Chapter 2
Athena Lemiere
As soon as the bell rings, the students run out of the class right away which leaves us 3 inside the classroom. Mr. Ronnie walked out and I put all my books in my arms ready to go to my other class.
"What class do you have after this?" Xander asked.
"Math." I answered.
"We have the same class again." He said and he turned his head to Serena.
"How about you?"
"I have Chemistry." She said as wrapped her books in her arms. She gestured to us to go out from the class and we walked out.
"Xander!" Isaac and Ian greeted him with a big hug.
"How are you doing man?" My brother asked.
"I'm good, it's good to be back here." Xander said and Ian wrapped his arm around his shoulder.
"Let's hang out after school." Ian said.
"Yeah! We should!" Xander answered and I turned to Serena. She was looking at her watch and then she gestured me to go.
"Let's go, we have class." I grabbed Xander's shirt and dragged him.
"I'll see you at lunch, Redent." Isaac said and I kept dragging Xander because our class is on the 3rd floor. I bid my goodbyes to Serena since her class is on the groundfloor and I told her that we'll see each other at lunch.
"So.. Athena, any boyfriends?" He asked as we walked the stairs.
"No." I answered because that's the truth. Suddenly I heard a lot of noisy nose from the 2nd floor and my eyes widen when I saw a big group of students running towards us. Xander grabbed my body and immediately trapped me near the side of the stairs preventing those students bumping me.
Without realizing our position, I looked at those students disbelief because they were running like a bull. I turned to Xander and my eyes popped when I realize his face was so close and our position was really weird. He was wrapping his arms around me and there were no space between us. I coughed a little and he released me immediately.
"Let's go, Lemiere." He said, looking away and gestured me to go up.
"Yeah.. thanks by the way." I said and he nodded. We walked towards the 3rd floor and completely not talking to each other. It was awkward and I was too drowned by my thoughts because of what happened earlier.
I can feel my heart beating crazily and how my face turned so hot.
"Xander!" I turned to see Noah standing in front of our class smiling widely with his arms wide open. He greeted Xander with a hug. Yes, Xander and her sister Eva is really close to us. We spent a lot of time together when we were kids but since he's living in England, it was hard to catch up even though they often go back and forth to America.
"How are you?" Noah dragged him inside because we have the same class. I followed them inside and casually sat on the back of the class while Noah dragged Xander to the right corner back of the class.
"Hi.. Athena." Another jock named Patt greeted me. Well people said that he has a really big crush on me. He asked me out a couple of times but I rejected it again and again.
"Hi." I smiled.
"You look beautiful today." He said as he plopped on the seat in front of me.
"Thanks." I just said simply.
"Hi Xander." 3 girls called Xander in a girly and flirty tone. I turned to Xander and he's already smirking and winking back.
"Wanna join us for lunch later on?" Patt asked and I turned my head back to him.
"No.. I'm just going to do my stuff." I said and Patt nodded silently. He turned his head to the front and I plugged my earphones into my ear. Not long after that, Mrs. Turner walked in and started the class. I'm enjoying math so there's no problem of me being sleepy in class or get bored because I love math.
"Let's go have lunch." Noah said as he pulled me up. He wrapped his arm around me and gestured Xander to follow him.
"You're going to the gala dinner tonight?" Noah asked.
"Stay in the garage again?" He asked and I smirked nodding.
"Why are you staying in the garage?" Xander asked.
"She's a mechanic brother." Noah said and I turned to Xander nodding.
"Really?" He asked and Noah chuckled nodding.
"I'm starving.. gonna run first." Noah said as he ran away.
"There's another class upstairs?" Xander asked as he pointed on the stairs.
"No.. it's a rooftop."
"Show me." He said.
"But we're going to have lunch." I said because I'm starving already.
"Fine, next time.. you need to show me the rooftop."
"Go there alone, why do you need me to show you?" I said completely not wanting to be in one room with him alone after what happened earlier.
"What a Lemiere." He said and he walked down the stairs first. I just rolled my eyes and followed him. We walked to the cafeteria for lunch. Going towards the cafeteria of course is quite dramatic because all of the students make way for us to pass which we never ask them to do.
Some students said that they automatically do that knowing who we are. They even let us sit in the center of the cafeteria which is weird too since we never ask but we don't really care about it.
"I'm starving, let's queue." Celestine said.
"Get me another fries sis!" I heard Isaac said and I just glared at him but he smiled widely at me wiggling his eyebrows begging me to buy him more fries.
"Serena said that you're not going to go to the gala. Why?"
"I wanna spend my time in my garage.. and besides my grandfather is coming so I wanna spend time with him." I said and Celestine looked at me pouting.
"You both will have fun without me."
"You're no fun, Athena." She said and I just chuckled.