Is He Crazy
"Are you for real?"
"Answer me!" He yelled and held his stomach in pain, he slowly fell to the floor and passed out.
Alexia panicked and thought it was the perfect time for her to escape. She searched around for probably a key but couldn't find one. She groaned and decided to jump the fence back.
She carried a stool and took it outside, she placed it very close to the fence and climbed on it, she finally climbed the fence and jumped out. She sighed in relief and breathed heavily.
Alexia got home and sighed in relief seeing the time, she hasn't passed her curfew yet. She still couldn't believe the fact that her friends abandoned her.
What if the situation was so dangerous that it could take her life, they will definitely abandon her too.
"Alexia, you are back." Her mother said and walked toward her, she frowned and looked at her daughter.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing mum, am fine."
"No, you are not. Your hand shakes like that if you are terrified or emotional."
"Yeah, I was scared because Nicki and Chloe played a prank on me and it scared me ao I decided to come home since I wasn't myself anymore." She lied and her mother nodded in response.
"Well, I guess you will have dinner early then."
"Yes, mum."
After dinner, Alexia walked to her room and lay on the bed, she was about to sleep when her mind suddenly drifted to the guy at the mansion.
He looked so weak and lonely, he also looked like he hasn't eaten. Is that why he passed out? He doesn't also know what a friend is. Is that possible?
Alexia groaned as different thoughts ran through her mind, why does she suddenly care? She isn't meant to think about the guy but could he be dead?
He really looked like he hasn't eaten anything for days.
Alexia sighed and decided to fall asleep, the guy at the mansion is none of her business so she should just forget about it and sleep peacefully.
Alexia slowly opened her eyes and she screamed in fear when she saw her friends staring at her.
"Jeez, what the hell is your problem, you scared the shit out of me."
"We are sorry." They chorused and she scoffed.
"Wow, am alive, thank you for noticing and caring." Alexia replied sarcastically and stood up from the bed.
"Come on, we are sorry, we are your friends Alexia." Chloe said and she turned to them angrily.
"Excuse me? Did you just say, friends? Friends that abandon me in a building they forced me to go into, friends that left me to face the worst thing that could have happened to me yesterday, are you really my friends?"
"We are sorry, the noise was really terrifying." Nicki said.
"I was also terrified and you left me."
"We are sorry." They chorused and Alexia scoffed.
"I know you guys aren't sorry, you are just here to ask me how I came out alive and what I actually saw."
"Really? Did you see something?" Nicki asked excitedly and Alexia frowned.
"I knew it, both of you out of my room." She yelled and pushed them towards the door angrily.
"Come on Alexia." Chloe groaned.
"If you really want to know what I saw and what I went through or how I got out, I think you should visit the place yourself, out of my room." She yelled and slammed the door in their faces.
She sighed and shook her head before heading into the bathroom.
She got ready for the day and walked out of her room, she met her mother arranging the cupcakes she will sell in the basket. She joined her mother and they packed it together.
"Morning mum."
"Morning, you should have breakfast before leaving."
After breakfast Alexia walked out of the house with the basket and started selling, just like the previous day, she used her hair in making double of what she was supposed to earn and gave it all to her mother.
She was done for the day and it was her free time when her mother called her in for lunch, she was about to eat when her mind drifted to the guy and she paused.
"Hmm, mum can I pack my lunch? I will eat it at my friend's place."
"I thought you guys were having issues."
"Oh, we settled it already."
"It's okay then."
Alexia nodded with a smile and packed her food, she placed it in a basket and picked a smoothie with it.
"Bye mum."
"Be home by nine."
"Yes, mum."
Alexia ran to the mansion and looked for ways to get in, she walked around the house and found a back door that leads to the compound, she smiled and walked into it.
She walked to the main entrance and entered slowly, she looked around and saw it was empty.
"Hello." She called out and got no response.
"What?" She heard behind her and she flinched before turning.
"Hmm, good... good afternoon, I brought you food." Alexia stammered and stretched it at him without looking at him.
She feels so terrified to look at him.
"Food?" He asked calmly and Alexia nodded.
He grabbed it immediately and sat on the floor, Alexia watched him as he ate it hungrily.
He was indeed hungry and tired.
He ate the food and drank the smoothie and sighed, he cleaned his mouth with the back of his palm.
"Are you okay?" Alexia asked and he didn't respond.
"I want more." He muttered.
"I don't have it now but I could bring it for you tomorrow."
"When is tomorrow?" He asked and Alexia raised a brow.
"Do you know where I am?" He asked and looked at Alexia, that was when she noticed how handsome he looked. With his long hair, he still looked so handsome.
"Hmm, you don't know where this place is?"
"If I know, will I be asking?" He yelled and Alexia flinched, why did he get angry all of a sudden.
"I don't know anything, I have a miserable life."
"It's fine, how about we go out for a little fresh air?" Alexia asked hoping he would become calm.
"Where is outside?"
"Okay, is this some kind of a joke? Like are you kidding me right now?" Alexia asked and he burst into tears.