking his cheek.

"I'm doing great, you?? " Eric asked.

"I'm doing good, " Mrs Salmadiego replied.

"What's going on here? I can see the atmosphere is looking bright and joyous. And is that popcorn I see over there? " Mrs Salmadiego asked.

"Mom... You always notice everything, " Eric said, putting his arm around her neck. He led her to a chair and she sat down.

"Sure. I wanted to be a detective, you know, " his mom said laughing.

"Well, Kat and I were watching a movie before you came in. We ate popcorn to make it more fun, "Eric explained.

"Oh, I see," Mrs Salmadiego said.

Mrs Salmadiego gave Katrina a funny face then looked back at Eric giving him a funny face also. Behind that face, she was asking for an explanation.

"Yes mom, we confessed our feelings for each other already " Eric explained.

"You mean Katrina loves you too? " Mrs Salmadiego asked.

"Yes Mom," Katrina replied.

"Is it okay to call you mom? " Kat asked.

"Sure dear" Mrs Salmadiego replied smiling.

"Thank you," Katrina said, smiling.

"I'm happy for you both most especially you Eric. Finally, you've found someone you truly love, she stole your heart. You can stop being a playboy now. I'm glad she loves you too, Kat is really a nice girl" his mom said.

"Thank you mom," Eric replied, grinning.

"Are you guys a couple now? What about Molly? " Mom asked.

"She came by the house last week, she saw Kat and I together. I told her how I feel for Katrina, she got mad and walked away " Eric replied.

"As I expected, " Mrs Salmadiego replied.

"Mom, Molly is not the problem here. What about Dad? Did you get to change his mind? " Eric asked.

"That's why I'm here. There's a problem son" Eric's mom replied.

"Your dad refused to listen to my plea. He insists on you getting engaged and married to Molly. This is the first time he's saying NO to me. I think he's really serious about this" mom said.

"Oh no. Mom, what are we going to do? " Eric asked.

"I don't know. I'm going to keep talking to him though, he might change his mind. But I can't really blame him though, he's doing this for you " Eric's mom said.

"But my happiness comes first. He should be able to understand that" Eric said.

"Don't worry Son, let's keep hoping he changes his mind" mom said.

"Mom, whether dad changes his mind or not, I'm not getting married to Molly and that's final " Eric said with a stern look.

"Then you might get into a fight with your dad," mom said.

"I don't care mom," Eric replied.

"I don't want you both fighting. Take things slowly, okay? " Mrs Salmadiego said.

"Alright mom," Eric replied.

"Katrina, you really love my son right? " Eric's mom asked Katrina.

"Yes mom, I really do," Katrina replied.

"Good. You should get ready to stand by his side and fight for your love, you should stick with him in the days to come, because once his dad finds out that he's choosing you over Molly, he won't take it easy on both of you. So you have to stay by his side, don't be a coward and run off. I believe if we stick together, you, me and Eric, we're going to win" Eric's mom said.

"I promise I won't leave his side. I'm going to fight for our love and I'm going to take good care of your son, " Katrins replied.

"That's nice then," Mrs Salmadiego said.

"Thank you for giving me a chance to love your dear son," Katrina said.

"You're a wonderful person. I'm not worried knowing my son is in safe hands" Eric's mom said.

"Awnn mom, thank you so much. I love you, " Eric said and hugged his mom.

"I love you too son," his mom replied.

"Prepared lunch already? " Eric's mom asked Kat.

"No mom. I'm going to do that now" she replied.

"Okay then. Let's prepare lunch together, " Mrs Salmadiego said.

"No mom, you don't need to worry. Just relax and watch TV. I can do it alone" Kat replied.

"I insist. I love cooking for my son whenever I get the chance to" Eric's mom said.

"Alright mom, let's do it together then " Kat said and smiled.

They stood up from their chairs.

"Son, take your time watching TV.. Let's go prepare lunch, "Eric's mom said.

"Okay mom," Eric replied, smiling.

Katrina passed by Eric and he hit her ass. She stuck her tongue out and made a funny face before following his mom to the kitchen.

Soon, Eric could perceive the smell of something nice cooking in the kitchen.

"Having lunch with mom and Katrina was fun." Eric thought.

Katrina is really fun to be with, she kept on making his mom and him laugh with her funny stories and all.

They forgot about table manners as they kept on talking and laughing.

After eating, Katrina washed the plates while Eric's mom and Eric relaxed in the sitting room. She joined them after she was done washing plates.

Molly sat in her room pressing her phone while waiting for her spy's report.

Yeah, She followed Morganna's suggestion of hiring someone to spy on Katrina. She wanted to know her every movement. Molly was waiting for the right time to carry out her plan.

Her phone rang and she answered the call. It was the spy.

"Anything new? " She asked.

"No Ma'am, she hasn't left the house for a while now. She's always indoors" her spy replied.

"Alright, keep watching. Once you see her leaving the house, let me know " Molly ordered.

"Okay Ma'am" he replied.

Molly ended the call.

Three days later

Molly sat in the sitting room watching a movie when her phone suddenly rang. She checked the caller, it was her spy.

"Ma'am,she's out of the house. I just saw her walk out of the gate, " he announced.

Molly smiled an evil smile on hearing this.

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